
zǒng tǒng
  • president;the Executive
总统 [zǒng tǒng]
  • (1) [president;the Executive]

  • (2) 在实行总统制政体的共和国里被选为国家元首和行政首脑的官员

  • 美国总统

  • (3) 在实行议会制政体的共和国里被选为具有国家元首地位、但一般仅具有有限的行政权力的官员

总统[zǒng tǒng]
  1. 有人企图刺杀总统。

    Someone has made an attempt on the President 's life .

  2. 他是总统的亚洲政治智囊。

    He 's the president 's go-to guy on Asian politics .

  3. 副总统受到谴责,说他在几个重大问题上出尔反尔。

    The vice-president was accused of flip-flopping on several major issues .

  4. 叛乱分子至今未能把总统赶下台。

    The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President .

  5. 副总统代表总统出席了这次庆典。

    The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-President .

  6. 总统今天下午将举行记者招待会。

    The President will be giving a press conference this afternoon .

  7. 总统对于国家安全是不需要读入门书的。

    The President doesn 't need a primer on national security .

  8. 总统的健康正引起公众的严重关切。

    The President 's health was giving serious cause for concern .

  9. 总统被迫把权力让给军队。

    The President was obliged to concede power to the army .

  10. 当总统的车缓缓经过时,群众向他欢呼致意。

    The crowd cheered the President as he drove slowly by .

  11. 总统在电视讲话中阐述了自己的观点。

    The President set forth his views in a television broadcast .

  12. 首相不知不觉被总统利用了。

    The prime minister was an unwitting tool of the president .

  13. 这份报纸对总统的攻击纯属无稽之谈。

    The paper 's assault on the president was totally unjustified .

  14. 美国每四年举行一次总统选举。

    In America , presidential elections are held every four years .

  15. 总统将继续获得忠诚党员的拥护。

    The president will keep the support of the party faithful .

  16. 总统被暗杀使国家骤然陷入战争状态。

    The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war .

  17. 布什总统定于下月访问该国。

    President Bush is due to visit the country next month .

  18. 总统大赦了所有的政治犯。

    The president granted a general amnesty for all political prisoners .

  19. 美国总统正在对莫斯科进行回访。

    The US president is making a return visit to Moscow .

  20. 到目前为止,总统面对批评者都能够应付裕如。

    The president has so far managed to outmanoeuvre his critics .

  21. 总统面带愉悦的神情。

    There was an amused look on the President 's face .

  22. 他赢得了民主党总统候选人的提名。

    He won the nomination as Democratic candidate for the presidency .

  23. 这项法律是2000年总统选举的必然结果。

    The law was an outgrowth of the 2000 presidential election .

  24. 为总统安排日程的官员留出了90分钟的电视采访时间。

    The President 's schedulers allowed 90 minutes for TV interviews .

  25. 他是布什任总统时的白宫官员。

    He was a White House official during the Bush presidency .

  26. 有三分之二的人认为总统应当辞职。

    Two out of three people think the President should resign .

  27. 总统看起来可能要在某些重要问题上改变方针。

    The president appears likely to change course on some key issues .

  28. 这些蓄意拍摄的照片旨在败坏总统的名声。

    The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President .

  29. 这份报告总统尚未批准。

    The President hasn 't signed off on this report .

  30. 总统发表了一份简短的声明,否认那些指控。

    The President issued a terse statement denying the charges .