
mǔ qīn jié
  • Mother's Day
  1. “我无法赴约了,”她说,“那天是母亲节。”

    ' I can 't make it , ' she said . ' That 's Mother 's Day . '

  2. 那是我第一次忘记母亲节。

    That was the first year I forgot Mother 's Day .

  3. 爆炸发生在购物中心,当时大批人群正在为母亲节购物。

    The explosions took place in shopping centres as crowds of people were shopping for Mothers ' Day .

  4. 我还记得第一次忘记母亲节的情景。

    I still remember the first time I forget Mother 's Day .

  5. 母亲节于20世纪初起源于美国。

    Mother 's Day originated in America during the early 20th century .

  6. 你可能想知道我在母亲节做了什么来纪念我妈妈。

    You might wonder what I do to remember my mom on Mother 's Day .

  7. 你在考虑母亲节该为你妈妈做些什么吗?

    Are you struggling to consider what to do for your mom on Mother 's Day ?

  8. 在生日、母亲节和父亲节等特殊日子自制甜点?

    DIY desserts on the special days like birthday , Mother 's Day and Father 's Day ?

  9. 好吧,我当然会打电话给她说"母亲节快乐",并保证我会很快回家。

    Well , l certainly call her to say " Happy Mother 's Day " and promise that I will visit home soon .

  10. 很多中国人会想在母亲节给妈妈们买些什么礼物,但没有多少人知道母亲节其实是一个来自海外的节日。

    Many Chinese people will wonder what presents to get for their moms on Mother 's Day , but not many know Mother 's Day is actually a festival from overseas .

  11. 你能想象当你在生日、母亲节或父亲节等特殊的日子把自制甜点给你爱的人时,他/她会有多幸福吗?

    Can you imagine how happy your beloved one will be happy w hen you give him / her your DIY desserts on the special days like birthday , Mother ’ s Day and Father ’ s Day ?

  12. 这就是为什么我想要使得这次的母亲节如此特别。

    That 's why I want to make this mother 's day so truly special .

  13. 上次母亲节B还送了你一束康乃馨,就差我们老头子没自己的节日了。

    Last Mother 's Day B even gave you a bouquet of carnations , only us old men don 't have our own holidays .

  14. Sunny给强子送了母亲节的花。

    Sunny sent Jack flowers for Mother 's Day .

  15. 早期的基督徒在大斋节的第四个星期日节日庆祝母亲节来纪念荣Mary(基督的母亲)。

    The early Christians celebrated the Mother 's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary , the mother of Christ .

  16. 母亲节那天,Clifford和我想送妈妈一点特别的礼物。

    On Mother 's Day , Clifford and I want to get something special for my mom .

  17. 但是到了十七世纪的英国,教会把庆祝“莉雅”女神的节日改为表达对耶稣之母马利亚的崇敬,订四旬斋的第四个星期日为MotheringSunday。甚至后来人们加入教会的受洗仪式都订在母亲节这一天。

    During the 1600 's , England celebrated a day called " Mothering Sunday , " celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent .

  18. 报道说,当时,这名女孩正和其家人一起参加MenehuneMac公司举办的第5届母亲节糖果生产活动。这是一项为夏威夷儿童癌症基金会募集资金的活动。

    The girl and her family were attending the company 's Fifth Annual Mother 's Day Candy Making Event , a fundraiser for the Hawaii Children 's Cancer Foundation .

  19. 最早的母亲节可追溯到古希腊为纪念瑞意(rhea,古希腊神话中的诸神之母)而举行的春季庆祝活动。

    The earliest mother 's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of rhea , the mother of the gods .

  20. Biggins和同事StevenHanson、JasonBramley三人承诺穿一个月的假肚子假胸,一直坚持到3月15日英国母亲节。

    Biggins and his colleagues Steven Hanson and Jason Bramley each committed to wearing the " empathy belly " for one month , leading up to U.K. Mother 's Day on March 15 .

  21. 母亲节的历史可以追溯到几百年前的古希腊,当时,人们都会举行庆祝活动纪念Rhea(瑞亚),(古希腊的众神之母,她是主神宙斯和天后赫拉的母亲)。

    The history of Mother 's Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks , who held festivities to honor Rhea , the mother of the gods .

  22. 妈妈,母亲节到,真诚地祝你身体健康,一切都喜欢,Shoubinanshan。

    Mother , Mother 's Day arrived , and I sincerely wish you good health , everything liking , Shoubinanshan .

  23. Insparenting网站编辑艾德维娜·杰克森说,母亲节对于所有人来说都是一个具有特殊意义的日子。

    According to the editor of Insparenting , com , Adwina Jackson , Mother 's Day is a special day for everyone !

  24. 影片的亮点在于:惶惶不安的母亲节、一个关于圣帕特里克节的惊悚故事,凯文•史密斯(KevinSmith)演绎万圣节的恶趣味、新年夜的约会暴力大反转像极了真人版的《猫与老鼠》。

    Highlights include a truly disturbing take on Mother 's Day , a dark and unsettling tale about St. Patrick 's Day , a dark , raunchy Halloween joke by Kevin Smith , and a broadly violent New Year 's Eve date that plays a lot like a live-action Tom & Jerry cartoon . 7 .

  25. 两年后(1907年),Amanm和她的朋友开始写信给有影响的部长、商人、议员来寻求支持,以便让母亲节成为一个法定的节日。

    Two years later ( 1907 ), Amanm and her friends began a letter to influential ministers , businessmen , - to seek support , so Mother 's Day as a statutory holiday .

  26. 母亲节正是赠送礼物的日子。

    Mother 's day is very much a day for giving .

  27. 母亲节你会送什麽给妈妈?

    What will you give your mother for Mother 's Day ?

  28. 我们庆祝母亲节是对母亲表示感谢和敬意。

    We celebrate Mother 's Day in honour of our mothers .

  29. 在母亲节时,我们将会照顾您。

    We will take care of you on Mother 's Day .

  30. 提出建立母亲节的倡议。

    In their quest to establish a national mother 's day .