
mǔ mǎ
  • mare
母马 [mǔ mǎ]
  • [mare] 马属动物的母畜,指成年或繁殖年龄的母马

母马[mǔ mǎ]
  1. 母马又嘶鸣了一声,扭头消失在树林里。

    The mare neighed once more , turned and disappeared amongst the trees .

  2. 母马今天要下小马驹了。

    The mare is due to foal today .

  3. 骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。

    A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse .

  4. 那是匹桀骜不驯的母马。

    She 's a difficult horse to handle .

  5. 这头母马看上去很虚弱。

    The mare looks quite weak .

  6. 那匹母马刚刚在马厩里产下了一只小马驹。

    The mare has just thrown a foal in the stable .

  7. 公马在飞机前部飞行,这样它们就不会被母马分心。

    Stallions travel at the front of the plane so that they 're not distracted by the mares .

  8. 此外,妊娠母马垂体的重量和体积均显著大于非妊娠母马(P<0.05),说明年龄和妊娠状态对于母马垂体重量和体积的变化有着重要影响,二者之间存在相关性。

    Moreover , the pituitary weight and volumn of gestational mares are greater than nongestational signlly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 繁殖季节母马垂体促性腺细胞特性及血液FSH和LH浓度变化的研究

    Study on Peculiarities of Gonadotroph and Changes about FSH and LH Concentration in Blood of Mares during the Breeding Season

  10. 不同年龄的马也有不同的名字,比如,mare(母马)通常是指三岁以上的马。

    Age also plays a part in terms for horses . For example , a mare is generally a female three years or older .

  11. mare指的是三岁以上的母马。三岁以下的雌性马叫做filly。

    A mare is generally defined as three years or older . A female horse under three is a filly .

  12. LordMorton把一匹白色母马和一匹种斑马交配,而后他又将同样一匹母马与一匹白色种马交配,它们的后代奇怪地在四条腿上带有条纹。

    Lord Morton bred a white mare with a zebra stallion , and when he later bred the same mare with a white stallion , the offspring strangely had stripes in the legs .

  13. 结论:在繁殖季节,妊娠与否是决定母马血清LH和FSH含量变化的关键因素,而非妊娠母马的血清LH和FSH含量变化与年龄有关。

    Conclusion : The key factor of changes in concentrations of LH and FSH is gestation . On the other hand , the concentrations of Serum LH and FSH in non-gestational mares related with age .

  14. 这是从意大利进口的母马,现在拥有爱丽达Ibold。

    This is a mare imported from Italy and now owned by Amrita Ibold .

  15. 后来,乐腿儿给我讲了高个儿棕色母马的事情。

    Later , Merrylegs told me about the tall brown mare .

  16. 选择已经配种的供体母马18匹。

    Eighteen donor mares were selected from the served mated mares .

  17. 那三岁以下的母马怎么称呼呢?

    But what do you call a female horse under three ?

  18. 倘若那场恶梦像母马[77]似的尥蹶子,踢你一脚呢?

    What if that nightmare gave you a back kick ?

  19. 那匹母马以不到一头之差屈居第二名。

    The mare was beaten for a place by a short head .

  20. 当你想要母驹的时候,母马总给你生的东西。

    What your mare always gives you when you want a filly .

  21. 母马将永远没有产生一个小马驹之前的时间。

    No mare shall ever produce a foal before it 's time .

  22. 魁晰警告过我苍白母马的到来。

    Quaithe warned me of the pale mare 's coming .

  23. 骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。

    A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey .

  24. 只有傻瓜和赌鬼会跟在一匹陌生的母马后面,酋长。

    Only fools or gamblers walk behind a strange mare , sheikh !

  25. 铁岭挽马种用母马能量代谢的研究

    Study on energy metabolism of Tieling harness brood mares

  26. 库米斯是苏联和土尔其从酸的个发酵的母马乳制作的。

    Kumyss is made in and from sour and fermented mare 's milk .

  27. 你借给我母马骑一英里。

    Lend me thy mare to ride a mile .

  28. 噢,靠近我,疲惫的老母马

    Oh , be near me , tired old mare

  29. 年龄对非妊娠母马垂体促性腺激素细胞形态计测学的影响

    Effect of Age on Morphometric of Gonadotropins Cells in Non-gestational Mongolian Pony Mares

  30. 他发现了母马窝,对着一窝蛋发笑。

    He have find a mare 's nest and laugh at the egg .