
  1. 绪言主要概括了这首作品的总体风格。

    Introduction This is the first major work outlines the overall style .

  2. 各民族民间文学的交流整合与中华民间文学的总体风格

    Exchanges and Integrations of Folk Literature and General Style of Chinese Folk Literature

  3. 之后对古代少数民族题材绘画总体风格进行了阐述。

    Finally , it illustrates the overall style of the ancient ethnic paintings .

  4. 在该作品的演奏过程当中,我们应该把握作品总体风格。

    Works performed at this process , we should grasp the overall style of work .

  5. 营建时间与过程造成的立面总体风格是结合古典主义、文艺复兴、巴洛克的欧风装饰主义。

    In general , the style is influenced of the merging of Classicism , Renaissance and Baroque .

  6. 它的广泛而成功的运用,对《史记》语言总体风格的形成产生了积极而显著的影响。

    Its extensive and successful application has a conspicuous influence on the formation of the language style in Historical Notes .

  7. 我喜欢这楼的总体风格,但那些烟囱太大,不成比例。

    I like the general style of the building , but the chimneys are out of proportion , they are too big .

  8. 总体风格趋向简洁类型简洁、线条简洁、色彩简洁就好像理念越来越简单明了。

    There 's an overall move toward cleanliness-in type , in line , in color-as if ideas are getting more and more succinct .

  9. 然后从肖邦谐谑曲入手,介绍了肖邦谐谑曲的历史背景与总体风格特征。

    And then , starts from Chopin 's scherzos , the author introduces the historical background and overall style and characteristics of Chopin 's scherzos .

  10. 第四章简要的阐释了共同的地域、文化、和心理素质造就了内蒙古油画创作的总体风格。

    The fourth chapter briefly explains the common geographical , cultural , and psychological qualities of Inner Mongolia created a general style of oil painting : reation .

  11. 西方造园艺术的发展轨迹,虽然其风格是多变的,但总体风格一直是规则几何型,崇尚理性主义,以形式的先验的和谐为美的本质;

    Although its style is changeable , but the overall style always is the regular geometry , advocation rationalism , take form prior harmony as beautiful essence ;

  12. 通过这两个音乐要素的分析,来进一步了解肖邦谐谑曲旋律与和声的总体风格特征。

    By analyzing these two music elements , it allows the reader to further understand the overall style and characteristics of melody and harmony in Chopin 's scherzos .

  13. 本文试图对知青小说的审美风格作一个宏观的描述,既探讨知青小说的总体风格,也探讨在每一阶段所表现出来的差异性。

    This paper attempts to make a macro description of the aesthetic styles of the intellectual youth novels : their overall similarity and their differences reflected in different periods .

  14. 教授:今天,我们要从之前已经探讨的公共建筑总体风格上稍微背离一点,来看看美国的居民建筑。

    Professor : Today , we are taking a little detour from the grand styles of public architecture we 've been studying to look at residential architectures in the United States .

  15. “婉约”是“本色”之词的总体风格,其美感特征为“阴柔”,其内容特点为“缘情”,其表现手法上的特征为“含蓄”。

    Wanyue represents the general style of Bense Ci poetry , and is characterized by feminine tenderness in aesthetics , fate and friendship in contents and pregnancy of meaning in the way of expression .

  16. 在实际诗歌创作中他博采众长,师法盛唐,总体风格趋于古朴典雅、清新淡远。范梈为扫除江西诗派遗弊做出了巨大贡献,在诗歌史上占有重要的地位。

    In actual poems in the long , imitation by tang , overall style tend to be simple and elegant , pure and fresh , tasteless poetry for thorough cleaning jiangxi made outstanding contribution disadvantages .

  17. 本文从型式出发,依据各型式出现流行的年代和总体风格的转变,将虎图形的发展分为萌芽期、发展兴盛期和衰亡期。

    According to the appearing time of different type and the changes of the style , this treatise divide tiger figures into three periods : germination period , development and prosperity period , declining and falling period ;

  18. 第三部分,这部分内容的侧重点在于,剖析作家寄托在灾害文学作品中的情感,以及他们描述灾害场景、叙述灾害事件所采用的的表现手法,分析东汉灾害文学形成的总体风格。

    The emphasis of this part is the emotion in literary works , the expression means to describe the disaster scene and narrate disaster events , as well as the overall style of Eastern Han disaster literature .

  19. 他的艺术歌曲,在总体风格和具体创作技法上,既有西洋艺术歌曲的特点,又继承了中国的文化传统(特别是音韵与旋律方面的结合上)。

    His art songs , in general style and specific creative techniques , not only take on the characteristics of Western art songs , but also inherit the traditional Chinese culture ( especially on aspects of a combination of music and melody ) .

  20. 其诗歌总体风格是孤寒,主要体现在荒寒的自然景物和幽冷的意象上,意境深沉幽远,语言平淡自然,苦思而不见痕迹,用力而归于自然。

    The overall style of poetry is destitute , mainly reflected on his description of the wild natural scenery and deserted , cold image with deeply artistic conception , selecting poetry with simple and natural language , hard thinking but not visible , exerting but natural .

  21. 这些设计中的兼收并蓄意味着难以界定一个总体的风格。

    The eclecticism of the designs means it is difficult to define one overall look .

  22. 京派小说的总体艺术风格是平和而淡远,带有浓郁的诗情画意。

    General artistic style of Beijing local novels is gentle and profound .

  23. 竞技健身运动展示水平,总体编排风格独特性有所提高。

    Show the level of competitive fitness in general and unique style of presentation has increased .

  24. 宋代审美之盛既表现为对唐代审美成果之全面继承,更表现为古典艺术审美形式、趣味、手法之精致化,词即其典型代表,总体审美风格体现为内敛柔丽。

    Succeeding the aesthetic achievements of the Tang Dynasty , the aesthetic style of the Song Dynasty is seen in seeking exquisite aesthetic form , taste , and manner , e. g. Ci is a typical representative .

  25. 本文首先确立了杨绛边缘叙事与智性写作的总体艺术创作风格并对其进行了简单的梳理。

    This article first establishes the general artistic style , which is characterized by " marginal narration " and " witty creation ", and makes an arrangement on it .

  26. 勉县武侯祠的建筑选址、总体布局以及建筑风格等都充分显示出了较高的艺术价值和独到的陕南建筑地方特色和手法。

    It has higher value of art and distinctive Shannan architectural style on the temple 's location , layout and style .

  27. 总体上中学生宽恕风格发展的性别差异不显著,但在某些情境中存在显著差异;

    The gender factor makes no significant difference of forgiveness style of all , but in some moral context the differences are noticeable .

  28. 通过对书院的文化教育和建筑环境特色的阐述,分析了书院在场址选择、建筑风水、总体布局、建筑风格、园林景观等方面对现代大学校园建筑环境建设的影响和启示。

    This article , through an illustration of the cultural education and the characteristic construct , analyses the influence and apocalypse to modern campus in choosing the location , architecture geomantic omen , overall arrangement , architecture style and landscape .

  29. 由于传统思想与外来文化的冲击碰撞,而又缺乏一种主导思想与整体规划,导致住宅花园在单体上表现出中西杂糅的风格,在总体上却又风格单一、缺乏个性。

    As a result of the collision of traditional and foreign culture , and the lack of a dominant ideology and the overall planning , the residential gardens show Chinese-Western style in individual while a single style and lack of personality on the whole .

  30. 城市住宅必须同城市的总体规划要求相一致,同城市的总体风格相协调。

    The town house has to request with the total programming of city mutually and consistently and together the total style of city to moderate mutually .