
liǎnɡ tiáo dào lù
  • two roads (or paths)—the socialist road versus the capitalist road
  1. 在两条道路的交叉点发生了一起事故。

    An accident happened at the meeting of two roads .

  2. 印度和中国发展道路差异及其后果&从经济全球化进程中两条道路的斗争说起

    Indian and Chinese Paths of Development : Differences and Results

  3. 研究两条道路交通系统中收费下降对系统交通需求和交通成本的影响。

    The changing toll in a traffic system affects the equilibrium state .

  4. 中药方剂现代研究的两条道路

    Two Ways Used in Modern Research of Chinese Prescription

  5. 这就是社会主义和资本主义的两条道路的斗争。

    This is a struggle between the two roads & socialism versus capitalism .

  6. 只有两条道路可供你选择。

    There are just two courses you can take .

  7. 试论汽车研究的两条道路

    Two Approaches to the Study of Motor Vehicles

  8. 我们正处在两条道路分岔的地方。

    We stand now where two roads diverge .

  9. 森林中分出两条道路然后…

    Two roads diverged in a wood , and

  10. 两条道路分别从不同程度上体现了嵌入全球价值链对本地产业集群升级的影响,印证了产业集群升级的五方面内涵。

    The five intension of local industrial cluster upgrading were corroborated in the two paths .

  11. 引言:简要说明戏曲、新歌剧的联系与区别,引出我国歌剧发展方向上的两条道路。

    Two different artistic styles in the development of opera in China are also introduced .

  12. 关于肯定性行动的发展、辩护和论证是同时沿着两条道路进行的。

    The development , contestation and justification of affirmative action have proceeded along two paths .

  13. 两条道路在此分叉。

    The two roads divaricate here .

  14. 我相信,只有走这两条道路,才有真正希望实现持久和平。

    I believe these are the only paths that offer any real hope for an enduring peace .

  15. 因为人们不断地前往那两条道路的交汇处,

    Because people kept going to that intersection of two dirt roads -- in the middle of nowhere ,

  16. 其后,续有两条道路兴建,其一越过港岛中部,另一则绕过其东端。

    Two roads were built subsequently , one over the centre of the island and one around its eastern end .

  17. 在汽车研究方面,事实上存在着工程技术学和营销艺术学两条道路。

    In the study of motor vehicles , there exist two approaches : " engineering technology " and " marketing science " .

  18. 你必须在两条道路之间进行选择:正统道路注定走向失败;非常规路径才有望通往成功。

    You must choose between two paths : the orthodox one leads towards failure ; the unorthodox one should lead towards success .

  19. 两条道路与多元整合&设计在科学与人文之间的融合发展

    He Two Roads and The Plural Integration & The Integration and Development of Modern Design in Science And Technology and Humanistic Culture

  20. 和城市一样,在农村中,仍然有或者是社会主义或者是资本主义,这样两条道路的斗争。

    In the rural areas as in the cities the struggle is still one between the two roads & between socialism and capitalism .

  21. 当你在事业中正奋力前进的时候,就有两条道路让你选择:梯子还是格子?

    When it comes to moving forward in your career , there are two paths you can take : The ladder or the lattice .

  22. 但是,作为最主要的经济增长动力,印度的投资主要来自海外借款或者对海外发行新股,这两条道路现在都行不通了。

    But a big chunk of Indian investment the main driver of recent growth has been financed by overseas borrowing or new equity issuance .

  23. 她的女性主义诗学思想既设定了当代女性主义诗学的基本理论框架,又开辟了当代女性主义诗学研究的两条道路。

    Her feminist poetic thoughts not only set the basic theoretical sketch but also open up two " roads " for the modern feminist poetics .

  24. 基于超越人类中心主义旨趣的环境伦理,立于传统的理性主义伦理话语和现代生态学的语境,在两条道路上进行其伦理拓展。

    Basing on environmental ethics surpassing the purport of human centralism , and establishing his opinion on traditional rational ethics ' discourse and modern ecology context , the author conducts his ethics ' expansion on two ways .

  25. 本文从内部控制演进的两条道路出发,研究了财务报告内部控制与企业风险管理的契合点&财务报告信息失真的防范。

    Based on the two evolution directions of the internal control , this paper discussed how to prevent distortion of financial information & based on the financial reporting and internal control of the converging point of enterprise risk management .

  26. 我只信奉一个原则:没有受到过善的教育的女子,天主几乎总是向她们指出两条道路,让她们能殊途同归地走到他的跟前:一条是痛苦,一条是爱情。

    I am quite simply persuaded of a principle which states that : To any woman whose education has not imparted knowledge of goodness , God almost invariably opens up two paths which will lead her back to it ; these paths are suffering and love .

  27. 每逢站在十字路口,我们好像能在左右两条道路中任选其一,可一旦选定之后,却又很难认识到那实际是世界历史的整个进程左右了我们的转折点。

    At a cross-road it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and , the choice once made , it is difficult to see that the whole course of the world 's history obliged us to take the turning we did .

  28. 我国农村发展的两条不同道路的比较研究

    The Comparative Study Between Two Different Roads of Chinese Rural Development

  29. 选择两条相交道路中第二条道路的类型。

    Select the second road type of two-road junction .

  30. 正在修建两条新道路,以便更容易到达城镇中心。

    Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre .