
zǒng cān móu zhǎng
  • chief of staff;chief of the general staff
总参谋长[zǒng cān móu zhǎng]
  1. 长征开始前,他因反对军事指挥上的教条主义,被错误地撤销了总参谋长的职务,到五军团去当参谋长。

    Before the long march , because of his opposition to dogmatism in the military command , he was wrongly dismissed from the post of chief of the general staff and demoted to chief of staff of the Fifth Army Group of the Chinese workers'and Peasants'Red army .

  2. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)总参谋长曾鸣在接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,移动设备生产商对去年推出的“阿里云”移动操作系统的需求增强。按成交额计算,阿里巴巴集团是中国最大的电子商务公司。

    Alibaba Group , China 's largest e-commerce company by transactions , is seeing stronger demand from handset makers for its Aliyun mobile operating software it launched last year , Chief Strategy Officer Zeng Ming said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal .

  3. 越南人民军副总参谋长武文俊(VoVanTuan)对《华尔街日报》表示,越南将向该海域派出两架飞机,与现已在该海域的九艘船只一同搜索失联航班。

    ' We are about to send two aircraft to the sea now , joining with nine vessels already on water there now , ' Vo Van Tuan , deputy chief of staff of Vietnamese People 's Army , told The Wall Street Journal .

  4. 在对马德拉河(亚马孙河上最长的支流)修建水电站项目的许可上,玛丽娜•席尔瓦女士接二连三地惨败给卢拉的总参谋长罗塞夫(DilmaRousseff)。

    She lost out to Dilma Rousseff , Lula 's chief-of-staff , in a row over environmental licences to build hydroelectric power plants on the Madeira river , the Amazon 's longest tributary .

  5. 菲律宾武装部队总参谋长埃莫赫内斯•埃斯佩龙(HermogenesEsperon)表示,6名年轻军官因涉嫌卷入上述阴谋已受到监视。

    General Hermogenes Esperon , the armed forces chief of staff , said six young officers were being held in connection with the alleged conspiracy .

  6. 国防军总参谋长,在当时是摩西。

    IDF chief of staff at the time was Moshe dayan .

  7. 你很出色,是当总参谋长的料。

    You 're good enough to become army chief-of-staff one day .

  8. 等总参谋长来了,叫金副局长招待他。

    When army chief-of-staff arrives , have kcla Deputy Kim host him .

  9. 周课长,总参谋长来了。

    Chief agent ju , the army chief-of-staff is here .

  10. 军队在新任武装部队总参谋长的带领下作出了强烈地反应。

    The army , under a newish chief of staff , reacted forcefully .

  11. 巴基斯坦陆军总参谋长基亚尼承诺,不会让军方干预政治。

    Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani has promised to keep the army out of politics .

  12. 打电话给总参谋长张将军。

    Call general chang , army chief-of-staff .

  13. 他被提升到许多高级军官之上,成为有史以来最年轻的帝国总参谋长。

    He was promoted over the heads of many senior officers to be the youngest-ever CIGS .

  14. 波兰数位重要的军事领导人也在空难中丧生,其中包括总参谋长冈戈尔(FranciszekGagor)。

    Poland also lost its key military leaders , including Chief of Staff Gen. Franciszek Gagor .

  15. 上月,官方媒体证实朝鲜在15个月里第四次更换人民军总参谋长。

    Last month , state media confirmed the appointment of a fourth army chief in 15 months .

  16. “这是想破坏此次大会的人的一个阴谋”,总参谋长如是说。

    " It 's a plot by those who want to derail the assembly ," the general said .

  17. 故指派他来取代三军总参谋长杜雅瑞曼上将,是一个开放的挑战。

    Assign him to replace Gen Thura Shwe Mann , joint chief of staff of the armed forces , is an open challenge .

  18. 俄罗斯副总参谋长诺戈维琴说,黑海海域因此显得很拥挤。

    The deputy head of Russia 's General Staff , General Anatoly Nogovitsyn , says the Black Sea has become a bit crowded .

  19. 中国人民解放军副总参谋长戚建国在新加坡举行的香格里拉对话会发表以上讲话。

    Qi Jianguo , deputy chief of general staff of the People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) of China said this at the 12th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore .

  20. 由于在过去一年中,双方总参谋长和国防部长都已经完成了互访,可能受到影响的高层对话没有2010年那么多。

    With both sides ' chiefs of general staff and defence ministers having exchanged visits over the past year , less high-level dialogue is at stake than in 2010 .

  21. 中国总参谋长向尼泊尔提供了一系列的军事援助,加德满都则启动了全方位伙伴合作关系框架下双方的定期交流项目。

    The Chinese army chief offered a range of military aid , and got Kathmandu to work out a program of regular exchanges under the China-Nepal Comprehensive Partnership of Cooperation .

  22. 法国总参谋长海军上将爱德华·吉约表示,他不能确定贝勒穆赫塔尔是否死亡,但是阿布·扎伊德的死讯有足够的可信度。

    The head of France 's Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Edouard Guillaud couldn 't confirm whether Belmokhtar was dead or alive but said AbouZeid 's death was very probable .

  23. 阿罗斯福室预算讨论呼吁星期日是出席,其中包括总参谋长以马内利,财政部副部长盖特纳和经济顾问委员会主席克里斯蒂娜罗默。

    A Roosevelt Room budget discussion called for a Sunday is attended by , among others , Chief of Staff Emanuel , Treasury Secretary Geithner and Council of Economic Advisers Chair Christina Romer .

  24. 此外,津巴布韦一位著名的反对党成员说,他的家人遭到了殴打。津巴布韦政府控制的日报先驱报援引军队总参谋长切东多少将的话说,军人都应当投票支持穆加贝总统,否则就应该退出军队。

    The state controlled daily , The Herald , quoted the army chief of staff , Major General Martin Chedondo , as saying that all soldiers should vote for President Mugabe or quit the army .

  25. 杜斯塔姆以前也曾几次改变效忠的对象。他曾担任过象征性的阿富汗全国部队总指挥的参谋长。

    The general , who has a reputation for switching allegiances , holds the ceremonial post of Chief of Staff to the Afghan National Army 's Commander-in-Chief .