
  • 网络Liverpool football club;Liverpool FC;Liverpool F.C;LFC
  1. 组织者阿格希望提醒所有出行的利物浦球迷,他们会再次担任利物浦足球俱乐部以及利物浦城的亲善大使角色。

    Organiser Agg wishes to remind all travelling LFC supporters that they will be once again be acting as ambassadors for Liverpool FC and the City of Liverpool .

  2. 利物浦足球俱乐部今天证实,贝尼特斯是经双方同意离开该俱乐部。

    Liverpool FC today confirmed that Rafael Benitez is to leave the club by mutual consent .

  3. 利物浦足球俱乐部显得依然坚如磐石。

    Liverpool football club are still looking unassailable .

  4. 据报道,第九城市(The9Limited)总裁、一度荣登中国富豪榜的富翁朱骏正在洽谈购买利物浦足球俱乐部(LiverpoolFootballClub)。

    Zhu Jun , chairman of The9 Limited and onetime China rich lister , is reportedly in talks to buy the Liverpool Football Club .

  5. 几年前如果有人告诉你,一位名不见经传的中国商人打算买下意大利时装品牌普拉达(Prada)或利物浦足球俱乐部(LiverpoolFootballClub),大多数人都会认为这是在开玩笑。

    If someone had suggested a few years ago that an unknown Chinese businessman was going to buy Italian fashion house Prada or Liverpool Football Club most people would have assumed it was a joke .

  6. 利物浦足球俱乐部今天确认了新签约了塞尔维亚球员米兰-约万诺维奇。

    Liverpool Football Club today confirmed the signing of Serbia international Milan Jovanovic .

  7. 利物浦足球俱乐部今天与阿贾克斯就路易斯苏亚雷斯的转会费达成了一致,等待体检通过就可以完成转会。

    Football Club today agreed a fee with Ajax for Luis Suarez-subject to the completion of a medical .

  8. 芬威体育集团和利物浦足球俱乐部今天确认肯尼达格利什已经成为俱乐部的主教练。

    Fenway Sports Group and Liverpool FC today confirmed that Kenny Dalglish has been appointed as Team Manager .

  9. 英格兰新任主帅斯蒂文。麦克拉伦今天访问了利物浦足球俱乐部训练基地梅尔伍德。

    New England boss Steve McClaren paid a visit to Liverpool Football club 's training facilities at Melwood today .

  10. 如今福音之心依然在利物浦足球俱乐部前回旋不绝

    Something with the heart of this gospel is still sung on the terraces of Liverpool FC to this day ,

  11. 收购者名叫约翰亨利,他同时还是波士顿红袜棒球队和利物浦足球俱乐部的主要拥有者。

    The buyer is John W Henry , the main owner of the Boston Red Sox baseball team and Liverpool Football Club .

  12. 没有时间表已放在过程和利物浦足球俱乐部将作出一个新的经理,直到没有进一步说明是任命的。

    No timescale has been placed on the process and Liverpool FC will make no further statement until a new manager is appointed .

  13. 我们想要做一些与其它足球学校不同的事情,因为我相信,利物浦足球俱乐部就是其中不同的地方和特殊的地方。

    We want to do something different to other soccer schools because I believe Liverpool Football Club is something different and something special .

  14. 利物浦足球俱乐部的所在地安菲尔德郊区曾实行过一个复兴策略,但最终流产,遗留下来的是一排又一排门窗被木板钉住的房屋,景象一派衰颓;

    In the suburb of Anfield , home to Liverpool Football Club , an aborted regeneration scheme has bequeathed row after blighted row of boarded-up houses ;

  15. 做为野心勃勃的计划中的一部分,利物浦足球俱乐部给我提供了一个实现把红军带回颠峰的机会。

    Back then Liverpool Football Club gave me the opportunity to be part of an ambitious plan to put the Reds back at the summit of the game .

  16. 同时,我们不能忘记博雷尔同志的老搭档&塞古拉,他同样在利物浦足球俱乐部的发展中扮演着重要的角色。

    However , it is important to remember that Borell is just one half of this double act Jose Segura will also play a very important role in the development of Liverpool Football Club .

  17. 这位全球最有天赋、但同时又备受争议的前锋将无缘剩下的世界杯比赛,也不能代表所效力的利物浦足球俱乐部参加英超赛季的初期比赛。

    Surez , one of the world 's most talented , but controversial strikers , will miss the rest of his country 's World Cup campaign as well as the early part of the English Premier League season with his club Liverpool .

  18. 我们过去几个星期已经在波斯顿、伦敦和利物浦见过他们,我深深地对他们已经达到的成绩和他们对于利物浦足球俱乐部的愿景留下了深刻的印象。

    We 've met them in Boston , London and Liverpool over several weeks and I am immensely impressed with what they have achieved and with their vision for Liverpool Football Club .