
  • 网络primary power supply
  1. 本文介绍DFH-2A卫星一次电源分系统的基本配置、该分系统及其部件的基本性能。

    This paper introduces the basic configuration and characteristics of the subsystem and its components for DFH-2A primary electrical power subsystem .

  2. 将上面提出的方法应用到某卫星一次电源系统中,建立了更为精确的诊断模型,诊断的仿真结果表明该辅助建模方法提高了诊断的准确性。故障检测的核心问题是传感器的分布问题。

    At last the primary electrical power supply system in certain a satellite was modeled , the diagnosis simulation result show the modeling method improve the precision of the model and the accuracy of the diagnosis . The core problem of fault detection is the sensor location .

  3. 一次大型直流电源系统割接

    A Large-scale DC Power Supply System Equipment Replacement

  4. 该模型能一次解出电源间的无功最优分配和系统无功补偿容量的最优配置。所编制的程序具有多种功能,对地区电网和多电源的复杂区域网均能适用。

    According to this model , the optimal locations , and capacities for var compensation , and the distribution of reactive power among var sources can be determined by a set of optimal equations .

  5. 周波控制交流一次侧间歇供电电源

    Power Source of AC Primary Side Intermitting Supply by Cycle Control