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fú bǐ
  • foreshadowing;a hint foreshadowing later developments in a story, essay, etc;a hint foreshadowing later developments in a story, essay, etc.;an anticipatory remark in a story, an essay, etc
伏笔 [fú bǐ]
  • [a hint foreshadowing later developments in a story, essay, etc.;foreshadowing] 文章或文艺作品中,在前段里为后段所作的提示或暗示

伏笔[fú bǐ]
  1. 这件事为以后情节的发展埋下了伏笔。

    This episode carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later on in the story .

  2. 中国海洋文化的衰弱,为近代中国历史定势埋下伏笔。

    The decline of Chinese Oceanic Culture draws the foreshadowing of Chinese history .

  3. 表面上,这似乎是开启了一个极棒的项目,但实际上却是为一场大的灾难埋下了伏笔。

    Outwardly this looked like the beginning of a terrific programme but the stage was actually set for a major disaster .

  4. 指出生活环境对教师专业发展埋下了伏笔,外在因素则为其发展增加了发展动力,内在因素则促使教师专业发展实现。第四,G数学特级教师专业发展阶段。

    Pointed out that the living environment for the professional development of teachers , the hint , extrinsic factors make its increase development motivation , intrinsic factors , promote teacher professional development . Forth , G mathematics superfine teacher professional development stages .

  5. 纽约证交所(NYSE)成为首家获中国监管机构批准在北京开设办事处的海外证交所,这为各证交所在争夺中国公司上市业务方面展开更激烈的竞争打下了伏笔。

    The New York Stock Exchange has become the first overseas exchange to be granted approval by Chinese regulators to open an office in Beijing , paving the way for stiffer competition for Chinese listings .

  6. 给后续的解决问题买下伏笔。

    To the follow-up to solve the problem to buy hints .

  7. 这为1997至1998年的亚洲金融危机埋下伏笔。

    This laid the basis for the Asian financial crisis of1997-98 .

  8. 观点的冲突为严重的政治冲突埋下了伏笔。

    The clash of perceptions carries the seeds of serious political conflicts .

  9. 我们要做的就是埋个伏笔。

    All we got to do is plant the seed .

  10. 不要为陷入过去的生活埋下伏笔。

    Don 't set yourself up for falling back into your old life .

  11. 因此,为后文完善股东分红权埋下伏笔。

    Therefore , to perfect the shareholders after receive dividends lay the basis .

  12. 哈代《一双蓝蓝的眼睛》中伏笔艺术探究

    On the Artistry of Foreshadowing in Hardy 's A Pair of Blue Eyes

  13. 这是我惯用伎俩的伏笔。

    This is my usual trick of foreshadowing .

  14. 新的基督教死亡文化在中世纪后期发生了异化,它与臭名昭著的赎罪券制度结合,为其后来的变革埋下了伏笔。

    The new culture of Christian death began to dissimilation in the late middle ages .

  15. 汤米·威尔赫姆无法获取物质成功来实现自我价值,这为他逃避现实、成为社会边缘人埋下伏笔。

    Unable to achieve material success , Tommy Wilhelm escapes from reality and becomes alienated .

  16. 第二章主要介绍证券法连带责任存在的合理性,为后文论述证券法连带责任存在的限度性埋下伏笔。

    Chapter II demonstrate the rationality of the joint and several liability in security law .

  17. 至少在那种程度下,他已经对在利比亚的立场埋下了伏笔。

    To that extent , at least , he had prepared the ground for Libya .

  18. 这样做除了提高出口竞争力,可能也为全球市场金融混乱埋下了伏笔。

    While this makes exports more competitive , it potentially spells financial turmoil for global markets .

  19. 袁绍、曹操后来走向公开分裂,此次兖州之战也埋下伏笔。

    The battle of Yanzhou foreshadowed the open cleavage of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao later .

  20. 伏笔与照应手法的运用;

    Foreshadowing and coordination are applied ;

  21. 耶稣,所以麦基洗德只是一个伏笔,他是耶稣的迹象。

    Well Jesus ! So Melchizedek is simply a foreshadowing , he 's a sign of Jesus .

  22. 甲午战后北洋的这些变动,深刻地影响了当时政局,并为其后事态的发展埋下了伏笔。

    These changes profoundly affected the political circumstances at that time , foreshadowing the following changed situation .

  23. 或许,那时我的行为就为我未来职业埋下了伏笔---调查记者,

    I think that was a pretty good indication about my future career as an investigative journalist ,

  24. 这为后续的英国卫生运动的进一步发展理下了重要的伏笔。

    That laid a way for the future development of the follow-up of the British health campaign .

  25. 其中,最主要的是金融创新理论、资产负债管理理论、市场细分和市场营销理论,本部分的内容为后面三章的铺展埋下了理论伏笔。

    The main theories are financial innovation theory , asset-liability management theory , market-split and marketing theory .

  26. 第三部分:悬念与伏笔、突转和照应之间的关系。

    Part Three : the relationships between suspense and foreshadowing and between sudden conversion and good organization .

  27. 一路上都是伏笔,回身的那刻全世界都失陷了。

    Along the way are always is , around that moment of the fall of all over the world .

  28. 其中预言、梦境、灾异、卜筮等都是伏笔艺术的重要表现形式。

    It 's one of the important forms of foreshadowing for prediction , dreamland , natural calamities , augury , etc.

  29. 中国差别政策与美国对日政策目标之间的冲突为中国差别政策最终的废除埋下了伏笔。

    The roots of defeat are partly from the conflict between " the China differential " with American Japanese policy .

  30. 最后一部分是总结了本文的主要研究成果和存在的问题,并为后续研究埋下伏笔。

    The last part summarizes the main results of this paper and problems , paving the way for follow-up study .