
  • 网络Aden;ADE
  1. 按计划在到达巴士拉之前它会停靠在亚丁或其他港口。

    It 's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra

  2. 该组织还对亚丁参加这次会议表示谴责。他们认为亚丁去参加这次会谈并没有收到索马里议会或执行委员会的命令。1.attendancen.出席次数;出席;参加;

    The group also blasted the attendance of Aden , arguing he had no mandate from either the Somali parliament or executive to attend the talks .

  3. 亚丁听说有一个保护计划叫“重新投资明尼苏达州”(RIM),该计划可以让亚丁有偿退耕边际土地。

    Aden heard about a conservation program called Reinvest in Minnesota or RIM , that would pay him to return some of his farmland to its natural state .

  4. 12岁的亚丁(Aden)想要滑板和自行车。在一个允许他独自闲逛的地方,那是享受自由的装备。

    Aden , 12 , wants a skateboard and bicycle , accouterments of freedom in a place he is allowed to wander by himself .

  5. 以乙醇钠为碱,由2-(1,4-亚丁二硫基)亚甲基芳甲酰丙酮与芳醛的缩合反应得到标题化合物,其立体化学经1HNMR验证为E-构型。

    The title compounds were synthesized by the condensation reaction between 2 ( 1,4 butylene dithio ) methylene aroyl acetones and aromatic aldehydes with sodium ethoxide as a base . The stereochemistry of the compounds was confirmed to be E configuration by 1H NMR .

  6. 这艘船在亚丁和伦敦之间的几个港口停靠。

    The ship calls at several ports between Aden and London .

  7. 亚丁的子孙四百五十四名。

    The children of Adin , four hundred fifty and four .

  8. 亚丁说,课程首先要问学生的一个问题是,公共服务对你意味着什么?

    We first ask what does public service mean to you ?

  9. 经过一个月的治疗,亚丁的状况有所好转。

    After the month of treatment , Aden 's condition improved .

  10. 来跟我告别吧。我要去亚丁的世界了。

    Come and say goodby e.i 'm going to aden 's land .

  11. 亚丁很乐于坐下请听它们的声音。

    And Aden is happy to sit back and listen .

  12. 亚丁打破了排水瓦管,退耕还湿地。

    Aden broke drainage tiles and let his farmland return to wetland .

  13. 我问亚丁,商学院学生为何想要学习竞选活动管理?

    Why do business students want to study campaign management ?

  14. 1839年取得亚丁,1842年取得香港。

    Aden was secured in1839 , and Hong Kong in1842 .

  15. 货到也门的亚丁的到岸价是多少?

    How much is shipping to Aden , Yemen ?

  16. 2-亚丁基环戊酮的选择加氢反应研究

    Study of the Selective Hydrogenation of 2-Butylene Cyclopentanone Catalyzed by Ultrafine NiB Amorphous

  17. 现在让我们来一睹亚丁几年前的庄稼吧。

    Here 's a look at Aden 's crop a few years ago .

  18. 中国北京到亚丁机票价格,特价机票,航班时间查询。

    Beijing , China to Aden ticket price ticket fare , and flight query .

  19. 根据区内地质遗迹与地质景观的特征,分析了地质遗迹与地质景观在亚丁旅游开发中的地位,并对其发展潜力进行了浅评。

    Developmental potentialities of the geological vestiges and geological landscape in tourism development are assessed .

  20. 亚丁种了数和灌木。

    Aden planted trees and shrubs .

  21. 亚丁说,他觉得一些商学院的想法是,自己的学生只想毕业以后出去赚钱。

    I think some schools believe their students only want to go out and make money .

  22. (船)停靠码头,入港按计划在到达巴士拉之前它会停靠在亚丁或其他港口。

    It 's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra .

  23. 2000年,美国军舰“科尔”号在也门的亚丁港口加油时遭受了攻击。

    The USS Cole was refuelling in the port of Aden in Yemen when it was attacked in2000 .

  24. 过亚丁弯时,在任何时侯都要用各种手段进行有效正规了望。

    A.Using all kinds of manners to keep a sharp lookout at all times when passing Gulf of Aden .

  25. 这些天来的声音,拖拉机就亚丁家庭农场已取代由不同的声音。

    These days the sound of tractors on the Aden family farm has been replaced by a different sound .

  26. 到塞得港、亚丁以及东部各港口的航运业务

    A steamer service calling at Port Said , Aden and all points east , ie all other ports further east

  27. 属亚丁的子孙有约拿单的儿子以别,同着他有男丁五十。

    And of the sons of adin , ebed , the son of jonathan ; and with him fifty males .

  28. 我们得到的水会拿出这里看看亚丁的作物,几年前。

    We got the water would come up Here 's a look at Aden 's crop a few years ago .

  29. 相反,当医疗工作者和营养师在为亚丁进行治疗的时候,穆罕默德先生在稳定中心守候了四个星期。

    Mohammed stayed at the stabilization centre for four weeks while the medical staff and nutritionists went about treating the child .

  30. 亚丁是总统艾哈迈德的主要政治对手,他因政治方面的勇猛在索马里被称为“刀锋”。

    Aden , known in Somalia as " the blade " for his political prowess , is Ahmed 's main political rival .