
  • 网络maternal lineage;matrilineage
  1. 而客家和广府人则与南方原住民族在母系血统上有更多的交融。

    Both Cantonese and Hakka populations show more gene flow from the southern natives in the maternal lineage .

  2. 关于社会或家族的;由女性统治的或者具有通过母系血统传承的。

    Of societies or families ; being female dominated or having descent traced through the female line .

  3. 根据历史,女性的权力、声誉和财富都是处于较高水平的,这与她们的母系血统有关。

    Historically , women had a relatively high level of power , prestige and wealth , related to their matrilineal descent .

  4. 他的母系是英国血统。

    He is English on his mother 's side .

  5. 追溯父系和母系双边的血统。

    Line of descent traced through both the maternal and paternal sides of the family .

  6. 人类仅能从母亲身上遗传线粒体DNA(线粒体DNA是严格的母系遗传),所以只有母系血统能使用追踪线粒体DNA的方法。

    People inherit mitochondria only from their mothers , which is why only the female line of descent can be tracked using them .