
mǔ xì shè huì
  • matriarchal society;matriarchy
  1. 在他们的文化里现在依然存有古老母系社会的痕迹。

    There are traces of the old matriarchal society still present in their culture .

  2. 原始母系社会的文化&江永女书

    Primitive Matriarchal Society Culture : Jiangyong Women Characters

  3. 半坡属于母系社会,是以农业为主的定居村落。

    Bafipo was a matrilineal society and a settled agricultural community .

  4. 萨满信仰起源于人类母系社会中晚期。

    Shaman believes were stemed from the human matriarchal mid society and late stage .

  5. 村民们为卡西族,这是一个传统的母系社会。

    The villagers are also of the Khasi people , a traditionally matrilineal society .

  6. 这种乌头文化的实质乃是巫、医、君三位一体,成为建立母系社会国家组织的一个支柱。

    The substance of the Aconitum culture was getting witchs , doctors and monarchs together .

  7. 这些墓地中发现的东西说明曾经有过一个昌盛的母系社会。

    The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society .

  8. 泸沽湖:母系社会的最后领地

    The Last Territory of Matriarchal Society

  9. 女性在母系社会中的优越地位主要是由于她们在生育子嗣方面的贡献,此时男性的生育作用尚未被认识。

    The females advantageous position in the matrilineal society depended on their contribution to bearing children .

  10. 中国的亚文明时代是从爻号、母系社会、神话时代演变过来的。

    Chinese sub civilization originates from line in the eight diagrams , matriarchal society and mythology .

  11. 该原型是男性神格代替女性神格的表征,是父系社会对母系社会的替代这一历史过程在神话中的反映。

    Moreover , this archetype reflects the history that the paternal society replaced the matriarchal society .

  12. 该邦国当时正处于母系社会时代,并可与周天子分庭抗礼。

    The country was in matriarchal society at that time and had the power to oppose Zhou Dynasty .

  13. 此种历史文化现象,仅仅用母系社会残余来解释,至少是很不够的。

    We can not explain this historical phenomena only with the theory of " vestiges of matriarchal society " .

  14. 男性生育权的确认连同他们在社会生产中的优势地位,一道敲响了母系社会的丧钟。男性通过采取贬低女性的生殖作用等办法,最终实现了社会由母系向父系的转变。

    With the acknowledgement of Father-in-consanguinity and the males advantageous position in social production , matrilineal society was transformed into patrilineal society .

  15. 布依族稻作文化源远流长,其起源可以追溯到母系社会时代,我国南方古越人及其先民的稻作文化是布依族稻作文化的源头。

    Rice growing is an important part of the Buyi culture , dated back to the Maternal Society in the south of China .

  16. 以往的研究中,学者多认为在母系社会里,女性具有支配性的地位,即所谓的母权。

    Most scholars in past research programs believed that women enjoyed the dominant position , or so-called " matriarchy ", in the matrilineal society .

  17. 研究表明,“姓”出现于母系社会时期,大约四千至五千年之前。

    Researches show That xing came into being during the matrilin-eal society period , i. e. , around four to five thousand years ago .

  18. 从人类文明的历史进程来看,人类社会经历了由母系社会到父系社会的演变过程,神话也经历了由女神神格向男神神格演化的历程。

    Whith the development of human civilization , human society has evolved from matriarchal society to patrilineal society . So do the myth world .

  19. 他们还属于母系社会,在这个古镇的路上可以看到妇女参加日常活动和处理家务杂事。

    Their kinship system is matriarchal making the women visible on the streets of the ancient town as they attend to daily activities and chores .

  20. 大师们,这就是回到母系社会,一个文化和精神能量的高度平衡,被称之为「一的法则」。

    Masters , it is the return of that matriarchal Society , a culture and spiritual energy of sublime balance , termed the'Law of One ' .

  21. 这样的部落居住在中国东南的偏远山区中,以“女儿国”闻名于世的泸沽湖是摩梭族的所在之地,他们是世界上仅存的少数母系社会之一。

    Lugu , known as the " Country of Women " is home to the Mosuo , one of the few remaining matriarchal societies left in the world .

  22. 在词源上,阿尔泰诸语数词一都来源于母系社会时期共食制条件下的食物分配。

    Li etymology , all the words one in Altai various languages originated from food allocation which was formed under the condition of sharing food in common in matriarchal society .

  23. 先秦时期的女性角色变迁,有着深刻的历史根源,本质上是根源于父权社会取代母系社会;

    In the Pre-Chin Period the change of the women 's role had its profound historical reasons . The basic one is the replacement of matriarchal society by patriarchal society .

  24. 在母系社会,女性不但是生殖生产、农业生产的主力军,也是精神生产的顶梁柱,女性是社会的中心。

    In the matriarchal society , the female are not only the main dint of the birth production and the agriculture production , but also the beam pillar of the spiritual production .

  25. 他们的任务是展示摩梭人的传统。这个少数民族据称是中国的最后一个母系社会,孩子跟母亲姓,女儿比儿子更受欢迎。

    Their task is to showcase the traditions of the Mosuo , a minority ethnic group said to be the country 's last matrilineal society , where children take their mothers ' surnames and daughters are preferred to sons .

  26. 萨尔马特人有许多秘密。也许他们是母系社会,一些科学家认为俄罗斯卡柯史尼克(卡柯史尼克头冠)就是萨尔马特人发明的。萨尔马特人有人工颅骨变形的传统,让人可以拥有鸡蛋形状的头颅。

    The Sarmatians left a lot of secrets.Perhaps they had matriarchy , some scientists suppose that Russian kokoshnik was invented by the Sarmatians.These people had a tradition of an artificial skull deformation , that enabled people to have egg-shaped heads .

  27. 这一原型意象所体现的人与土地和谐共存的环境伦理观和母系社会文化价值观念,不但深化了小说的主题意义,而且对当今社会的健康、持续地发展也具有十分重的启示作用。

    The environmental ethics of a harmonious pattern of co-existence and the culture values of the matriarchal society thus revealed , not only deepened on the theme of the novel , but also had much to say to the healthy , continuous development of the contemporary society .

  28. 除了血亲关系外,联村社会还格外看重外家与业缘关系,前者在某种意义上是壮族母系社会的遗风,后者则是现代社会人际关系向乡村社会的渗透。

    Lian villagers highly value blood linkage , as well as the connection beyond family and among trades and professions , the former is the custom left by the Zhuang matriarchs society , while the latter is the result of permeation by modern society toward the country .

  29. 同时,半坡文化见证了母系氏族社会。

    Meanwhile Banpo Culture witnessed the time of matriarchal clan society .

  30. 在母系氏族社会内,女性优先获得这种创造美的自由。

    In matrilineal society , women had taken the priority of creating beauty .