
  • 网络yuncheng;Yuncheng city
  1. 利用MODIS影像对运城市近5年来植被覆盖的分析

    Analysis of Vegetation Coverage for Past Five Years in Yuncheng City Using MODIS Images

  2. 基于温度植被指数法的运城市干旱监测

    Drought Monitoring Based on Temperature and Vegetation Index in Yuncheng City

  3. 基于API法的运城市空气质量评估及整治对策

    The Air Quality Evaluation of Yuncheng City , Based on API Process and the Treatment Countermeasures

  4. 基于改进的EMD的运城市持续极端气温的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Sustained Extreme Temperature Events in Yuncheng Using Improved EMD

  5. 运城市中远期城区供水水源工程论证

    Demonstration of the Mid-and-long-term Urban Water Transfer Project in Yuncheng City

  6. 运城市沙尘天气特征分析

    Analysis on the Features of the Sand-dust Weather in Yuncheng City

  7. 运城市农村公路设计问题探讨

    Probe into the Design of the Rural Highways in Yuncheng City

  8. 运城市是一个典型的旅游非优区。

    Yuncheng is a typical non - excellent district of tourism .

  9. 运城市当代蒲剧发展调查研究(1970-2008)

    Yuncheng-city Study of Contemporary Development Puju ( 1970 - 2008 )

  10. 运城市卫生监督队伍的现状与评价

    Investigation and Evaluation on the Health Inspection Units of Yuncheng City

  11. 运城市1990~1999年旱灾的回顾与反思

    Review and Introspection of Drought Disaster in Yuncheng during 1990 ~ 1999

  12. 运城市动物保健和畜产品安全的对策

    Yuncheng City Animal Healthy and Countermeasures of Livestock Products Safety

  13. 运城市水资源利用现状及需水量预测

    Present utilization situations of water resources in Yuncheng and water requirement prediction

  14. 运城市高铬地下水的分布及成因分析

    Analysis on Distribution and Formation Causes of High-chrome Groundwater in Yuncheng City

  15. 山西省运城市防雹高炮设置体系分析

    Analysis on the Establishment System of Hail Suppression High Cannon in Yuncheng

  16. 运城市城区污水资源化探讨

    On the Subject of Making Yuncheng City 's Urban Sewage Renewable Resources

  17. 无伸缩缝超长混凝土板施工技术在运城市体育馆工程中的应用

    Application of Ultra Long Concrete Slab Construction Technique in Yuncheng Stadium Project

  18. 2004年山西运城市棉花减产原因分析

    Analysis on Reduction of Cotton Output in 2004 in Yuncheng , Shanxi

  19. 运城市果园土壤主要微量元素含量与分布特征研究

    Content and Distribution Characteristic of the Major Microelement in Orchard Soil of Yuncheng

  20. 运城市传染性非典型肺炎流行特征及防控措施评价

    Evaluation on Epidemic Characteristics and Prevention-central Measurement for Contagious SARS in Yuncheng City

  21. 运城市发展生态农业的前景及对策

    The Prospect of and Countermeasures for Developing the Ecological Agriculture in Yuncheng City

  22. 解决运城市水资源短缺问题的对策

    Countermeasure on Problem of Water Shortage in Yuncheng City

  23. 运城市农村卫生资源配置现状及对策研究

    The current situation and strategies of rural health resource allocation in Yuncheng city

  24. 运城市疾病预防控制人员吸烟状况调查分析

    Smoking prevalence among staff of Centers for Disease Prevention and Control in Yuncheng city

  25. 分析了当前运城市水资源面临的严峻形势。

    This paper analyzes the current serious situation of water resources in Yuncheng City .

  26. 运城市终霜冻预报方法

    Forecast Method for End Frost in Yuncheng

  27. 运城市城区地下咸水资源开发利用前景及措施探讨

    Discussing into Prospect and Measure of Ground Saline Water Resources in City Proper of Yuncheng

  28. 山西省运城市冰雹天气气候特征

    Synoptic Climate Characteristics of Hail in Yuncheng

  29. 运城市体育文化产业发展的现状及对策

    The Current Situation of the Development of Sport Culture Industry in Yuncheng City and Countermeasures

  30. 第三章全球产业结构趋势与运城市产业结构调整回顾。

    Chapter third global industrial structure trend and structural adjustment of Yuncheng city industry review .