
cí bā
  • glutinous rice cake;cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste
糍粑 [cí bā]
  • [cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste] 用糯米蒸熟捣烂后所制成的一种食品

糍粑[cí bā]
  1. 妈妈手上还拿着刚才买的糍粑,是给奶奶留的。

    Mum is still holding one Zipa , left for grandma .

  2. 今天怎么有空做糍粑呢?

    Why you have time to make it today ?

  3. 春节期间,家家户户都要制作数十斤的糯米糍粑。

    Spring Festival period , each and every family must manufacture dozens of catty glutinous rice glutinous rice cakes .

  4. 剩下的多余糍粑可以留到日后加鸡蛋或者醪糟煮来吃,比较甜。

    The rest can be left to future excess Ciba plus eggs , or glutinous rice to eat more sweet .

  5. 四川凉糍粑色香味俱佳,糯软醇甜,入口凉爽,沁人心脾。

    Sichuan cold Ciba color , aroma and taste , soft waxy alcohol and sweet , the cool entrance , refreshing .

  6. 吃黑饭、包粽粑、打糍粑,均为糯米的不同制品。

    Has the black food , the package zongzi , to hit the glutinous rice cake , is glutinous rice 's different product .

  7. 彩莲船、荷花灯、蚌壳精、舂糍粑、挂灯笼、贴春联、放鞭炮、鼓乐声声、龙腾狮舞,一个个喜庆的场面,一幅幅美丽的画帘。

    Colorful water lily boat , lotus flower lamp , red lantern , spring festival couplet , firecracker , drum and music , etc , compose a festive and joyful scene !

  8. 将另一半糍粑成大小、厚薄差不多的片,盖在其上,再把芝麻糖撒在面上,切成块就可以了。

    The other half of Ciba into size , thickness or less the same film , cover on it , then sprinkle the surface of sesame sugar , cut into pieces on it .

  9. 舂茸成糍粑,用热的帕子搭盖。2、把芝麻粉、蜜桂花、白糖、食用桃红色素拌匀,制成芝麻糖。

    Chung Rong into Ciba , with the veil put up hot . 2 , the sesame powder , honey osmanthus , white sugar , food coloring mix pink , made of sesame candy .