
  1. 做年夜饭是非常费事的,你知道吗?

    It is really a pain , you know ?

  2. 比如,一个企业需要做年预算的信息。

    For example , the enterprise needs information to plan the yearly budgets .

  3. 在开始动工之前至少要做一年的准备工作。

    At least a year 's preparatory work will be necessary before building can start .

  4. 在做1993年人口普查时,我碰到了一位拒绝说出自己年龄的女士。我告诉她我有权作出判断。“我认为你是85岁,这没错吧。”我边说边假装往表格上写。

    While taking the 1993 census , I called on a woman who refused to state her age . I told her I was permitted to make an estimate . " I guess 85 is about right , " I said and pretended to write on the form .

  5. 重要新闻:RubyGem维护者请注意,数周前,GitHubGitHub停止了Gem的building支持,并且宣布它将仅再为现有的Gems做一年的host。

    Big news for Ruby Gem maintainers : a few weeks ago GitHub stopped Gem building and announced it will only host existing Gems for another year .

  6. 在AIG这么做五年之后,与金融服务业其他子行业类似,保险公司和养老基金正在寻求填补银行业市场中传统银行撤离后留下的空白。

    Five years later – like other subsectors of the financial services industry such as asset managers and hedge funds – insurers and pension funds are looking to fill emerging gaps in the banking market left by the retreat of traditional lenders .

  7. 我还可以做一年的计划。

    Maybe I can make plans for a year from now .

  8. 是的,我已经做五年多了。

    Yes . I 've put in more than five years .

  9. 在美国,他们这么做很多年了。

    In america , they 've done it for years .

  10. 我在做百年前就该做的决定

    I 'm making the decision I should have made years ago .

  11. 为南加州大学做2014年毕业典礼演讲

    to offer the 2014 commencement address for the University of Southern California

  12. 我打算找一个兼职的工作做一两年并存一些钱。

    I 'm going to find a a year or two and .

  13. 移民成绩表-再做四年吗?

    The immigration score sheet-four years of what ?

  14. 这样你就能多做几年我的乖女儿。

    That way , you 'll be my little girl for a while longer .

  15. 这样做一年以后,你就把所有13个原则完成了4次。

    After one year you will have completed the13 principles a total of4 times .

  16. 如果你50不到,我们希望你再多做4年。

    If you 're under 50 we want you to work four more years .

  17. 是啊,我现在正忙着做五年规划。

    B : Yes . I 'm busy with the five-year planning right now .

  18. 谷歌提供的校聘职位做一两年是很棒的,那如果是十年呢?

    One or two years post-college at a company like Google is great . 10 years ?

  19. 做一年的老虎也比做一辈子绵羊要强。

    Better to live one year as a tiger , than a hundred as a sheep .

  20. 想到目前的工作还要再做30年,可能会让人气馁。

    The thought of having to do your current job for another 30 years can be daunting .

  21. 我决定推迟一年上大学而做一年的义务工作。

    I 've decided to defer my entry to university and spend a year doing voluntary work .

  22. 显然,她会让他们做一年虚拟对冲基金,然后看看表现如何。

    Apparently she makes them run a dummy hedge fund for a year and sees how they get on .

  23. 要当铁匠不先做三年学徒是不行的&也许是五年吧!

    You couldn 't hope to be a blacksmith without spending three years at learning the trade-or is it five years !

  24. 许多刚毕业的学生决定(毕业后)就直接去工作了,但是林英决定做一年志愿者的工作。

    Many of the graduates decided on jobs straight away , but Lin Ying decided to spend a year doing voluntary work .

  25. 钢琴家郎朗:我不会预先计划10年、20年后的事情,但我确实会做5年计划。

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : I don 't really plan 10 years , 20 years , but I do plan five years .

  26. 然而一年以后的市场都是很难预计的,因此有一做三年的博士后是比较好的。

    Since the job market even a year out is unpredictable , having at least the option of a three-year postdoc fellowship is desirable .

  27. 这种态度通常是:“既然我们已经这样做很多年了,为什么现在需要改变?”

    This attitude is often expressed as " Hey , we 've been doing it this way for years , why change now . "

  28. 富布莱特留学生项目可以帮助研究生和年富力强的专家在美国做一年或更长时间地研究和学习。

    The Fulbright Foreign Student Program helps graduate students and young professionals do research and study in the United States for a year or longer .

  29. 在佛罗里达州,除非完成了4年的大学课程、并且做2年的学徒、还有通过2天的考试,你才能成为一名室内设计师。

    Florida will not let you work as an interior designer unless you complete a four-year university degree and a two-year apprenticeship and pass a two-day examination .

  30. 大熊猫们在今年一月的时候被送到这座2010年世界博览会的主办城市,将在这里做1年的展览。

    The giant bears were transferred to the host city of the2010 World Expo in January , and are set to remain there for a year-long display .