
  • 网络Leech;Geoffrey Leech;Edmund Leach;G.N.Leech;G.Leech
  1. 根据利奇和肖特的分类,前景化可以分为质量型前景化和数量型前景化。

    According to Leech and Short , foregrounding can be classified into qualitative foregrounding and quantitative foregrounding .

  2. 利奇善于玩弄对手的欲望,野心和弱点,这似乎是他的本能。

    Leech seemed to play on the aspirations , ambitions , and weaknesses of his interlocutors by instinct .

  3. 利奇先生休假了,不方便作出评论。

    Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment .

  4. 有些机构,如董事学会(instituteofdirectors),很欢迎这种分析,但它们抱怨道,利奇爵士写得太简略了,没有详细指出要怎样实现这些雄心壮志。

    Others , such as the Institute of directors , welcomed the analysis , but complained that Lord Leitch was far too sketchy on exactly how all these high ambitions would be achieved .

  5. 另一位来自科罗拉多州立大学的水稻研究人员简利奇(janleach)表示,科学家们可以在水稻基因组中发现一些极具价值的隐性性状。

    Another rice researcher , Jan leach at Colorado State University , says scientists can find valuable qualities hidden in the rice genome .

  6. 利奇希望加快建立统一的金融代码体系——也就是所谓“法人实体身份证明”(LEI),这将有助于避免因计算机系统识别交易对手和产品的方法不同而导致交易失败。

    Mr Leach wants faster progress towards uniform financial codes , so-called " legal entity identifiers , " which would help prevent failed trades that occur because computer systems identify counterparties and products using different methods .

  7. 英国国内生产总值(gdp)在七国集团(g7)中的排名已从最末升至第二,这一事实表明,尽管利奇爵士称英国技能人才“平庸”,但英国肯定采取了一些正确的措施。

    The fact that the UK has gone from bottom to second in terms of gross domestic product among G7 countries suggests the country must be doing something right , despite what Lord Leitch describes as its " mediocre " skills .

  8. 明年她在利奇夫人管的年级就读。

    She 's in MS leach 's form next year .

  9. 特立克-利奇方法在指标趋势预测中的应用

    The Application of the Trigg-Leach Method in Management Forecasting

  10. 利奇提出一个观点,即宠坏孩子是不可能的。

    Leach puts forward the idea that it is impossible to spoil a child .

  11. 不过利奇表示他支持扩大场内交易是出于安全原因。

    But Mr Leach said he supported going further on exchange trading for safety reasons .

  12. 第二部分从会话准则的角度来讨论礼貌原则,如莱考夫的礼貌模式,利奇的礼貌原则等;

    Chapter Two is concerned with various theories on politeness from the perspective of the Conversational-maxim ;

  13. 利奇是一家为广播电视行业的高性能视频系统的全球领导者。

    Leitch is a global leader in providing high-performance video systems for the television broadcast industry .

  14. 利奇提出了礼貌原则,并将其分为六个准则,即策略准则、慷慨准则、赞扬准则、谦虚准则、一致准则和同情准则。

    They are tact maxim , generosity maxim , approbation maxim , modesty maxim , agreement maxim and sympathy maxim .

  15. 反语作为交际中一种常见的语言现象,可以用利奇的礼貌原则进行解释。

    Irony , as a common language phenomenon in communication , can be explained with the Politeness Principle proposed by Leech .

  16. 在这一事件中,当利奇看到工作室罐理惠的,他认为应该留在那里。

    In the event , when Leach saw the jar in Rie 's studio , he decided that it should remain there .

  17. 许多著名语法家,如夸克、利奇,对非等量比较结构的句法特征和语义特征,有不同的论述,争议颇多。

    Many well-known grammarians , like Randolph Quirk and Geoffrey Leech , argued about the syntactic and semantic features of non-equivalent comparisons .

  18. 关于国家、企业和个人之间应如何分摊这一成本的问题,利奇爵士给出了一些指导意见。

    Lord Leitch gives some guidance on how the cost of that should be split between the state , business and individuals .

  19. 礼貌理论经过利奇和布朗、莱文森的发展,已经成为备受关注的研究课题。

    With the work of G. Leech , P. Brown and S. Levinson , Politeness Theory has become a well-concerned research subject .

  20. 但这次度假很快便结束了,因为马利奇怀孕了,而爱因斯坦又没有足够的钱来养活马利奇和这个即将到来的新生儿。

    It ended when Mileva found herself with child and Einstein found himself with no money to support her and the new baby .

  21. 利奇爵士警告称,如果不能提高员工技能,英国将落入平庸之列。

    Lord Leitch warned that the UK was on track to achieve undistinguished mediocrity if it failed to upgrade the skills of its workforce .

  22. 利奇26岁时创办了灰狗,当时他是一位行李装卸工,他表示目前为止的反应都非常积极。

    Leach , who started at the company 26 years ago as a baggage handler , says the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive .

  23. 按利奇的划分,意义的类型大致分为概念意义和联想意义。

    In Leech 's terms , the types of meaning can be roughly divided into two main kinds , i.e. conceptual meaning and associative meaning .

  24. 第三章,介绍几个幽默研究中的语用学理论,分别是格莱斯的合作原则,利奇的礼貌原则和奥斯汀的言语行为理论,并分析、评判其对英语幽默的解释力度。

    In Chapter Three we analyze and comment on the applicability of three important pragmatic theories , cooperative principle , politeness principle and speech act theory .

  25. 坎贝尔认为,利奇的议程抵制住了破坏现有技能基础结构的诱惑,它将会在其它努力失败的方面取得成功。

    Mr Campbell believes that by resisting the temptation to tamper with the current skills infrastructure , the Leitch agenda will succeed where other efforts have failed .

  26. 本文结合英语和汉语的实例,对英国语言学家利奇提出的词语意义的七种类型做了简要的评述。

    With examples from both English and Chinese , the paper makes a brief comment on the seven types of meaning proposed by Geoffrey Leech , a British linguist .

  27. 本文介绍了西方文体学对人物话语及思想形式的分类,将模式分类纳入了文体学家利奇和肖特的语言学模式的框架内。

    In an effort to place the discussion in a systematic framework , the paper introduces a recognized model of speech and thought classification made by Leech and Short .

  28. 利奇爵士的第二份报告于去年12月发表。在报告中,利奇爵士列出了让英国各层技能到达世界级别的一些解决方案和远大目标。

    In his second report , published last December , Lord Leitch outlined some of the solutions and ambitious targets to make skills at all levels " world class " .

  29. 合作原则与礼貌原则是语用原则的主要内容,也是利奇人际交际修辞理论的核心。

    Cooperative Principle ( CP ) and Politeness Principle ( PP ) are not only the main content of pragmatic principles but also the core of Leech 's interpersonal rhetoric .

  30. 本文以利奇的语义理论为基础,比较分析了英汉品牌名称的命名理据,从语言的角度去研究得体的品牌名称对完善品牌形象,提高品牌价值的重要意义。

    This essay tries to approach the relationship between appropriate brand names and semantic theories in view of Leech 's meaning types by the comparison of English and Chinese brand names .