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chéng wén
  • document submitted to a superior;document;an official petition;a memorandum to superior;display
呈文 [chéng wén]
  • (1) [document;an official petition;a memorandum to superior]∶旧时下对上的一种公文;向政府官员递交的任何正式或非正式的文件或陈述观点的声明

  • 递交呈文

  • (2) [display]∶显露出文采

呈文[chéng wén]
  1. 如汇丰(hsbc)在其呈文中指出的那样,国际会计准则已经要求区分银行业务与交易业务。

    As HSBC has pointed out in its submissions , international accounting standards already require a distinction between banking activities and trading activities .

  2. 一名写小说的青年昨天来向咱们作呈文。

    A young man who writes novels came to speak to us yesterday .

  3. 下周那位科学家将给咱们作呈文是真的吗?

    Is it true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week ?

  4. 根据管理公司呈文,这里人流天天超过&万人,周末更高达二百万人次。

    The management report shows that there are around ten thousand people visiting this shopping arcade during weekdays and about twenty thousand customers on weekends .

  5. 由于财务呈文的历史局限性,为了进行有效的管理和掌握,有必要使用一些预测和计划项目将来过程的方法和手腕。

    Since financial accounts are historical in nature , some means of forecasting or projecting the future course of a project is essential for management control .

  6. 这是中华全国火柴业联合会通告各会员的公函,并附抄广东火柴行商业公会呈工商部的呈文。

    It was a circular from the All-China Association of Match Manufacturers to all its members . Attached to it was a copy of a petition sent to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry by the Kwangtung branch of the association .