
háng huì
  • guild
行会 [háng huì]
  • [guild] 一种手工业的同业团体,由同一行业的工人组成,订有行规,调解会内纠纷,对外办交涉

行会[háng huì]
  1. 每月一书俱乐部(Book-of-the-MonthClub)和文学行会(LiteraryGuild)都选中了它,《读者文摘》(Reader'sDigest)出版了它的缩略版。

    Both Book-of-the-Month Club and the Literary Guild made the novel one of their selections , and Reader 's Digest selected it for publication in condensed form .

  2. 明清晋商行会,在其产生之初就是商人自发的群体性民间组织,这恰好与NGO所具有的特性相一致。

    Shanxi merchants Guild in Ming and Qing dynasties , at the beginning of its produce was businessman spontaneous mass civil society organizations , which happen to be consistent with the characteristics of the NGO .

  3. 这一罪行会严格依法审理。

    The crime will be treated with the full rigour of the law .

  4. 按照规定,每个shell脚本的第一行将向操作系统表明要启动哪个程序来解释脚本。通常,这一行会显示!

    Per convention , the first line of every shell script tells the operating system what program to launch to interpret the script .

  5. 注意,在缩进第一个属性后,如果在标记中按enter,则后面的行会缩进以匹配。

    Notice that after you indent the first attribute , if you press enter in the tag , subsequent lines are indented to match .

  6. 在执行插入或更新事务过程中,新行会同时添加到inserted表和触发器表中。

    During an insert or update transaction , new rows are added to both the inserted table and the trigger table .

  7. 注意:本例中,表T1和T2的连接是不含任何条件的,因此,T1中的每一行会匹配T2中的每一行。

    Note : In this case tables T1 and T2 are joined without any condition , so every row in T1 matches every row in T2 .

  8. XMD会启动一个命令行会话,用项目的目录作为当前工作目录。

    XMD will start a command-line session with the project directory as the current working directory .

  9. Joe的版本似乎违背了美国特种咖啡协会(SpecialtyCoffeeAssociationofAmerica,简称SCAA)及其下属咖啡师行会(BaristaGuild)推行的卡布奇诺标准,该标准主张最少要有一厘米厚的奶泡。

    The Joe version would seem to violate the cappuccino standards put forth by the Specialty Coffee Association of America ( S.C.A.A. ) and its Barista Guild , which advocate a one-centimeter layer , minimum , of milky foam .

  10. 当用户准备将改变提交到服务器端时,下面这行会将ChangeObject实例集合发送到服务器端:collection.sync()。

    When the user is ready to submit the changes to the server , the following line will send a collection of ChangeObject instances to the server : collection . sync ();

  11. paramax还宣称,瑞银曾告诉它,该行会采取“主观评估方法”,意味着瑞银不会计入任何可能引发paramax追加更多保证金的亏损。

    Paramax also claims that UBS told it that the bank would employ " subjective valuation methodologies " that meant it would not record any loss in value that could trigger calls for additional margin from paramax .

  12. 面包商行会和肉商行会现在都已变成了餐厅。

    The bakers ' and butchers ' houses are now restaurants .

  13. 有时一行会占满整堵墙。

    Sometimes a row goes all the way around a wall .

  14. 默认条件下,一个部分的行会被标上黄色。

    By default , a partial line is colored in yellow .

  15. 我们只是一些游戏行会仅此而已。

    We 're just a guild of gamers , that 's all .

  16. 试比较中英行会的组织形式&兼论中国行会的特点

    On the Organizations of the Gilds in China and England

  17. 由行会精英演变而成的商业精英;

    Guild leaders or guild teachers to become commercial elites .

  18. 论司法对体育行会内部纠纷的干预

    On Judicial Interventions in the Internal Disputes of Sports Circles

  19. 我想,中国之行会让你更加兴奋的。

    More exciting will be your stay in China , I suppose .

  20. 会不会这几个年轻人不是行会成员呢?

    What if these young men are not the guild ?

  21. 体育行会权力及其行政法控制研究

    The Research on Power of Sports Associations and Power Control of Administrative Law

  22. 每一个三方程三未知数的问题中的一个行会给我们三维空间中的一个平面。

    Each row in a3 by3 problem gives us a plane in3 dimensions .

  23. 行会是玩家的一种组织。

    A guild is a team of players online .

  24. 中世纪城市的行会市民,也是如此。

    The same thing holds for the guild member in the medieval towns .

  25. 牧马行会能够提高城邑中骑兵部队作战能力。

    Horse Breeders'Guild improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region .

  26. 行会师傅被工业的中间等级排挤掉了;

    The guild-masters were pushed on one side by the manufacturing middle class ;

  27. 哈萨辛大师行会是狞笑和死亡的渊薮。

    The Master Hashashim 's'Guild house is a den of delights and death .

  28. 体育行会内部行政权的正当性质疑

    Query on the Justifiability of Interior Administration of Turnverein

  29. 传统行会的职能评析与现实借鉴

    About the functions of traditional guilds for realistic references

  30. 在那儿工作,你会成为行会的一员的。

    To work there , you 've got to be a guild member .