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mù zhì
  • Epitaph;epigraph;inscription on the memorial tablet within a tomb
墓志 [mù zhì]
  • [inscription on the memorial tablet within a tomb] 放在墓里刻有死者生平事迹的石刻。分上下两层,上层曰盖,下层曰底,底刻志铭,盖刻标题

墓志[mù zhì]
  1. 唐代支谟及其家族墓志研究

    Research into ZHI Mo of TANG Dynasty and Epigraph of His Clan

  2. 对西北大学博物馆收藏的一方唐代日本留学生墓志所涉及的日本遣唐使问题进行了初步研究。

    The paper studies primarily the issues of the Japanese diplomats to the Tang Dynasty involved in the epigraph of a Japanese international student in the Tang Dynasty collected by the Museum of Northwest University .

  3. 众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。

    As Wren 's epitaph famously declares , the cathedral itself is his monument .

  4. 一段墓志铭,一段挑逗且下流的墓志铭,大致是足够

    An inscription might suffice , an epitaph that titillates like dirty talk .

  5. 但是对于“墓志铭”和“秘密”这样的独立唱片公司来说,黑胶成了必不可少的东西:两家厂牌目前在黑胶唱片和在CD唱片两部分的收益都是差不多一样多。

    But for indies like Epitaph and Secretly , vinyl has become essential : Both now take in nearly as much revenue from LPs as they do from CDs .

  6. 与Tuco通过NobHill上的墓志进行搜索相比,通过分类搜索资产的随意性小。

    The categorization is what makes searching for an Asset less haphazard than Tuco 's search through the graveyear on Nob Hill .

  7. 该墓墓志的发现,为研究东方朔故里提供了宝贵的实物资料。

    The discovery furnishes the valuable material for researching his hometown .

  8. 如果为死去的迈巴赫写篇墓志铭,碑文恐怕不会很体面。

    The Maybach epitaph will not be a not pretty one .

  9. 新出土徐浚墓志考述

    Some Comments on the Newly Excavated Epitaph of Xu Jun

  10. 标新立异奇花异葩&谈韩愈墓志铭散文的特色

    A Brief Talk on Characteristic for Han Yu 's Epitaph

  11. 古老墓志铭现身以色列为世人讲述耶稣的来历。

    Proof of jesus-burial artifact may be the oldest evidence of christ .

  12. 他的墓志铭应当是:他为我们做了好事。

    His epitaph should be : He did us good .

  13. 在墓志铭中。人是并非经过发誓的。

    In lapidary inscription a man be not upon oath .

  14. “血红的月亮就是他的墓志铭”

    " And his epitaph , the blood-red moon . "

  15. 从许多方面看,本文可谓是凯恩斯主义时代的墓志铭。

    It was in many ways the epitaph for the Keynesian era .

  16. 葬礼上,“深爱的女儿”是她的墓志。

    Funeral . " Beloved Daughter " is her epitaph .

  17. 唐代墓志铭的押韵及其研究方法

    Rhyming in Epitaphs of the Tang Dynasty and Its Method of Research

  18. 他的墓志铭写着这么一句话:“他死了,所以别人才活了下来.”

    The epitaph reads : " He died that others might live . "

  19. 无论是我活着为你写墓志铭。

    Or I shall live your epitaph to make .

  20. 呵,在危险的日子那简短的墓志铭。

    And the brief epitaph in danger 's day .

  21. 实际上我想和大家一起考察几个墓志铭。

    I want to actually try out on you a couple of epitaphs .

  22. 曾巩墓志铭之特色及其价值

    The Characteristics and Value of Zeng Gong ' Epitaphs

  23. 这才是你们想要的墓志铭。

    That 's what you want on your tombstone .

  24. 从墓志看唐代妇女的贞节观

    Concept of chastity of the Dynasty view from epitaphs

  25. 他开始收集墓志铭方面的旧书。

    He began to collect old books of epitaphs .

  26. 我的“墓志铭”上有的只是我姓名

    My ' epitaph ' shall be my name alone

  27. 感觉更像是为你写的墓志铭

    A bit like something on a tombstone .

  28. 南朝女性墓志是珍贵的文献资料。

    STATISTICAL DATA Female Epitaphs in the Southern Dynasties are the precious documents materials .

  29. 理智是情感的墓志铭。

    Wit is the epitaph of an emotion .

  30. 李元墓志及其史料价值

    The Epitaph of Liyuan And Its Historical Value