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xínɡ zhènɡ jī ɡuān
  • administrative organization;administrative organ;administrative body
  1. 申请者应只需接洽与申请有关的一个行政机关。

    Applicants shall have to approach only one administrative body in connection with an application .

  2. 行政机关的许可与不予许可实际上是基于公共利益的需要和公民权利实现的统一。

    License or no-license from administrative body is based on the unification of public interests and civil rights .

  3. 他知道行政机关办事效率低。

    He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly .

  4. 他想望在政府行政机关里谋到一个职位。

    He desired to obtain a position in the Civil Service .

  5. 第三,行政机关会因违反某些法官制定的法律原则而构成滥用自由裁量权。

    Third , an agency can abuse its discretion by breaching certain principles of judge-made law .

  6. 第五条审计机关依照法律规定独立行使审计监督权,不受其他行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。

    Article 5 Audit institutions shall independently exercise their power of supervision through auditing in accordance with the law , and be free from interference by any administrative organ , public organization or individual .

  7. 伴随着信息化进程的推进及电子政务系统在我国的实施,办公自动化系统OA(OfficeAutomation)已经被国家行政机关、高校、科研院所广泛采用。

    With the development of information and the implement of electronic government affair system in our country , office automation system has been widely adopted by department , university and scientific research academy .

  8. 认为符合法定条件申请行政机关颁发许可证和执照

    One considers oneself legally qualified to apply for a permit or license

  9. 我想我在行政机关部门也许可以效些微劳。

    I thought I might help with the civil administration .

  10. 行政机关侵犯公民名誉权及精神损害赔偿责任

    On Administrative Indemnity for the Citizens ' Reputation Right and Mental Damage

  11. 国家行政机关名称问题探究&教育部名称更迭引发赔偿诉讼的法律思考

    On Problem of the Name of State Administrative Organ

  12. (二)仅仅涉及行政机关的内部人事规则与实务。

    Related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency ;

  13. 关于行政机关法律责任的思考

    Some Thoughts on Legal Responsibility of Administrative Organs

  14. 日本的保护观察所是独立于法院的行政机关。

    In Japan , the parole enforcement agencies are under executive authorities independent of court .

  15. 所收费用由立法机关、司法机关、行政机关自己直接收取的。

    Charges which are collected directly by the legislative , judicial and administrative authorities themselves .

  16. 现实中的政府或行政机关从应然的和组织的角度来说不是经济人,而是公利人;

    Government or administration organization should not be economic man , but be public man ;

  17. 司法行政机关在构建和谐社会中大有作为

    Judicial Administrative Organs Will Play an Important Role in the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  18. 这些问题,为行政机关处理环境纠纷带来了极大的不便。

    These issues for the executive authorities to deal with environmental disputes brought great inconvenience .

  19. 行政机关紧急权力和紧急措施的立法设计

    The Legislative Design of Laws concerning Administrative Authorities Rights and Measures Taken in Case of Emergency

  20. 行政机关对劳动者合法权益的保护主要是通过劳动监察来实现的。

    Administrative agency protects labor 's lawful right and benefit mainly by means of labor supervision .

  21. 社会保障权无阻碍地实现还需国家行政机关的积极行政保障。

    The fulfillment of right to social security needs active administration of the national administrative organs .

  22. (七)认为行政机关违法要求履行义务的;

    Cases where an administrative organ is considered to have illegally demanded the performance of duties ;

  23. 就价值选择而言,要么控制行政机关的权力,要么控制相对方的权利,平衡是不存在的。

    There is either power of controlling administrative organs or power of controlling the opposite party .

  24. 上级行政机关认为有必要直接受理的,可以直接受理。

    The higher administrative authority may accept the complaint reporting matter directly if it deems necessary .

  25. 而在另一些国家和地区,行政机关行使着较多的规划制定权。

    While in other countries and regions , the executive exercised the right to develop more programming .

  26. 研究结果表明学校的外部环境和内部因素以及客观条件都已经具备了增设的可行性,希望当地的行政机关部门和学校能够利用资源合理有效的开发课程建设。

    We hope that the local administration and schools can use resources and develop course construction effectively .

  27. 在工商行政机关登记的公司文件中列名为股东;

    In the company file which the industry and commerce administrative organ registers a row named shareholder ;

  28. 进而提出了国家行政机关收费管理的概念及强化管理的目的和意义;

    Secondly , the thesis put forward the notion of administrative collecting fees and significance of strengthening it .

  29. 知情权的第一类义务主体是政府,包括立法、司法和行政机关等;

    The first obligation subject is a government , including legislature , judicial authority and administrative organizations , etc.

  30. 税务机关是国家税务行政机关,代表国家征收税款;

    Tax authority is the state tax administrative authority , which levy tax on behalf of the country .