
  • 网络two-wheel drive
  1. 凭借这台引擎,两轮驱动的“探索者”登上了市场上最省油的七座SUV宝座。

    With the EcoBoost four-cylinder , the two-wheel drive Explorer now ranks as the most fuel-efficient seven-passenger SUV on the market .

  2. 以两轮驱动轿车为研究对象,提出了一种基于加速度及轮速信息的参考车速估计方法。

    This work presents a new method for the estimation of reference vehicle speed of two-wheel drive vehicles , based on acceleration and the wheel speed information .

  3. 设计了后面两轮驱动,前轮采用万向轮的三轮AGV。

    The three-wheeled Automated Guided Vehicle ( AGV ) with two rear wheels used as driving unit and one caster wheel as the front wheel were designed .

  4. 两轮驱动移动机器人的运动学研究

    A Study on Kinematics of Two Driving Wheel Robot

  5. 两轮驱动移动机器人运动学分析及其本体缓冲设计

    Kinematic Analysis & Cushioning Mechanism Design of Mobile Robot with Two Differential Driving Wheels

  6. 四驱就是指半时四驱,平时你可以使用两轮驱动,有时可以使用四轮驱动形式,不是始终使用四轮驱动的。

    Four-wheel-drive is a part-time car means you can drive by two wheels normally and sometimes you can use4 wheels to drive , but not always .

  7. 根据两轮驱动拖拉机前后轮有效谱的不同,建立了拖拉机在软路面上行驶时四轮输入的激励谱矩阵。

    According to difference of effective soft-terrain spectra of front and rear wheels of a two-wheel drive tractor , an excitation spectrum matrix of four-wheel input is established when tractor moves on soft-terrain .

  8. 然后在研制的非完整两轮驱动移动机器人的实验平台上对该算法进行了实时轨迹跟踪实验,结果表明了该非线性跟踪控制算法的有效性。

    Furthermore , the implementation platform of a two-wheel driven mobile robot is developed to perform the real-time trajectory tracking algorithms , and the experiment results do show the efficiency of the proposed nonlinear tracking algorithm .

  9. 首先,在介绍了一般的非线性系统的输入-输出线性化方法的基础上,并研究了在两轮驱动移动机器人轨迹跟踪中的应用;

    A tracking control scheme is first proposed for general nonlinear systems based on the input / output decoupling technique , and the application of this tracking control method in the two-wheel driven mobile robot is then studied .

  10. 除此之外,引入了两轮驱动移动机器人的约束模型,设计了点镇定问题和轨迹规划问题的运动控制率,从理论上运用李雅普洛夫定理证明了该运动控制的稳定性。

    In addition , the constraints modal of two-wheel mobile robot was introduced , and moving control rate of point stabilization and trajectory program was designed . Theoretically the stability of moving control algorithm was proved by Lyapunov stability theory .

  11. 粘性联轴器一经确定结构,即可通过转速差自动调节传递转矩的特性,驱动一个桥,使两轮驱动汽车轻易变为四轮驱动汽车。

    Once the structure of cohesive shaft coupler is determined , the characteristic of rotating torque can be adjusted and transferred automatically by rotation speed difference to drive one axle , that makes a tow wheel drive motor vehicle change to a four wheel drive motor vehicle easily .

  12. 第二,自行研制了一种轮式移动机器人,其采用两轮差动驱动,多层堆栈机械结构,并以PC104嵌入式计算机为核心控制系统。

    Secondly , a kind of wheeled mobile robot is designed , which adopted the architecture of two wheels differential drive and multilayer stack mechanical structure and used a special embedded computer PC 104 as the kernel of the robot motion control system .

  13. 两轮独立驱动电动车的转矩协调控制

    Torque Coordinated Control of Two-Wheel Independent Drive Electric Vehicle

  14. 基于现有的焊缝自动跟踪系统不能自动寻找焊缝位置,提出了一种两轮单独驱动的自动跟踪小车寻找焊缝位置的跟踪算法。

    A tracking algorithm that can guarantee the tracking system find the weld automatically was proposed .

  15. 本文结合参与的多机器人系统协调项目,研究两轮差动驱动的移动机器人路径跟踪控制问题。

    According to the project " multiple mobile robots system coordination ", this paper studied the path following control problem of two wheels robots with differential steering .

  16. 通过与两轮差动驱动结构走直线和圆轨迹的仿真实验结果的比较,进一步说明了三轮式结构的优越性。

    By the comparison with the two-wheeled differential drive structure on line or circular track 's simulation experiment result , illustrate the tricycle WMR 's superiority more and more .

  17. 分别建立了前轮驱动并可转向的移动机器人和两轮差动驱动的移动机器人的运动学和动力学模型。

    Kinematic and dynamic model of the two kinds of mobile robots are designed , which are the mobile robots driven and steered by front wheel and the mobile robots driven by two different rear wheels .

  18. 针对AES加密前两轮的访问驱动Cache攻击方法

    Access-driven Cache attack method against AES on the first two rounds

  19. 本文对两轮差速驱动自动导航小车AGV(AutomatedGuidedVehicles)的定位方法及定位精度进行了探讨。

    It was discussed about the positioning method and positioning precision of the AGV ( automated guided vehicles ) drived by the two differential driving wheels in this paper .

  20. 根据两轮差速驱动机器人运动学原理对GAIA-2型进行了运动分析,建立了GAIA-2的简化运动学模型。

    Based on kinematics principle of the two-wheel drive robot , this paper analyzes the motional characteristics of GAIA-2 and builds its simplification kinematics model .

  21. 本论文在分析移动机器人的技术特点及发展现状的基础上,设计了两轮差速驱动机器人小车及其运动控制系统。

    Based on the research of the technology and development of mobile robot , a two-wheel differential driving mobile robot was designed in the work presented here .

  22. 本论文根据两轮差速驱动机器人的微运动方程,以内传感器提供的信息为基础,推导了一种简洁实用的航位推算公式。

    In this paper , based on the research of two-wheel differential driving mobile 's motive equation and the information provided by inner sensors , a compact and practicably equation was induced .

  23. 对轮式移动机器人的几种驱动方式进行了总结,引出本文研究的两轮差速驱动移动机器人的运动学方程,在此基础上进行了航位推算,为后文的路径规划做了准备。

    First of all , the paper summarizes three driving styles of the mobile robot , and on the basis of it , introduces kinematic model of the researched robot and the method of calculating position and angle of the mobile robot .

  24. 两轮电动车辆电驱动控制系统研究

    Studies of Electric-drive Control System for the Two-wheel Electric Vehicle

  25. 设计了前两轮从动、后两轮差动驱动的四轮底盘结构AGV。

    An AGV of two front passive wheels and two rear differential-driven wheels was designed .