
jīn shǔ méi
  • metalloenzymes
  1. 采用纸片法初筛产金属酶菌株;

    Disk diffusion test was used for screening metalloenzymes .

  2. 人肝细胞色素P4502C金属酶与药物代谢

    Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 2C Metalloenzymes and Drug Metabolism

  3. Etest法测金属酶。

    Metalloenzyme was detected by E-test method .

  4. Etest法测金属酶。凸面镜光杠杆法测微位移的实验研究

    Metalloenzyme was detected by E-test method . A Study on the Measurement of Mini-displacement with a Convex Mirror Optical Lever

  5. 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)是一种金属酶,它广泛的存在于好氧生物体内并且起到非常重要的作用。

    SOD is a kind of metalloenzyme , which exists widely in the body of aerobionts and plays an important role .

  6. 碱性磷酸酶(ALP,EC3.1.3.1)是一种金属酶,其结构的维持和酶活性的表现均需金属离子。

    Alkaline phosphatase ( EC ) is a metalloenzyme , which catalyzes the nonspecific hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters .

  7. 碳酸酐酶是生物体中普遍存在的一种金属酶,能催化CO2可逆的水合反应,微生物是碳酸酐酶的重要来源之一。

    Carbonic anhydrase is a ubiquitous metal enzyme existed in organism which can catalyze the reversible hydration reaction of CO2.Microorganism is an important source of carbonic anhydrase .

  8. 四环素类化合物对膀胱癌EJ细胞增殖和金属酶活性的影响

    Effect of tetracycline on proliferation and metalloproteinase activity in EJ cells of bladder carcinoma

  9. 金属酶的检出结果与改良Hodge试验结果一致。

    The detection results of metal enzyme were consistent with the modified Hodge test .

  10. 在pH3.8时加入Cu~(2+)和Co(2+),重组的金属酶活性可恢复至天然酶活的85%,紫外吸收图谱也基本一致。

    When adding Cu ~ ( 2 + ) and Co ~ ( 2 + ) to Apo-SOD at pH 3.8 , its catalytic activity could be restored to 85 % and the UV Spectra also recovered .

  11. 碳酸酐酶(Carbonicanhydrase,CA)是一种以锌为活性中心的金属酶,可以显著催化上述反应的进行。

    Carbonic Anhydrase ( CA ) is a zinc-containing metalloenzyme that can remarkably catalyze the above reaction , and with a zinc ion as active centre .

  12. 碳酸酐酶(Carbonicanhydrase,CA,EC4.2.1.1)是一种含Zn~(2+)金属酶,它广泛的存在于动物、植物、细菌和微生物中。

    Carbonic anhydrase ( CA , EC ), a zinc-containing metalloenzyme , the enzyme has been found in most organisms including animals , plants , archaebacteria , eubacteria .

  13. 重症监护病房产VIM-2型金属酶绿脓假单胞菌的研究

    Study on the VIM-2 metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in intensive care unit

  14. 锰超氧化物歧化酶(MnSOD)是一种催化超氧阴离子自由基发生歧化反应,生成氧和过氧化氢的重要含锰金属酶。

    Manganese superoxide dismutase ( MnSOD ) is a manganese-containing enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of the superoxide radical to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide .

  15. 在化学生物模拟物体系中,含锰金属酶的研究是近年来比较活跃的领域之一,因其可快速、无污染的除去H2O2,而受到化学研究者的青睐。

    Manganese catalase is an active enzyme in removing H_2O_2 fast without pollution , besides it represents a new class of biological site , thus providing a valuable framework for testing the ability of bioinorganic chemistry to mimic an ( important ) biological reaction .

  16. 我院对亚胺培南不敏感的铜绿假单胞菌产VIM-2型金属酶,阳性率为6.8%(3/44)。

    VIM-2 metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains were detected in our hospital . The positive rate is 6.8 % ( 3 / 44 ) . 4 .

  17. 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)是一种催化超氧化物阴离子自由基发生歧化反应,生成氧和过氧化氢的金属酶。按其结合的金属离子,区分为Fe-SOD,Mn-SOD和Cu、Zn-SOD三种。

    Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) is a metal-containing enzyme which catalyzes the dismutation reaction of superoxide free radical anions and produces O 2 and H 2O 2 . According to the metal it binds , SOD is classified Fe-SOD , Mn-SOD and Cu-Zn-SOD .

  18. 产金属酶的革兰阴性杆菌的表型筛选

    Convenient Test for Screening Metallo - β - Lactamase-Producing Gram-Negative Bacteria

  19. 产金属酶的铜绿假单胞菌基因分型的研究

    Study on the Genotypes of Metallo - β - lactamases in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

  20. 金属酶催化剂在废水厌氧处理中的应用

    Metal Enzymatic Catalyst Application in Wastewater Anaerobic Treatment

  21. 金属酶及其化学模拟

    On Metallic Enzyme and Its Chemistry Simulation

  22. 手性咪唑金属酶的合成及对α-氨基酸酯的对映选择性水解

    Chiral Imidazole Metalloenzyme Models : Synthesis and Enantioselective Hydrolysis for α - Amino Acid Esters

  23. 金属酶及其配位催化

    The Metallic Enzyme and Coordination Catalytic Mechanism

  24. 院内感染铜绿假单胞菌金属酶的检测及分析

    Metallo - β - lactamase Detection and Antimicrobial Resistance Analysis of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Causing Nosocomial Infection

  25. 水解金属酶化学模拟研究

    Studies on Mimicry of Hydrolytic Metalloenzyme

  26. 临床分离产金属酶铜绿假单胞菌的耐药性分析

    Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance of Metallo - β - lactamase of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Clinical Isolates

  27. 水解金属酶的化学模拟是当前化学与仿生学研究的前沿之一。

    The chemical functional mimicry of hydrolytic metalloenzyme is one of frontier research fields in chemistry and bionics .

  28. 超氧化物歧化酶是一种广泛存在于需氧或耐氧生物机体内的,且极为重要的金属酶。

    Superoxide dismutase is widely exist the organism of need oxygan or need not oxygan and very important of metal mold .

  29. 结果:院内感染标本分离的456株铜绿假单胞菌中耐亚胺培南的菌株有67株,占14.7%(67/456),其中产金属酶的有24株,占5.3%(24/456);

    Results : 67 ( 14.7 % ) imipenem resistant strains were identified from 456 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing nosocomial infection .

  30. 生物催化剂&金属酶是在特定的生物环境中,进行其它催化剂无可比拟的高效性、选择性和极度温和反应条件的催化反应。

    Biocatalysts-enzymes are well known for their ability to carry out chemical reactions with high selectivity and high efficiency under ambient conditions .