
  • 网络bus voltage;link voltage
  1. 利用磁能降低直流母线电压的两级PFC拓扑

    Study of A Two Stage Power Factor Correction Converter Topology with Magnetizing Current to Reduce DC Bus Voltage

  2. 提出直流母线电压波动对矢量控制中SVPWM的影响,并进行了仿真分析。

    The influence of DC bus voltage fluctuation on SVPWM in vector control is proposed and analyzed by simulation . 3 .

  3. 变电站■接线中母线电压互感器缺省的设计及研究不接地系统中电磁式TV异常运行的仿真分析

    DESIGN OF POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER OMITTED AT BUSBAR IN BREAKER-AND-A-HALF CONFIGURATION SUBSTATION Digital Simulation Study and Analysis on Abnormal Operation of Electromagnetic Potential Transformer in Isolated Neutral System

  4. SVPWM易于数字实现,且直流母线电压利用率高。

    SVPWM is easy to be realized , and it has high DC use ratio .

  5. 放电方式下,根据电机升压斩波能量回馈原理,控制直流母线电压恒定,简化了UPS负载逆变器的控制策略。

    During discharging , the motor energy recovery algorithm keeps the dc voltage stable which simplifies the power system control .

  6. PWM整流器因其具有对电网污染小、能量自由双向流动、母线电压可控等优点而得到学术界的广泛关注。

    PWM rectifier is widely concerned about by researchers because of its advantages such as low pollution to the grid , bidirectional power flow , controllable DC voltage .

  7. 通过MATLAB仿真软件分别建立了两种控制系统的仿真模型并进行了仿真与分析,从而验证了两相调制控制策略在保证输入电流正弦化、母线电压稳定的同时可以有效地降低功率器件的开关损耗。

    Using MATLAB simulation software , the thesis simulates and analyzes dynamic performance of control system , proving that two-phase modulation method can reduce the switching losses of the power electronic devices .

  8. 受端为弱交流系统的HVDC/AC系统较容易产生运行上的问题,微小的扰动或系统参数的变化都可能引起换流母线电压的大幅度振荡并且系统从故障中恢复较困难。

    HVDC system connected to weak AC system is vulnerable to numerous operating difficulties , such as the high-magnitude AC voltage oscillations and the difficulties in recovery from disturbances .

  9. 依据麦克斯韦静电方程,可得出与地面平行的n根长直导线的电压电荷关系的方程组,从而推出母线电压与测量线的电压之间的关系。

    According to maxwell electrostatic equation , we can get the relationship between voltage and charge of n long straight wires parellel with , to deduct the equations about the relationship of busbar voltage and measure-line voltage .

  10. 但在测试GIS母线电压互感器时,由于GIS母线存在的寄生电容在额定电压下将附加大量的容性负载,因此不允许使用试品升压。

    But the parasitic capacitance existed in GIS bus line will append lots of condensive load in the rated voltage , so when testing the GIS bus line voltage transformer , the booster is not allowed .

  11. 在传统的基于PI控制的直流母线电压控制方法的基础上,本文提出了将模糊控制和PI控制复合使用的直流母线电压控制新方法。

    On the basis of PI control method for DC bus voltage , a novel control method is brought forward , which has integrated the fuzzy control with PI control .

  12. 和SPWM控制相比,空间矢量调制(SVM)技术对直流母线电压的利用率高,适合数字实现。

    Compared with SPWM control , space vector modulation ( SVM ) control scheme utilizes the input dc bus voltage fully and is well suited for digital implementation .

  13. 设计了带MPPT模块光伏离网逆变器的联机实验,对联机系统的启动、母线电压波动等进行测试。

    Design the experiment of off-grid photovoltaic inverter combined with MPPT modules , to test launched system and bus voltage fluctuation .

  14. 然后将所提方法应用到VIENNA整流器直流母线电压控制中,提高了控制精度,并增强了系统的稳定性。

    Furthermore , the method is used to control the DC bus voltage of the VIENNA rectifier , with enhanced control accuracy and system stability .

  15. 为解决这些问题,结合矢量控制技术,本文提出了一种包含直流母线电压在内的双PWM变流器新型协调控制策略。

    To solve those mentioned problems above , based on vector control technique , a novel coordinate control strategy is presented for both PWM converters together with the DC bus in this paper .

  16. 发电厂220kV母线电压的控制分析

    The Control of Power Plant 220 kV Bus Voltage

  17. 通过频率响应的系统辨识得到了VSC-HVDC无功功率设定值与母线电压的传递函数。

    The transfer function between VSC-HVDC reactive power setting and bus voltage has been obtained through system identification from frequency response .

  18. 自动电压调节器(AVR)可在事先选定的容限范围内编程调节不同状态的输电母线电压。

    The automatic voltage regulator ( AVR ) is programmed to regulate the transmission bus voltage within a reselected tolerance , despite varying transmission conditions .

  19. 基于GPS的同步相量测量单元(PMU)是一种新型的高精度测量装置,能够测量母线电压相量和支路电流相量。

    Phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) based on GPS is a new and precise measuring device , which can be used to measure bus voltage phasor and branch current phasor .

  20. 一起10kV母线电压测量值偏低的原因分析及排查

    Cause Analysis and Elimination for Relatively Low Measured Value of the Voltage of 10 kV Bus

  21. 然后利用Saber软件搭建了仿真模型,分别进行了直流母线电压开环与恒压闭环控制的仿真研究。

    Thirdly , the simulation works using Saber is developed for the control of DC bus voltage open-loop and closed loop .

  22. 应用RLS滤波器得到维持直流母线电压恒定的直流侧有功系数Adc,克服了传统PI控制中参数难以得到且由于参数过于敏感而导致补偿后电流纹波太大的问题。

    DC-line active parameter Adc which can remain DC-link voltage invariable get by using RLS filter overcome hard to get parameters and much ripple in compensation current of PI control .

  23. 实验结果证明,系统电动机电流的谐波失真较小,直流母线电压利用率比常规的正弦波脉宽调制(SPWM)有了较大的提高,功率器件的开关损耗较小。

    Test results proved that the motor had lower current harmonic , more efficient use of DC supply voltage than SPWM , less switch loss of power switch .

  24. 本文分析了BOOST型DC/DC变换电路的工作原理,根据此原理设计了DC/DC升压电路,该电路采用PWM双环控制,实现了对输入电流和母线电压的控制。

    The dissertation analyzes the principle of BOOST transform circuit and designs DC / DC boost converter circuit according to this principle . The circuit controls input current and bus voltage by means of double loop PWM control .

  25. 6kV母线电压波动及抑制方法

    Voltage Fluctuation of 6 kV Bus Bar and Suppressing Methods

  26. 然后,分析了网侧三相PWM变换器在同步d、q坐标系中的数学模型,同样建立基于稳定直流母线电压和单位功率因数运行的双闭环串级PI控制方案。

    Then also through the analysis of math model of three phase PWM converter in d 、 q reference , double closed loop PI control system about stabilization of DC voltage and unit power factor operation could be established .

  27. 这实际上对HVDC的可行性和它的控制提出了挑战。所以进行交直流混合系统换流站交流母线电压稳定性评估的模型和算法研究是十分必要的。

    This is a challenge for feasibility and control of HVDC , so it is necessary to study mathematical model and arithmetic for voltage stability assessment on converter bus of AC / DC power system .

  28. 基于理论分析,设计开发出一款6KW空调变频器,该变频器采用有源PFC技术,能够实现功率因数校正的功能,并能提高直流母线电压。

    This inverter drives with active PFC technology to achieve power factor correction function , and improve the DC bus voltage .

  29. 利用Laplace变换和留数法,求解得到了在阶跃功率扰动后,母线电压相角增量传播的时域解,并通过仿真验证了理论的止确性。

    Through Laplace transform and residue method , the analytic solutions of bus voltage phase angle increment and active power increment after a step-power disturbance was solved . The simulations prove that the solutions are correct .

  30. 电网发生故障时,根据断路器跳闸信息和母线电压信息,采用BFS(广度优先搜索)的方法搜索出故障区域。

    When a fault occurs in a power system , fault area is located using Broad First Search ( BFS ) method by breakers and bus voltage message .