
  • 网络awakenings;Sleeper;Sleeping Man
  1. 客厅有三张床和两个旧长沙发到夜晚都可睡人。

    The living room has three beds and two old long sofas where people sleep at night .

  2. 罪里一间还有三个上下铺(床)上铺全是行李下铺睡人。

    Further inside one room has three bunk-beds , the top is for luggage and the bottom is for sleeping .

  3. 千万不要和你睡的人一起做生意。

    Never go into business with somebody you 're sleeping with .

  4. 他是个能吃能睡的人。

    He is a big eater and a good sleeper .

  5. 当然,并非所有熬夜不睡的人都是真正的球迷。

    Of course , not all of these sleep-deprived folks are bona fide football fans .

  6. 烦恼就像一条毒蛇睡在人的心中,一触动它,蛇就会咬人。

    Worry is a poisonous snake that sleeps in the mind ; the moment you disturb it , the snake will bite you .

  7. o人睡的人,都知道后代意味着什么,后代就是将要到来的世界&我们为之坚持自己的理想,我们向之借用这个星球,我们对之负有神圣的责任。

    Posterity is the world to come ; the world for whom we hold our ideals , from whom we have borrowed our planet , and to whom we bear sacred responsibility .

  8. 我大概是个很无趣的人吧,同吃、同住、同睡的人,居然还把他当成“朋友”,岂不是亵渎了“朋友”这个神圣的、意味深长的身份。

    How pathetic is that ! Someone who lives with me , eat with me and sleep with me , as a " friend " . Aren 't friends supposed to be noble , spiritual and more meaningful !

  9. 可是清醒点吧,若不是那个与你同吃、同住、同睡的人,谁回来真正在乎你怎么吃,怎么住,怎么睡?

    Come on , other than the one who lives with you , eats with you and sleeps with you , who would care where you live , what you eat and who you sleep with ? No need to look around , he is THE FRIEND .

  10. 对那些想好好睡一觉的人来说,睡前喝杯热牛奶一直是最佳选择。

    A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night 's sleep .

  11. 我这辈子没见过看起来如此没睡够的人。

    I never saw somebody look so sleep-deprived in my life .

  12. 我认为国王会是最后一个睡过头的人。

    I thought the king would be the last person to oversleep .

  13. 就是在基督里睡了的人也灭亡了。

    Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished .

  14. 就是那个害你睡沙发的人?

    Was she the one for whom you slept on the couch ?

  15. 报告还称,睡午觉的人不爱犯困,而且在逻辑推理方面更出色。

    They also reported less sleepiness and were better at logical reasoning .

  16. 我睡过头,人谁无过?

    All right , I overslept . It can happen to anybody .

  17. 和陛下睡的那个人是不是所有人都会知道?

    Does everybody know who sleeps with the king ?

  18. 你可能是超市里唯一我没睡过的人了。

    You 're probably the only person at the supermarket I haven 't slept with .

  19. 法律帮助那些时刻警觉的人,而不是那些躺在权利上睡大觉的人。

    The laws aid those who are vigilant , not those who sleep upon their rights .

  20. 理查德尼克松(1969年-1974年):美国梦不会降临睡大觉的人。

    Richard Nixon , 1969-1974 : The American dream does not come to those who fall asleep .

  21. 阴沉的天气或许对于一个喜欢睡懒觉的人来说,真是一个不错的时机。

    The dark and cloudy weather provides maybe a perfect time for persons who like to sleep .

  22. 但基督已经从死里复活,成为睡了之人初熟的果子。

    But now is Christ risen from the dead , and become the firstfruits of them that slept .

  23. 多睡会使人慵懒而少于这个时间会增加压力值并提高对不健康食物的食欲。

    Any more than that is too inactive and any less increases stress levels and cravings for unhealthy food .

  24. 因此,我们劝那些爱睡懒觉的人应当努力早起啊。

    So we say that those who always get up late should make great effort to get up early .

  25. 我带着一夜没睡的青年人的好胃口吃着炒鸡蛋和苦味的果酱。

    I ate my scrambled eggs and bitter marmalade with the zest which in youth follows a restless night .

  26. 因为睡了的人是在夜间睡。醉了的人是在夜间醉。

    For they that sleep sleep in the night ; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night .

  27. 问题4:为什么保罗不希望帖撒罗尼加教会的弟兄姐妹为睡了的人忧伤?

    Q.4 Why did Paul not want those in the church of Thessalonians to grieve for those who fall asleep ?

  28. 从世界范围来看,有人成群结队地睡觉,有人和动物一起睡,有人睡得时间比较短,还有的人睡觉不盖东西。

    Around the world , people sleep in groups ; with animals ; in briefer chunks of time ; without coverings .

  29. 他们一整天都在睡当其他人都回家在家里走动时它们都不醒

    They will sleeping all day long , anybody else comes home and anybody walks in the house , they don 't wake up .

  30. 我们若信耶稣死而复活了,那已经在耶稣里睡了的人,神也必将他与耶稣一同带来。

    For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again , even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him .