
shuì dài
  • sleeping bag;bunting
睡袋 [shuì dài]
  • [sleeping bag] 缝制成袋状的被子

睡袋[shuì dài]
  1. 这条睡袋很暖和。

    This sleeping bag is very warm .

  2. 有人猛地抓住了我的睡袋,把我惊醒了。

    I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag

  3. 孩子们都安安稳稳地躺在睡袋里,拉链也给他们拉好了。

    The children were safely zipped into their sleeping bags .

  4. 我们在睡袋里睡觉,暖和又安全。

    We were warm and safe , cocooned in our sleeping bags .

  5. 这些睡袋是用拉链封严的。

    The sleeping bags can zip together .

  6. 我们打开了睡袋。

    We unrolled our sleeping bags .

  7. 他们就躺在铺在混凝土地面上的睡袋上。

    They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor .

  8. 带上睡袋和泡沫垫。

    Bring a sleeping bag and foam mat .

  9. 我像往常一样铺开我的睡袋。

    I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual

  10. 睡袋几乎一眨眼就卖完了。

    Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately

  11. 带只睡袋。

    Bring a sleeping bag

  12. 我不知道是否需要带睡袋。

    I wonder if we need take sleeping bag .

  13. 各式的睡袋被试制出来,并且有许多曾在不同条件下广泛试用。

    All sorts of sleeping bags have been developed and many have been given extensive trials under various conditions .

  14. 主要的问题是你的手臂是在睡袋里面还是外面。

    The main question is whether you want your arms inside or outside the sleeping bag .

  15. 在我看来,露营意味着忍受虫咬、难吃的饭菜和难受的睡袋。

    Campers , in my eyes , were people who enjoyed insect bites , ill-cooked meals , and uncomfortable sleeping bags .

  16. 当他醒来时,便自己爬进了睡袋里。

    When he came to , he made himself into his sleeping bag .

  17. 为了保暖,客人睡在舒适的睡袋里,睡袋上还盖着床垫和驯鹿皮。

    To keep warm , guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses and reindeer skins .

  18. 虽然天空圆月高悬,但温度却降到了华氏35度(约为1.7°C),当晚我们都睡在睡袋里,下面铺着压平的纸板箱。

    Under a full moon , in temperatures dipping to 35 degrees , we slept in sleeping bags on flattened cardboard boxes .

  19. 如果能够共享一个睡袋那就更好了XD。

    Even better would be sharing a sleeping bag overnight .

  20. 洛杉矶――他们拄着拐杖或助行器,步履蹒跚,又或是坐着破旧的轮椅,在穷街(SkidRow)沿步行街而下,途经肮脏的睡袋、倾斜的帐篷和成堆成堆的垃圾。

    LOS ANGELES - They lean unsteadily on canes and walkers , or roll along the sidewalks of Skid Row here in beat-up wheelchairs , past soiled sleeping bags , swaying tents and piles of garbage .

  21. 据ITMedia网站报道,被录用的求职者刚进入公司的办公室时将可能看到“超级奇迹快乐”公司的其他职员在睡袋中睡觉,而且在他们90分钟的工作中将有很大一部分时间被吼骂斥责。

    so expect some mandatory overtime . IT Media reports that selected applicants are likely to see other employees of Super Miracle Happy resting in sleeping bags when they first enter the company 's office , and can expect to be yelled at and scolded for much of their 90-minute shifts .

  22. 听听卢克天行者的忠告,远离Hoth星球寒冷的表面,躲进这款《星球大战》造型的睡袋吧!

    Take a tip from Luke Skywalker and survive the frigid surface of Hoth inside this classic Star Wars collectable sleeping bag .

  23. 回到帐篷休息时,时间早已过了午夜。迪诺与英国佬罗布(Rob)见我精疲力竭,帮我脱掉鞋子、添满水壶后,才钻进睡袋休息。

    When I get back to my tent , long past midnight , Dino and Rob , the Briton , realising how shattered I am , untie my shoes and make up my recovery drink for me before returning to their sleeping bags .

  24. 水渗到帐篷里,把两个睡袋都浸湿了。

    Water came in the tent and soaked both sleeping bags .

  25. 睡袋保暖值和舒适温度的探讨

    Study on the Insulation and Comfort Temperature Ratings of Sleeping Bags

  26. 他把睡袋里子翻出来并抖了抖。

    He turned his sleeping bag inside out and shook it .

  27. 这是一件防水夹克,可以变身为单人睡袋哦。

    Waterproof jacket that transforms into a one person sleeping bag .

  28. 衣服和睡袋都选择合成纤维。

    Choose synthetic fibers for both your clothes and sleeping bag .

  29. 现代睡衣式睡袋,让你不受拘束就能轻松保暖。

    Modern sleeping bag lets you keep warm without being restricted .

  30. 他们都从睡袋里出来,急忙往外跑。

    They all leapt out of their sleeping-bags and hurried out-side .