
mù shí
  • headstone;tombstone
墓石 [mù shí]
  • [tombstone] 平放在坟墓上的碑文石;坟墓的台石

墓石[mù shí]
  1. 埋葬尸体的地方,特别指埋在地表下且有墓石作标志。

    A place for the burial of a corpse ( especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone ) .

  2. 终于来到一位逝去的大人物说不定正是艾萨克约翰逊本人的宽大、平整、带纹章的墓石跟前,在那上面跳起舞来。

    Until coming to the broad , flat , armorial tombstone of a departed worthy perhaps of Isaac Johnson himself she began to dance upon it .

  3. 正当两人害怕得浑身颤抖时,他们看到是个老头拿着铁锤和凿子,在一块墓石上凿着什么。

    Trembling with fear , they found an old man with a hammer and chisel , chipping away at one of the headstones .

  4. 墓石完全为平整的地板所替代。

    The gravestones have been almost entirely replaced with level flooring .

  5. 在墓石上应该有她的名字。

    A proper burial with her name on a headstone .

  6. 设计中引进雕塑元素代替无数的墓石。

    Sculptural elements were introduced to take the place of innumerable gravestones .

  7. 一排排简单的白色墓石标明了墓地的位置。

    Lines of simple white headstones mark the graves .

  8. 而这会儿我却到了这个地步,吉姆,这都是从我在那该死的墓石上扔铜板赌博开始的!

    And here 's what it come to , Jim , and it begun with chuck-farthen on the blessed grave-stones !

  9. 他们是非常接近的墓地,其中一人建议他们做他们的业务墓石或背后的东西。

    They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something .

  10. 它是教堂之下一间灯光昏黄的地下室,地面用墓石铺成,凌乱地摆着几张摇摇欲坠的餐桌。

    Below the church lay a murky cavern , its floors composed of gravestones upon which perched a phalanx of wobbly tables .

  11. 走在墓石之间,我不禁想起奥斯汀小姐穿过这片美景悠然漫步的模样。

    It was easy to imagine , as I wandered among the gravestones , Miss Austen enjoying long walks through this landscape .

  12. 电影结尾,毕加索跟其他艺术家在葬仪结束过后,甚悲痛地自莫迪利亚尼与珍妮的合葬墓地与墓石前,慢慢走过去。

    The movie ends with a graveyard scene showing Picasso and the other artists sadly strolling away from their grave site and shared tombstone following the funeral .

  13. 各类花岗石,大理石,板材,异型石材,板岩,石雕工艺品,墓石制品,园林风景石及人造石制品;

    All kinds of granite , marble , plate , special-shaped stone , slate , stone carving handicrafts , headstone products , garden landscape stone and artificial stone products ;

  14. 我的口袋里除了一块剩面包则一无所有,他狼吞虎咽地吃下两口,又把我放回墓石上。

    Nothing fell out of my pocket except a piece of old bread.He ate it in two bites , like a dog , and put me back on the gravestone .

  15. 现在在英国,一家殡仪馆开始在墓石上贴上数字条码,让来访者可以有机会看到、听到、甚至走进逝者的人生。

    Now , a funeral home in Britain is attaching tiny digital codes to headstones , giving visitors the chance to see , hear , even experience the lives of the dead .

  16. 站在阿林顿市白色墓石前,或是全国各地的墓园和小城镇的广场上,我们会对那些在阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争中英勇捐躯的战士表示敬意。

    And standing before the white headstones in Arlington , and in peaceful cemeteries and small-town squares in every corner of the country , they will pay respects to those lost in Iraq and Afghanistan .

  17. 黑市交易网络的最底端是一些小贼,他们从露天铁轨、地下隧道和机场自动扶梯盗取铜缆,从工厂、电厂甚至是墓石中盗取铜材。

    At the bottom of the network are small-time thieves who steal copper wiring from open-air railway tracks , underground tunnels and airport escalators , copper materials from factories and electrical plants , and even from gravestones .

  18. 温彻斯特南侧中殿走廊地板上镶嵌的墓石,在承受朝圣者多年的足印磨损之后,依然与简·奥斯汀最早一批哀悼者所见的差不多。

    The floor of Winchester 's south nave aisle , and the gravestone set into it , are , but for the wear of pilgrims " feet , much the same as when the first mourners paid tribute to Jane Austen .

  19. 霍去病墓石刻以动物和人物造型为主,它不但具有纪念战功的性质,还有震慑属国、为天下祈福的内涵,同时还反映了西汉社会流行的神仙思想。

    Huo Qubing stone tomb with animal and character modeling , it not only has the nature of memorial military exploit , and frightening the submitted states , praying for the country , but also reflects the popular social thought of immortals .

  20. 当她在教堂里走向那个圣诗歌唱班门口的时候,她就觉得好像那些墓石上的雕像,那些戴着硬领和穿着黑长袍的牧师,以及他们的太太的画像都在盯着她的一双红鞋。

    and when she stepped through the chancel door on the church pavement , it seemed to her as if the old figures on the tombs , those portraits of old preachers and preachers ' wives , with stiff ruffs , and long black dresses , fixed their eyes on her red shoes .