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yuán lì
  • cite a precedent
援例 [yuán lì]
  • [cite a precedent] 引用惯例或先例

  • 遇有缘事降革后援捐复原官者,淮以双单月一并计算。--《清会典.吏部》

  • 援例申请

援例[yuán lì]
  1. 援例推理(CBR)中关键问题是如何有效地表达、标引和组织过去的案例。

    A critical problem of CBR is how to represent , index , organize the past cases .

  2. 基于模糊-神经网络的援例支持系

    Case Based Support Systems Using Fuzzy Neural Technology

  3. 谁也别梦想今后就经济改造问题进行协商之时援例而行。

    Let no one nurse the vain hope of exploiting that example tomorrow , in the negotiations which the question of economic transformation will require .