
  1. 提出的高压配电网无功优化控制基于现有地调自动化系统,在母线负荷预测的基础上,利用遗传算法求解整个电网的无功优化问题,得到的优化结果为各个变电站VQC的合理限值。

    This control system utilizes local power dispatching centre . Genetic algorithm has been used to complete the reactive power optimization based on bus load forecasting . The optimization results are optimal VQ limits for every substation .

  2. 面向节能发电调度的母线负荷预测平台

    The platform of bus load forecasting for energy-conservation based generation dispatching

  3. 母线负荷预测中的自适应预测技术及其实现

    Adaptive Forecasting Approach and Its Implementation in Bus Load Forecasting

  4. 规避坏数据影响的母线负荷预测新策略

    Novel strategy for bus load forecast by preventing the effect of bad data

  5. 本文就此提出了母线负荷预测问题。

    The paper discusses bus load forecasting .

  6. 该软件具有:网络结线分析、状态估计、母线负荷预测和网络状态监视等功能。

    Its functions include : network topology , state estimation , bus load forecast and state monitor etc.

  7. 本文提出应用有色噪声的卡尔曼滤波方法进行短期母线负荷预测。

    This paper brings forward a method applying Kalman filter to bus load forecast based on colored noise .

  8. 要使动态无功优化问题得到在时间段上的全局最优结果,必须有比较准确的母线负荷预测。

    It should have precise bus load forecasting if we want to obtain dynamic reactive global optimum result in time axis .

  9. 本文提出的算法在如何建立简单合理的母线负荷预测模型方面有一定的创新,模型结构简单、计算速度快,预测精度较高,有一定的实用意义。

    The algorithmic models of bus load forecasting presented in this paper are simple with innovation , the results are accurate enough and of great value for practical operation and dispatching .

  10. 由于不同的供电区域有不同的需求,采用分散式的负荷管理方式,能够实现更好的负荷管理方案,这样就提出了在变电站作母线负荷预测的要求。

    However , a good load management strategy can be achieved by staggering of demand in different zones in a decentralized manner , which will require the bus load forecasting at distribution substations .

  11. 该系统的成功开发,对实现母线负荷预测具有重要的实用价值,将成为调度部门进行相关工作的强有力的辅助工具。

    With the successful implementation of this system , it has important practical value to realize bus load forecasting , and will become a powerful tool for dispatching departments to carry though correlation work .

  12. 母线负荷预测用于电网动态状态估计、电网安全校核、无功优化、节能发电调度等方面,提高了电网调度的精细化、智能化水平。

    Bus load forecasting can be applied to dynamic state estimation , power system security checking , reactive power optimization , energy-saving power generation dispatching , etc. It improves the fine and intelligence level of grid dispatching .

  13. 本文首先分析了成都地区某变电站的母线负荷特性,论述了母线负荷的构成、特点及其预测的难点,阐明了母线负荷预测工作的必要性及其研究方向。

    At first , this paper analyses the historical hourly substation bus load data collected from the supervisory control and data acquisition system ( SCADA ), describes the structure , characteristic and the difficulty of bus load forecasting , and discusses the direction of bus load forecasting .