
  • 网络traffic program;transportation planning
  1. 傅博士的专长包括供应链站略规划,物流网络优化,运输方案设计,库存优化,仓储和分销方案等等。

    His areas of specialization include supply chain strategy planning , logistics network design , inventory optimization , transportation planning , warehousing and distribution etc.

  2. 基于AHP的军用物资联合运输方案选择研究

    Selection of Joint Transport Plan for Military Materials Based on AHP

  3. 碾压混凝土施工运输方案选择专家系统

    Expert System for the Transport Plan Selection in Roller-Compacted Concrete Construction

  4. 基于伴随方法对核燃料运输方案的风险评估

    The Risk Assessment of Nuclear Fuel Transportation Based on Adjoint Method

  5. 浅析双块式无砟轨道Ⅱ线施工物流运输方案

    Discussion on Logistics Scheme of Double-Block Type and Non-Ballast ⅱ Line

  6. 小型断面隧道开挖运输方案成本分析

    Cost Analysis on the Transport Program for Excavating a Narrow-Bore Tunnel

  7. 地铁车辆干线铁路运输方案

    Transportation project of metro vehicle on main - line railway

  8. 基于层次分析法的交通运输方案优选问题研究

    Study on the Basic of AHP in Choosing Traffic and Transportation Means

  9. 大中型水电工程施工场内物料最优运输方案分析

    Scheme Analysis Optimization for Transportation of Work Material in Waterpower Project Construction

  10. 铁路超限货物运输方案辅助决策系统的研究

    Computer-Aided Decision-Making System on Railway Transportation Program for Out-of-Gauge Freight

  11. 铁路特长单线隧道出碴运输方案研究

    The Research of Mucking Transport Method in Super-long Single Track Railway Tunnel

  12. 长江上游集装箱运输方案优选

    Project optimization of container transport for the upper reach of the Yangtze River

  13. 运输方案是铁路运输组织工作的重要发展

    Freight transport project an important step in the development of railway transport work

  14. 江垭工程的混凝土多方式运输方案

    Application of Multi-Pattern Concrete Transportation Scheme in Jiangya Dam

  15. 地铁盾构机的整体运输方案与实施

    Integer transportation scheme and implement of subway shield machine

  16. 带有斜井的小断面隧道混凝土运输方案

    Concrete Delivery Scheme of Small Tunnel with Inclined Shaft : a Case Study

  17. 平果铝矿窄轨铁路运输方案探讨

    Probe Into Narrow-gauge Railway Translation of Ping-guo Aluminous Mine

  18. 加氢裂化装置运输方案分析

    Analysis of the Transport Scheme for Hydrogen Cracking Equipment

  19. 层次分析法在高层建筑垂直运输方案中的应用

    Analytic Hierarchy Process and its Application in Vertical Transportation Scheme of High rise Buildings

  20. 太钢冶炼特种模铸钢铁路运输方案

    TISCO Railway Transport Plant of Special-purpose Molding Steel

  21. 运用图论理论优化运输方案

    Optimizing Transportation Scheme by Applying the Diagram Theory

  22. 运输方案&运输组织学的发展

    Transport Plan & Development in Railway Transport Organization

  23. 三峡工程对外交通运输方案研究

    Study on the alternative schemes of the access roads for the Three Gorges Project

  24. 邮件实行集装容器化运输方案的探讨

    Discussion on the Mails Transportation Containerization Plan

  25. 铁路运输方案编制自动化若干问题的初步探讨

    A preliminary approach on some problems concerning automatizing the working-out of railway goods transportation programme

  26. 宝钢1号3号高炉向炼钢厂交叉供铁运输方案探讨

    Transportation Plan for Alternate Molten Iron Supply by No.1 and No.3 BFs to BOF Shops

  27. 讨论了物流信息系统中物流配送运输方案的规划问题。

    This paper discussed the problem of planning the transportation project of logistics information system .

  28. 核反应堆压力容器的大件运输方案设计

    The Large Item Transport Program Design of the Pressure Container for the Nuclear Reactor Pile

  29. 现代物流运输方案众多,人工决策很难考虑周全。

    Many of logistics transport schemes to choose from that people can not be taken into thorough consideration .

  30. 论文对超限超重货物运输方案的设计过程实例进行了分析。

    The article analyzed the examples of the design process of the out-of-gauge and overweight goods transportation program .