
xíng náng
  • travelling bag;swag;wallet;impedimenta
行囊 [xíng náng]
  • [wallet;travelling bag] 出行时所带的钱袋

行囊[xíng náng]
  1. 我们与一批背着超大行囊的步行者擦肩而过。

    We passed a group of walkers , carrying huge packs .

  2. 17岁时,我背起行囊离开了家。

    When I was 17 , I packed my bags and left home

  3. 我很不情愿地收拾好行囊,然后我们驱车向北开去。

    With appallingly bad grace I packed up and we drove north .

  4. 他们打点行囊,回家了。

    They packed up and went home

  5. 睡在拥挤的旅店,把所有行囊背在背上,尽管这对一些人来说很有乐趣,但还有一些背包客热衷于寻找奢华体验。

    While sleeping in crowded hotels and strapping1 all your possessions to your back is heaven for some , there 's another breed of backpacker who 's looking for luxury .

  6. 本文报道自1987年以来用5-氟脲嘧啶(5-FU)行囊内注射治疗77例共81侧耳廓假性囊肿的经验。

    The paper reports the experience in treating 77 cases ( 81 ears ) of pseudocysts in the auricle by intracapsular injection of 5-FU .

  7. 你可以选择扫描的引导扇区,系统记忆体,档案,运行行囊,电子邮件和NTFS(DS)统扫描。

    You may choose to scan the boot sector , system memory , archives , runtime packers , email , and NTFS ( ADS ) scanning .

  8. 在这篇文章中,有英格兰-爱尔兰、德国-瑞典血统的驻京记者狄雨霏(DidiKirstenTatlow)前往慕尼黑,打开的远不止是自己的行囊。

    In this piece , Didi Kirsten Tatlow , a Times correspondent based in Beijing who has Anglo-Irish , German-Swedish roots , travels to Munich and unpacks a lot more than her suitcase .

  9. 收拾好你的行囊去过你全新的生活吧。

    Pack your stuff and leave for your brand new life .

  10. 整理行囊,朝着最多薪水的新单位进发吧。

    Pack up and move wherever the fattest paycheck is waiting .

  11. 收拾好行囊上路,开始想象未来的模样。

    March : Pack in back , and future in your mind .

  12. 而替长途旅程整理行囊更是令人退却。

    And it is especially daunting for a long journey .

  13. 他所拥有的一切就是背上的行囊。

    All that he owns is packed on his back .

  14. 家人们收拾好行囊,前往梅诺卡岛。

    The family packed up and set off for Menorca .

  15. 把曾经的快乐收入行囊,将你的身影装在心间。

    Income luggage was happy to be your shadow installed between heart .

  16. 我星期六打点行囊,你能帮我一把吗?

    Could you give me a hand packing on saturday ?

  17. 宝:什么?你让我丢弃一只行囊?

    Abao : What ? Give up one traveling bag ?

  18. 当晚,我就收拾行囊从公寓搬了进去。

    That very evening I moved my things round from the hotel ,

  19. 他和芬收拾了行囊,前往亚特兰大。

    And he and fin packed their bags and headed for atlanta .

  20. 于是我收拾行囊向大家道别。

    I packed my bag , I said goodbye .

  21. 更多的人正在白沙瓦整理行囊,准备离开。

    Many more are packing their bags in Peshawar , preparing to leave .

  22. 选好酒店&整理行囊,出发吧。

    Take your pick & then pack your bags .

  23. 收拾行囊,就在当天立即飞往了巴黎。

    packed my bag and flew immediately to Paris that very same day .

  24. 宝贝,请把你我的行囊一并包裹。

    Baby , pack your clothes with mine .

  25. 但是,在打点行囊之前,你应该考虑一下几个重要的忠告。

    Before you start packing , however , consider a couple of important caveats .

  26. 那么朋友,为什么不收拾好行囊来欧洲之星度过一个愉快的旅程呢?

    So why shouldn 't you treat yourself to some nice journey with Eurostar ?

  27. 旅行者肩负着沉重的行囊。

    The traveler was shouldering a heavy bag .

  28. 我当时恨不得钻到地洞去,背上行囊,转身就走了。

    I could grow to drilling holes , heavy luggage , and turned left .

  29. 在未来的某一天的早晨,我背上我的行囊开始我的旅程。

    One day in the next morning , my back my luggage began my journey .

  30. 绿色是梦,我们背着行囊去寻找。

    We dream for green , and we look for it with our traveling bag .