
  1. 北宋熙宁、元丰年间,雄踞于思想文化领域的“宋学四派”,为士大夫们提供了四种可供选择或归附的精神群体。

    There were four idealistic and academic schools on Xining and Yuanfeng period in Song dynasty , which offered four inspirit colonies to shih ta fu to select or attach to .

  2. 宋神宗于元丰年间铸造的元丰通宝,取意“钱多至丰”,直接地寄予了统治者对财富的渴望。

    Yuan Feng Tong Bao was cast in the Yuan Feng reign . " Yuan Feng " meant " letting the money be abundant ", directly reflecting the rulers'longing for wealth .