
mù xué
  • grave;vault;monument;tomb;coffin pit
墓穴 [mù xué]
  • (1) [coffin pit;vault]∶埋棺材的坑

  • (2) [tomb]∶埋葬尸体的洞穴

墓穴[mù xué]
  1. 两名记者不得不帮忙把灵柩慢慢地放进墓穴中。

    Two reporters had to help lower the coffin into the grave

  2. 他死的时候一文不名,葬在一处无名墓穴中。

    He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave .

  3. 他指示马蒂尔达的遗体必须葬在家族墓穴里。

    He ordered that Matilda 's body should be buried in the family vault .

  4. 掘墓人把墓穴填上。

    The gravedigger filled the grave .

  5. 棺材慢慢放入墓穴时她一直注视着他的脸。礼仪许可的时间一到,他便挤过人群走向那些车子。

    She watched his face , as the coffin was lowered into the ground . As soon as it was decent , he plunged through the crowd towards the cars .

  6. 已故主教的遗体安放在教堂的墓穴里。

    The corpse of the dead bishop was placed in the vault .

  7. 尸体是在一个浅墓穴里发现的。

    The body was found in a shallow grave .

  8. 不过在去普拉特公园之前,我们到皇家墓穴进行简短的参观

    But before we went to Prater , we a short visit in the Imperial Crypt .

  9. 我曾在古堡、古皇宫、古神庙、古墓、地下墓穴和迷宫中探险。

    I 've explored ancient castles , palaces , temples , tombs , catacombs and labyrinths .

  10. 城市公益性公墓独立墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.5㎡,合葬墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.8㎡。

    A separate tomb should cover no more than 0.5 square meter , and a multi-burial grave is designated less than 0.8 square meter .

  11. n.墓穴,坟墓我们为她扫墓,并在上面放了一些花。

    grave We visited her grave and put flowers on it .

  12. n.棺;柩他在棺柩被安放在一个深的墓穴中。

    coffin His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave .

  13. 分类可以将存储库从随机集合(类似SadHill上的墓穴)转换为容易搜索的存储库。

    It is the categorization that converts the repository from a random collection , like the graves on Sad Hill , into an easily searchable library .

  14. 葬礼师&找到隐藏在圣玛丽亚大殿地下墓穴中的刺客之墓。(银杯,20G)

    Undertaker-Discover the Assassin 's Tomb inside the catacombs under Santa Maria Novella . ( Silver , 20G )

  15. 在马德里赤足三一教徒修道院(ConventoftheBarefootTrinitarians)的地下墓穴里,安放着西班牙伟大作家米格尔·德·塞万提斯(MigueldeCervantes)的遗骸。

    In the crypt beneath Madrid 's Convent of theBarefoot Trinitarians lay the skeleton of the great Spanish writer , Miguel deCervantes .

  16. 一世纪历史学家JosephusFlavius曾经描述过希律王的墓穴和送葬队伍。

    The 1st century historian Josephus Flavius described the tomb and Herod 's funeral procession .

  17. 我要说的是保护性安葬,土地信托机构买下大片土地。墓穴都分布在这片土地里雅致的土堆下,只用一块石头或者小金属片标记着,甚至有时只有GPS定位。

    I 'm talking about conservation burial , where large swaths of land are purchased by a land trust . The graves are scattered about the property under elegant mounds , marked only by a rock or a small metal disk , or sometimes only locatable by GPS .

  18. 该实验的带头人——曼彻斯特大学的科学家LidijaMcKnight说,该问题的答案也许还能解释那些“假墓穴”的存在。

    According to University of Manchester researcher Lidija McKnight , who led the latest study , herein may lie the explanation for the ' fake ' tombs .

  19. 专家表示,这个墓穴可能属于玛雅帕伦克第一个统治者K'ukBahlamI。

    Experts say the tomb could belong to the first ruler of the Mayan city state of Palenque-K'uk Bahlam I.

  20. 大部分黄金是交换,在墓穴存放在一个特殊的组织总部设在伦敦的监督下,伦敦黄金市场协会(或LBMA)支持。

    Most gold is exchanged and stored in vaults under the supervision of a special organization based in London , the London Bullion Market Association ( or LBMA ) .

  21. 我已经让我的战士躲藏到了地下墓穴。

    I 'm sending my warriors to hide in the catacombs .

  22. 那些死囚被迫要为自己掘墓穴。

    The condemned men were forced to dig their own graves .

  23. 那是个大象的墓穴,可不是一个小王子可以去的地方。

    An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince .

  24. 抹大拉马利亚前来墓穴致意。

    Mary Magdalene came to pay her respects at the tomb .

  25. 他从另一个墓穴边上探出脑袋,面带微笑。

    His head appeared smiling over the rim of another grave .

  26. 我来到那漫游者的墓穴,

    I came to the place where the lone pilgrim lay ,

  27. 墓穴的吸血鬼们正在筹划今晚发动袭击

    The vampires from the tomb are planning an attack tonight .

  28. 他们把死人埋在地面上的拱形墓穴里。

    They bury their dead in vaults , above the ground .

  29. 她不想让我知道墓穴的事

    She didn 't want me to know about the tomb .

  30. 编织的袜子则在公元3~6世纪于埃及墓穴中发现。

    Knitted socks were discovered in Egyptian tombs of the3rd-6th century AD.