
yàn nǚ zhènɡ
  • misogyny
  1. “厌女症”指的是对妇女或者女孩儿怀有仇恨、蔑视、或者歧视心理。

    Misogyny is the hatred2 of , contempt for , or prejudice against women or girls .

  2. 那家俱乐部不允许女人成为会员是纯粹的厌女症表现。

    The club 's refusal to allow women to become members is sheer misogyny .

  3. “厌女症”患者指的是讨厌、不喜欢、不信任、或者虐待女性的人。

    Misogynist is a person who hates , dislikes , mistrusts , or mistreats women .

  4. 如果你觉得女性就该属于厨房,不应得到与男性同等的尊重,那你就是名“厌女症”患者。

    If you 're someone who believes women belong in the kitchen and shouldn 't be accorded the same respect as men , you might be a misogynist1 .

  5. 在现实生活中,厌女症代表一种看待女性的态度&将她们看做是满足欲望的物品,而非有思维的个人。

    In real life , it manifests itself as an attitude toward women , treating them as objects of sexual desire instead of thinking individuals .

  6. 我还要提醒你们小说里的厌女症部分,一部分的厌女症是和这种消耗性的气质相关联的。

    And I want to suggest to you that part of the misogyny of the novel part of that misogyny is connected to this consumptive ethos .

  7. 他并没有某些评论家认为的厌女症,作为喧嚣的二十年代的代表人物,他一直都很忠诚的履行他作家的职责,生动描绘了他身边的女人们。

    As the representative figure of the roaring twenties , he stood by his responsibility as a writer and vividly delineated the women at his time .

  8. 厌女症是指文学中歪曲、贬低女性的形象,把一切罪过都推到女性头上的情绪或主题。

    " Misogyny " means the sentiment or the topic of distorting and belittling the female 's image , pushing all faults to the female in literature .

  9. 上一次和一位女权主义者交谈时,我大胆尝试把食物嗜好症与可恶的厌女症联系在一起,结果她说,我明白你的意思了,但我喜欢做饭。

    I hear you , but I like to cook , said one feminist the last time I tried my bold association of foodism with rank misogyny .

  10. 仓鼠妈妈表现出的厌女症很奇怪,不过可能是它觉得雄性宝宝有更好的生存机会。

    It 's a strange thing for a mother hamster to practice apparent misogyny , but perhaps she does this because she thinks males have a better chance of surviving .

  11. 问题在于这个口号与韩国一个“麦格利亚”的女权主义组织有关,该组织开展反对贬抑女性的活动,其成员说,这种厌女症渗透了韩国生活。

    The problem was that the slogan is associated with a feminist group in South Korea called Megalia , which campaigns against the misogyny which its members say pervades Korean life .

  12. 在文章的讨论部分,本文围绕两个永恒的主题&性别主义和自由(选择自由),提出了两个极具争议性的话题:男同性恋者与厌女症、同性恋解放与人类解放。

    Finally , two controversial questions male homosexuality versus misogyny and gay liberation versus human emancipation are to be posed , centering on two eternal themes : sexism and freedom ( of choice ) .

  13. 女性天生智力低下的观念在整个社会根深蒂固,以至于男性评论家对女性作家普遍怀有排斥心理,我们称之为评论界的厌女症,其突出表现为评论中对女作家的人身攻击;

    The notion of women 's being intellectually inferior was so deeply rooted in the society that many male critics had a prejudice against women writers , which we call the critical ' misogyny ' , represented most obviously in their personal attacks to women writers in literary criticism ;