
  • 网络Sleep paralysis;sleeping paralysis
  1. 在睡眠麻痹中,你很可能进入了梦到移动或飞翔时的REM状态。

    During sleep paralysis , it is possible to enter a REM-like state in which you dream of moving or flying .

  2. 调查结果支持这样一个结论:神识离体有着和睡眠麻痹同样的前提条件。

    Survey evidence favors the theory that OBEs could arise out of the same conditions as sleep paralysis .

  3. 心理学家称,那些相信自己与所谓的“外星生物”有过亲密接触的人可能患有虚假记忆或睡眠麻痹。

    Those who believe they have had a close encounter of the so-called ' fourth kind ' may suffer from false memories or sleep paralysis2 , a psychologist has claimed .

  4. 当人们醒来发现自己的身体不能动弹的时候睡眠麻痹就出现了,模糊了幻梦和现实的界限。

    Sleep paralysis happens when people wake up unable to move , blurring the line between the dream world and the conscious world .

  5. 许多这些被外星人绑架的记忆可以用睡眠麻痹来解释。在这种情况下,人虽然醒着,而且也明白周围发生的一切,但是却不能动弹。

    Many of the alien experiences could be explained by sleep paralysis , a condition in which a person is awake and aware of the surroundings but is unable to move .

  6. 发作性睡病病人在入睡或苏醒过程中可能出现睡眠性麻痹,发作时病人头脑清醒,但在短时间内会完全不能活动。

    Sleep paralysis , normal when falling asleep or waking , occurs during full consciousness in narcolepsy , with brief but complete inability to move .

  7. 睡眠机能紊乱包括了梦游进食、频发恶梦、睡眠麻痹、睡眠躁动等一系列失常症状。

    Parasomnias include abnormal acts like eating disorders while asleep , nightmares , sleep paralysis and sleep aggression .

  8. 人的正常睡眠模式受到干扰出现混乱,比如说嗜睡症,睡眠麻痹的发作就会更加频繁。

    Disorders that interfere with normal sleep patterns , such as narcolepsy , can make sleep paralysis episodes much more frequent .