
  • 网络CrFe
  1. 钯能与Au、Ag、Mo、W等元素形成连续固溶体或有限固溶体。

    Palladium can formed continuous solid states and limited solid states with gold , silver , molybdenum , and tungsten .

  2. 以上结果表明,SA与HA表面元素形成了化学键,从而接枝在了HA表面。

    The above results show that SA graft on the HA surface by reaction of elements of HA surface with it to form chemical bond .

  3. 本文研究了在一般铁基非晶合金Fe-Si-B的基础上添加铬、镍等微量元素形成的多元系非晶合金,经在空气中热处理后的抗氧化性和软磁性能。

    This paper investigated the amorphous complex alloys which were formed by adding trace elements ( Cr , Ni ) in Fe-based amorphous alloys Fe-Si-B and revealed excellent antioxidation and soft magnetic properties after annealing in air .

  4. 分析了合金元素形成的化合物在ZA50合金中的形貌特征。

    The morphology of formed intermetallic compound in ZA50 alloy was analyzed also .

  5. 成矿前和成矿期的海底火山活动带来了Mn、Co、Ni、V等,藻礁捕获成矿元素形成地球化学异常和矿体。

    Metallic substances , Mn , Co , Ni and V , were introduced in by the submarine volcanic activities before and during the metallizing phase , and the geochemical anomalies and ore bodies are produced by the metallogenic elements captured by algae reefs .

  6. 用最简单的设计元素形成了高雅的厨房格调。

    Using the simplest element to shape graceful kitchen style .

  7. 硫磺和另一种阳性更强的元素形成的化合物。

    A compound of sulphur and some other element that is more electropositive .

  8. 化学家结合不同的元素形成新的混合物。

    Chemists combine different elements to form new compounds .

  9. 上述装饰元素形成了餐厅的时尚、简洁、温馨之特点。

    Afore-mentioned adornment elements formed the vogue of dining-room , concise , sweet characteristic .

  10. 向锡中掺杂其他元素形成合金或复合物是提高其循环寿命的较好办法。

    Adding other elements to make an alloy or composite is a better way to prolong the cycle life .

  11. 这些元素形成部署新流程时用于测定其业务性能的结构。

    These elements can form the structure for measuring the business performance of the new process when it 's deployed .

  12. 研究了地下水中铁元素形成的主要控制因素及其分布规律。

    The major control factors for the genesis and distribution rule of Fe element in groundwater are studied in the text .

  13. 对于高速公路服务区的各类服务空间以及各项服务设施进行定量、定性分析,探索将高速公路服务区的构成元素形成规范性指标;

    The thesis also analyzed all kinds of serving spaces , devices and the norms of all elements of service area .

  14. 研究结果表明配体与稀土离子有较好的配位能力,并与稀土元素形成了双核配合物。

    The result showed that ligand has good coordination ability with rare earth ions , and a binuclear complex was formed .

  15. 具有讽刺意味的是,分别由氮和硼元素形成的黄色和蓝色钻石曾被人认为品质不纯。

    It is ironic that the nitrogen and boron atoms that create yellow and blue diamonds respectively were once considered impurities .

  16. 从桌子的水平视角拍摄能使得食物看起来更加鲜明突出,还能通过其他背景元素形成对比,从而突出食物的质感。

    Shooting at table level will make the food look more prominent in the shot , and it will also allow you to capture some of the background to show the context of the meal .

  17. 研究表明,钙元素形成的弥散粒子能够钉扎奥氏体晶界,使钢的最终组织晶粒细化,从而提高钢的强韧度。

    The research shows that Ca , which can form disperse precipitation particles , can prevent austenite grain from growing , make the final grain of steel fine and improve the strength and toughness of C-Mn steel .

  18. 本论文还应用灰箱分析法研究了所选择的五类元素形成合金后与开路电位、工作电位、阳极消耗率、镀层消耗厚度、电流效率和腐蚀均匀性的关联度。

    Mathematical grey-box interrelation analysis method was used to study the correlation between five selected alloy elements and open circuit potential , working potential , anode depletion rate , coating consume thickness , current efficiency and corrosion uniformity .

  19. 将电流故障分量小波变换系数的高阶累积量作为元素形成状态矩阵,并根据计算所得奇异熵值判断出故障类型。

    The high-order cumulant calculated with wavelet coefficients of the fault current components are used to form state matrix , and then the fault types of a transmission line are determined by the entropy of the obtained singular values from the state matrix .

  20. 本论文开展了以离子液体[A336][C272]、[A336][P507]、[A336][P204]与稀土元素形成配合物的合成研究及表征,从第三相中合成了三类稀土配合物。

    In this thesis , we have investigated the synthesis and characterization of the complexes . The complexes are composed by rare earth elements and ionic liquid [ A336 ] [ C272 ] , [ A336 ] [ P507 ] or [ A336 ] [ P204 ] .

  21. 屋顶花园主要是通过种植绿色植物,来改善城市居民生活空间的生态环境,还可以结合园路、建筑、水景、服务设施等元素形成综合性景观,为人们提供休闲活动的场所。

    Roof garden can improve the ecological environment of urban living space by planting , and provide additional recreation areas for residents , with the an integrated landscape by combining plant and other elments such as road , construction , water features , service facilities , and so on .

  22. 在无电无气的状态下,自蔓延焊接依靠自身化学还原反应生成铁水,通过加入合金元素形成多种合金,可应用于装甲装备的战场战伤应急焊接抢修。

    In the condition of no electricity and no gas the self-propagation welding depends on chemistry response which creates huge quantity of heat to release the liquid state iron which can be mixed with the alloy elements to form the alloy , and can be used in rush to repair .

  23. 当两种或两种以上的元素结合形成化合物时,发生化学变化。

    When two or more elements combine and form a compound , a chemical change takes place .

  24. Cd、Ge、Ga等分散元素可能形成了部分氯化物络合物或者被Pb、Zn的络合物吸附而随之一起迁移;

    Dispersed elements like Cd , Ge , and Ga were transported in the form of chlorine complexes or adsorbed by chlorine complexes of Pb and Zn .

  25. Co、S、P元素参与形成了润滑膜,从而提高了基础油的减摩抗磨性能。

    From the EDS analyze can be speculated that the element of Co 、 S and P be attributed to the formation of the lubrication membrane , thus lead to a good tribological behavior .

  26. 基性火山岩具明显的富Fe、Mg、Na,贫Al、Ti、K的特征,微量元素显示形成于洋中脊环境。

    The basic volcanic rock enrich in Fe 、 Mg 、 Na , and poor in Al 、 Ti 、 K. According to the trace element , the palaeo-environment is suggested as mid-ocean ridge environment .

  27. 本文研究了在Co-Ni-cr合金基体中,通过添加W、Mo、Nb、Re等有效强化元素后形成的一种新型合金。

    In this paper , a new kind of alloy was studied by adding the W , Mo , Nb , Re strengthening elements in Co-Ni-Cr alloy base .

  28. 在Fe-Ni因瓦合金中加入Nb等微量元素,形成富Nb的微粒,这种颗粒弥散分布固定合金中的C降低膨胀系数同时提高合金的强度。

    When micro-alloying element Nb was added into Fe-Ni invariable alloy , micro-particles rich in Nb were formed . These dispersion-distributing particles not only decreased the expansion coefficient through fixing free C element in the alloy but also increased the strength .

  29. 用氧化SiCp作增强物时,SiCp表面的SiO2膜能与铝合金液元素发生形成MgAl2O4尖晶石的界面反应。

    The spinel , MgAl_2O_4 , might be formed at the interface of SiC_p / ZL101 which was reinforced by oxidized SiC particulate as a reaction product between SiC_2 film on the surface of SiC particle and alloying elements in the melten aluminum alloy .

  30. 根据HumeRothery规则,分析了银与镧两元素之间形成金属间化合物的倾向性,并根据真空蒸发沉积的条件,分析了在真空蒸发沉积情况下镧与银之间形成金属间化合物的可能性。

    The tendency of intermetallic combination between silver and lanthanum is analyzed based on the Hume Rothery rule , and the possibility of forming intermetallic compounds between silver and lanthanum in vacuum deposition is analyzed according to the condition of vacuum deposition .