
xínɡ zhènɡ yuàn zhǎnɡ
  • Premier of the Executive Yuan
  1. 行政院长今天早上举行了记者招待会。

    The prime minister held a news conference this morning .

  2. 这时,内阁一个接着一个提出辞呈,谁也不敢在他的政府里当行政院长了。

    No one dared now to become premier of his government and cabinet after cabinet resigned .

  3. 在1928-1949年15人次行政院长者中,9人次为留日者;

    During the years from 1928 to 1949 , of the 15 persons of the administration directors , 9 persons are the students from Japan .

  4. 〔1〕一九四九年三月十二日,李宗仁在孙科辞职后,任命何应钦继任行政院长。

    After Sun Fo 's resignation , Li Tsung-jen appointed Ho Ying-chin to succeed him as president of the bogus Executive Yuan on March 12 , 1949 .

  5. 行政院长游锡昨天在立法院答询时表示,这两道公投题目并没有法律拘束力,只有「宣示性」。

    Yesterday at Legislative Yuan replied to indicate , these two plebiscites topics haded no law to restrain the power , onlying have " publicized the sex " .

  6. 成千上万名台湾官员,上至行政院长,下至小学校长,都有类似可供自由支配的“特别费”。

    Thousands of officials , from the premier all the way down to primary school head teachers , have had similar " special allowances " at their disposal for decades .

  7. 汪精卫因无实权而在1932年8月初请辞行政院长职。主持和领导资政院工作的总裁(议长),在资政院有其特殊的地位和权力。

    He submitted his resignation of being the President of Administrative Council in early August 1932 owing to his powerlessness . The president had special position and authority in State Council for political Consultation .

  8. 1946年夏,时任国民政府行政院长的宋子文偕夫人张乐怡来庐山在此别墅下榻。

    In the summer of1946 , Song Ziwen ( Tse-ven Soong ), Executive Administrator of the Kuomintang Government , came to Lushan Mountain with his wife , Zhang Leyi , and stayed at this Villa .

  9. 首先,长长的建议单中确实包含了一些具有实质意义的意见,同时行政院长苏贞昌周五承诺,行政院将在一个月内制定出具体执行计划。

    First , the long list of recommendations does include a few that matter , and Su Tseng-chang , the Taiwan premier , promised on Friday that the cabinet would follow up with specific plans for implementation within a month .

  10. 行政院院长职务,在总统所提行政院院长人选未经立法院同意前,由行政院副院长暂行代理。

    Pending such confirmation , the vice president of the Executive Yuan shall temporarily exercise the functions of the president of the said yuan .

  11. 行政院院长还将访问首都对外经济贸易大学,他将与学生会面并回答他们的问题。

    The first minister will also visit the University of international business and economics in Beijing where he will meet students and answer their questions .

  12. 但这位行政院院长目前极有可能成为不满食品污染事件的公众的出气筒,马先生应该不得不再次慎重考虑。

    But with the prime minister now a possible lightning rod for dissatisfaction over the tainted products , Mr Ma may have to think again .

  13. 朱又说,如果江丙坤被提名为行政院院长,胡志强在总统府的职务,就不会有问题,但是,胡志强跟刘兆玄处得并不好。

    Chu added that if P.K.Chiang had been named premier , Jason Hu would have been okay in the presidential office . However , Jason Hu does not get along with Liu Chao-shiuan .

  14. 复议时,如经出席立法委员三分之二维持原决议,行政院院长应即接受该决议或辞职。

    If , after reconsideration , two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Yuan present at the meeting uphold the original resolution , the president of the Executive Yuan shall either abide by the same or resign from office ;