
  • 网络chimerica;chimeric
  1. 欢迎来到“中美国”(chimerica)的政策僵局。

    Welcome to the policy gridlock of Chimerica .

  2. 二战中美国联合英、法两国对德作战。

    In World War two , the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the germans .

  3. 我国玉米育种中美国改良Reid和78599种质的作用及其再利用

    Research and utilization of Reid and 78599 germplasms in China

  4. 在这一百多年的历史发展中美国篮球独领风骚,尤其是美国的NBA,已经成为全世界瞩目、拥有数以亿计的观众和球迷爱好者。

    American basketball game has shone mostly in the one hundred years ' development , especially NBA , which has drawn attention of the world and has had hundreds of millions of audiences and basketball fans .

  5. 第一章主要是详细阐述了历次PISA测试中美国学生的表现,包括科学成绩和科学兴趣的情况,并且介绍了美国对于这一现状的反应。

    The first chapter is mainly in details of previous about the performance of American students in PISA test , including scientific results and also the interests on situation , and introduction of the U.S. response to this situation .

  6. 论《夜色温柔》中美国梦的破灭

    On the Collapse of American Dream in Tender is the Night

  7. 谈《所罗门之歌》中美国黑人的文化定位

    On the Culture Orientation of Afro - Americans in Song of Solomon

  8. 论文第三章分别分析了谭恩美作品中美国华裔女性种族与性别身份的建构。

    Chapter three dwells on the construction of ethnic and gender identity respectively .

  9. 那是我想像中美国的样子。

    It 's how I imagine America to be .

  10. 冷战后欧洲一体化进程中美国因素分析

    Analyzing U.S.Factor on the Process of European Integration

  11. 海湾战争中美国军方与媒体的关系

    American Military-Media Relations in the Persian Gulf War

  12. (1847年)墨西哥战争中美国对墨西哥的胜利。

    A victory by American over Mexican forces in the Mexican War ( 1847 ) .

  13. 司法审查中美国法院特殊身份取得原因解析

    Explanation on the Cause of Achievement of Special Identity for the US Courts in Judicial Review

  14. 对第二次科技革命中美国高速发展原因的新认识

    New Views On the Reasons of American Development at Top Speed in the Second Scientific Revolution

  15. 大众化进程中美国高教经费研究及对中国的启示

    Studies on Higher Education Fund in America in the Process of Popularization and Its Enlightenment to Our Country

  16. 他们利用克林顿访华的机会,一再重申自己对中美国的承诺以期平息对方的怒气。

    And they took full advantage of Hillary Clinton 's visit to smooth ruffled feathers and restate their commitment .

  17. 从立陶宛事件中美国的艰难抉择看国际政治转折时期的美苏关系

    USA-USSR Relations in International Political Turning Point As Seen From the Difficult Choice by USA In The Lithuanian Incident

  18. 照片中美国前总统里根由前苏联领导人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫陪同,在莫斯科红场正与一名小男孩握手。

    Reagan , escorted by then-soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev , is shaking a boy 's hand in Moscow 's Red Square .

  19. 其结果是在美国出口的商品中美国(制造的)成分减少,(是因为制造业)不仅转移到中国而且是世界。

    The end result has been less American content in America exports not just to China but to the rest of the world .

  20. 他注意到没有一家网站上有中国的啤酒,而当时弹出框中美国或德国的啤酒随处可见。

    Ma noticed there was not a single online listing for China and beer , unlike those that popped up for American and German beer .

  21. 在即将上映的童话电影中美国甜心演绎了她内在的坏女孩一面,这给大家钟爱的童话故事蒙上了一层阴影。

    America 's Sweetheart embraces her inner bad girl in the upcoming still-untitled fantasy , which puts a dark twist on the beloved fairy tale .

  22. 1998年的今天,莫妮卡莱·莱温斯基丑闻:在录音口供中美国总统比尔·克林顿承认,他与白宫的实习生莫妮卡·莱温斯基确实有“不正当的肉体关系”。

    1998-Monica Lewinsky scandal : US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony that he had an " improper physical relationship " with White House intern Monica Lewinsky .

  23. 圣皮埃尔-密克隆岛事件是第二次世界大战中美国与自由法国之间发生的第一次外交冲突。

    The Incident on Saint - Pierre - et - Miquelon was the diplomatic conflict between the United States and Free France in the midst of World War II .

  24. 中学德育工作的新思路:德育的整合模式第二战中美国联合英、法两国对德作战。

    New Perspective on the Moral Education in Middle School & The Integrated Models of Moral Education ; In World War Two , the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the Germans .

  25. 以2004年全球最有价值的100大品牌中美国和英国的63个品牌名称为例,从字母数、音节数和起始音等三个方面分析英语品牌名称的基本特征。

    Based upon an analysis of 63 American and British brand names ranked among the world 's 100 most valuable brands in 2004 , this paper makes a discussion about phonetic features of brands ' English names with special reference to letter number , syllable number and initial sound .

  26. 英国要在接力赛中战胜美国,前景看上去并不那么乐观。

    Britain 's prospects of beating the United States in the relay looked poor .

  27. 强调继承美国文学中的美国特色,有产生文化上的沙文主义的危险。

    In stressing the American qualities inherent in American literature there is a danger of cultural chauvinism .

  28. 林曼纽尔·米兰达创作了这部关于亚历山大·汉密尔顿的音乐剧,在这部音乐剧中,美国的诞生被作为一个移民故事呈现出来。

    Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote this musical about Alexander Hamilton , in which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant story .

  29. 在电影拍摄过程中,美国人道协会曾向电影制作人了解Winter的安全和健康状况。

    The American Humane Society worked with the movie 's makers to make sure Winter stayed safe and healthy during filming .

  30. 在对旅游数据的分析中,美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)的经济学家陆挺认为,取消高速公路通行费和多出的一天假期是次要因素,没有扭曲整体数字。

    In his own note on the tourism data , Bank of America economist Lu Ting dismissed distortions from the cancelled highway fees and extra travel day as minor .