
yuán shuài
  • marshal;supreme commander
元帅 [yuán shuài]
  • (1) [marshal]∶高于将官的军衔名

  • (2) [supreme commander]∶中国古代率领全部军队的首领

元帅[yuán shuài]
  1. 元帅迈过真空吸尘器,脚步沉重地走出了房间。

    The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room .

  2. 当亚佐夫元帅向他保证武装部队的忠诚时,他会感到心满意足的。

    He will have been pleased by Marshal Yazov 's assurance of the armed forces ' loyalty .

  3. 朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。

    Zhukov was a marshal of former Soviet union .

  4. PP(333)对元帅苹果幼树生长、结果的影响

    Effects of pp_ ( 333 ) on the growth and Fruiting of young ' delicious ' apple trees

  5. Pumpkin将成为迪斯尼乐园感恩节仪仗队的大元帅。

    ( Laughter . ) Pumpkin will be the honorary Grand Marshal of Disneyland 's Thanksgiving Day Parade .

  6. 今天早上大约6:20,TracyAllenProvince在怀俄明州的Meeteetse被美国元帅逮捕。

    This morning , at 6:20 this morning , Tracy Allen Province was arrested by U.S. Marshals in the Meeteetse , Wyoming .

  7. 卢瑟福-琼斯的办公室里挂着很多名人的肖像,其中包括陆军元帅威廉•斯利姆(FieldMarshalWilliamSlim)。

    In the major general 's office hangs a portrait of , among other notable figures , Field Marshal William Slim ( see left ) .

  8. 元帅、金帅、国光苹果采收后立即用10~12%的高CO2处理30~40天,不调节O2分压,对于保持果实硬度和绿色有良好的效果。

    ' Delicious ' , ' Golden Delicious ' and ' Rails ' apples after harvest were immediately treated with 10-12 % CO2 for 30-40 days . High CO2 treatment significantly delayed softening and the fruits remained green .

  9. 今天我们的故事被称为“元帅在罗马”,它的作者是5月Brisken。

    Our story today is called " Marshal in Rome ", it was written by May Brisken .

  10. 在成龄元帅苹果树盛花初期喷布7种浓度的硼酸,结果表明,50~800mg/kg的硼酸液能显著和极显著地提高花朵坐果率和花序坐果率。

    The boric acid of 7 different concentrations was sprayed on adult marshal apple trees in early flowering phase The results show that 50-800 × 10 - 6 boric acid liquor can improve fruiting rates of flower and inflorescence significantly .

  11. Pumpkin和Pecan将要进行一个激动人心的旅行:今天晚些时候,他们将飞向迪斯尼登上“火鸡一号”。Pumpkin将成为迪斯尼乐园感恩节仪仗队的大元帅。

    Pumpkin and Pecan have an exciting trip ahead of them : Later today , they will fly to Disneyland aboard " Turkey One . " ( Laughter . ) Pumpkin will be the honorary Grand Marshal of Disneyland 's Thanksgiving Day Parade .

  12. 她的名字是3月,但元帅叫她沙龙。

    Her name was March , but Marshal called her Ariel .

  13. 我停下来得到它,但元帅是更快。

    I stopped to get it , but Marshal was quicker .

  14. 我是指真主让我当元帅之前。

    That is , before God determined that I should come .

  15. 我在元帅房间里的时候,他进来了。

    He entered the marshal 's apartment while I was there .

  16. 所以大元帅不是那么好得的。

    So , Marshal is not so good to come by .

  17. 阿夫申·马卡蒂曾是帝国海军的海军元帅。

    Afsheen Makati was a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy .

  18. 纯特罗央群-小行星别跟我提小行星群,元帅!

    Pure Trojan group Asteroids do not concern me , Admiral .

  19. 撒下17:25押沙龙立亚玛撒作元帅代替约押。

    Absalom set Amasa over the army in place of Joab .

  20. 丘陵山地元帅系苹果品质与气候条件关系初探

    Delicious Apple Quality and Climate Factors in Taihang Mountain Area

  21. 元帅系苹果的几种修剪方法

    Some Pruning Methods of Apple Tree of YUAN SHUAI System

  22. 我可以藉信心躲在大元帅背后。

    My soul on her dear Refuge leans by faith .

  23. 陆军元帅是陆军的最高军衔。

    Field marshal is the highest rank in the army .

  24. 即使我不知道是否元帅说的是事实。

    Even I do not know if Marshal was telling the truth .

  25. 我立刻就注意到,这位陆军元帅的脸在不断抽搐。

    At once I noticed that field marshal 's face continuously twitches .

  26. 在俄罗斯和英国他们还设元帅军衔。

    In Russia and Britain they still have the ranks of Marshal .

  27. 蒙哥马利元帅在诺曼第入侵中指挥地面部队。

    Marshal Montgomery commanded the ground forces in the invasion of Normandy .

  28. 在纽伦堡一次提审时,凯特尔元帅描述了她的形象。

    Field Marshal Keitel described her appearance during an interrogation at Nuremberg .

  29. 元帅用慢速且太接近赫斯星系。

    Admiral Ozzel came out of light-speed too close to the system .

  30. 1950年的今天,托马斯·布莱梅爵士成为澳大利亚历史上仅有的一位元帅。

    1950-Sir Thomas Blamey becomes the only Field Marshal in Australian history .