
  • 网络Sports Glasses;Sports Eyewear;sports spectacles
  1. 最近,他曾在Bushnell户外运动产品公司担任全国销售财务经理,负责Bushnell光学产品、配件及运动眼镜的销售。

    Most recently , he served as national account sales manager for Bushnell Outdoor Products in Overland Park , Kansas , managing sales of Bushnell sports optics , accessories and sports eyewear .

  2. 采用本实用新型的结构不至于由于运动而使眼镜从佩戴者脸上掉下。

    Using construction of the utility model , the spectacle is prevented from dropping from the user 's face .

  3. 可穿戴技术已不再是新奇事物了——如今运动手环和智能手表都变得和运动鞋、眼镜一样普遍,随处可见。

    Wearable technology is nothing new - activity trackers and smartwatches are now as ubiquitous as trainers and glasses .