
lì wù pǔ
  • Liverpool;Liverpool Football Club;University of Liverpool;Liverpool FC
  1. 联队以5:0狂胜利物浦队。

    United hit the jackpot with a 5-0 win over Liverpool .

  2. 星期六他们和利物浦队有一场重要比赛。

    They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday .

  3. 利物浦队抽的签是在客场与曼彻斯特联队进行比赛。

    Liverpool have an away draw against Manchester United .

  4. 这名荷兰球员将于本星期六在利物浦队中首次亮相。

    The Dutch player will make his first appearance for Liverpool this Saturday .

  5. 利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续18场不败的纪录。

    Liverpool lost to Leeds , ending an unbeaten run of 18 games .

  6. 利物浦当地的一支乐队为他们作助兴演出。

    They were supported by a local Liverpool band .

  7. 利物浦队以三比一获胜。

    Liverpool won by three goals to one .

  8. 利物浦队在决赛中不敌对手,以0:2输掉比赛。

    Liverpool couldn 't match the opposition in the final and lost 2 – 0 .

  9. 利物浦队明显更胜一筹。

    Liverpool were clearly the superior team .

  10. 利物浦队此时正在验证他们的理论。

    The Liverpool team are now putting their theory to the test

  11. 我的一个朋友在利物浦队踢过球。

    A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool .

  12. 我在利物浦和我青梅竹马的恋人舒拉结婚了。

    I married Shurla , my childhood sweetheart , in Liverpool .

  13. 利物浦是靠奴隶贸易肥起来的。

    Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade .

  14. 哀悼者准备在利物浦筹备举行一次烛光祈祷。

    Mourners are to stage a candlelit vigil in Liverpool .

  15. 功成名就之后她还是舍不得离开她深爱的利物浦。

    Fame hasn 't torn her away from her beloved Liverpool

  16. 它们被装上开往利物浦的货运火车。

    They were loaded on the railway trucks to go to Liverpool .

  17. 预计他会被移交利物浦高等刑事法庭。

    He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court .

  18. 我们在利物浦所有的小酒吧和低级夜总会演出过。

    We 've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool .

  19. 他的缺阵将是对利物浦队夺冠希望的致命打击。

    His loss would be a crushing blow to Liverpool 's title hopes .

  20. 回到利物浦后,感觉很奇怪。

    It felt weird going back to Liverpool .

  21. 利物浦足球俱乐部显得依然坚如磐石。

    Liverpool football club are still looking unassailable .

  22. 雨从利物浦剧院的屋顶倾泻而入,剧院的观众被疏散了。

    The theatre was evacuated when rain poured through the roof at the Liverpool Playhouse

  23. 他的职业生涯是从利物浦大学开始的。

    His professional career started at Liverpool University .

  24. 这艘轮船于1811年4月在利物浦靠岸。

    The vessel docked at Liverpool in April 1811

  25. 利物浦队一小时前开的球。

    Liverpool kicked off an hour ago .

  26. 在利物浦朗雷恩公墓为布赖恩·爱泼斯坦举行了私人葬礼。

    Brian Epstein was buried in a private ceremony at Long Lane Cemetery , Liverpool .

  27. 你从利物浦什么地方来的?

    Whereabouts in Liverpool are you from ?

  28. 利物浦人多年来一直没有得到公正的待遇。

    The people of Liverpool have had a bad deal for many , many years .

  29. 我在利物浦大学以优异成绩获得了拉丁美洲研究方向的硕士学位。

    I did an M.A. at Liverpool University in Latin American Studies and got a distinction .

  30. 英国铁路公司声称最新的利物浦街道车站是未来的发展方向。

    British Rail says its new Liverpool Street station is the shape of things to come .