
  • 网络alienation;dissimilation
  1. 儒家人文精神度越现代人的异化困境之可能

    Possibilities for Confucian Humanistic Spirit to Surmount Modern Man 's Alienation Predicament

  2. 知识经济时代人的异化与复归

    The Alienation and Reversion of Man in Knowledge Economy Age

  3. 人的异化:海明威短篇小说研究

    The Alienated State of Man : A Study of Hemingway 's Short Stories

  4. 从人的异化到人的全面发展&历史与逻辑的双重考察

    From Human Alienation to Human All-round Development : Dual Consideration of History and Logic

  5. 旷野的呼唤&萧红作品中对于人的异化主题的现代观照

    The Modern Observation of the Alienation of the Characters in Xiao Hong 's Works

  6. 科学技术对人的异化

    Alienation of Man by Science and Technology

  7. 人的异化感是西方现代主义小说所传达的一个基本主题。

    Human 's sense of alienation is a basic subject of the western modernist fiction .

  8. 现代生物技术与人的异化

    Modern Biotechnology and Alienation of Human Beings

  9. 我国现阶段之所以出现人的异化现象,这与我国的现实国情是分不开的。

    The appearance of human alienation in China cannot be separated from the actual national conditions .

  10. 颠覆和消解:莫言小说中人的异化与审丑

    Overthrowing and eliminating : human beings dissimilation and appreciation of ugliness of Mo Yan 's novels

  11. 第三部分:人的异化。系统论述了弗洛姆关于人的异化的思想。

    Part Three : human alienation .

  12. 本文试图通过对其剧作《被埋葬的孩子》之主题与人物的分析,揭示美国社会病态家庭中人的异化;

    This article attempts to make a thematic study of his play Buried Child and its characters .

  13. 在对人的异化生存状态展现中,诉说形而上的人生悲剧。

    The alienation of people living in the state show , the tell metaphysical tragedy of life .

  14. 随着都市化的加速,都市人的异化也日益鲜明、出。

    With the acceleration of urbanization , the alienation of the metropolitan becomes increasingly distinctive and conspicuous .

  15. 站在关怀世人的立场上,他揭示人的异化生存状态。

    Standing concern for the position of the world , he reveals the alienation of human existence .

  16. 权力对人的异化&《玉米》解读

    The dissimilation caused by power to the human nature & Better understanding of the novelette " Maize "

  17. 人的异化,一般地说人同自身的任何关系,只有通过人同其他人的关系才能得到实现和表现。

    Human being 's alienation is able to be realized and represented only through the relationship with others .

  18. 它对理性的逆反表明了现代科技发展的负面效应,为克服人的异化倡导人的主观性贯穿于存在主义哲学始终。

    Its rebellion to reason shows the negative effects brought about by the modern scientific and technological development .

  19. 马克思认为私有制既是人的异化的结果又是人的异化的原因。

    Karl Marx regarded that private property was not only the result but also the reason of human alienation .

  20. 马尔库塞结合马克思的劳动异化说和弗洛伊德的爱欲说,提出了人的异化理论,并从主体性哲学层面细致分析了人的异化的主要表现形态,深入剖析了人走向异化的深层原因。

    Marcuse produces the theory of human alienation with Marx 's theory of labor alienation and Freud 's Eros .

  21. 面对都市对人的异化,京派与海派都显示出厌恶与批判。

    Face to the alienation of man city , the Beijing and Shanghai shows that a critical and disgust .

  22. 本文延续了马克思现实批判的理路,并将人的异化问题放置到了大众传播的现代语境中,从中阐发了大众传播中人的交往异化问题。

    Inheriting the theory of criticism from Marx , this article analyses the alienation of intercourse in the public transmission .

  23. 随着社会历史的发展,人的异化问题日益凸显,已经成为这个时代的一个关键问题。

    With the development of social history , the human alienation becomes outstanding and a major concern in our time .

  24. 人的异化的根源在于包括经济制度、政治制度和文化制度等在内的社会制度整体的设计和安排。

    The root of human alienation is the entire design and organization of society , including economy , politics and culture .

  25. 然而,随着科技的发展,科技对人的异化问题也日益困扰着人类。

    But with the development of science & technology , the questions of its alienation to man are increasingly puzzling mankind .

  26. 劳伦斯为康妮和梅勒斯这对情侣找到了摆脱机械化、工业化和对人的异化的天堂。

    Lawrence finds the paradise for his pair & Connie and Mellors escaping from the social mechanism and industrialization , dehumanization and deterioration .

  27. 他指出了人的异化状况产生的原因,即社会的不健全导致人的不健全。

    He pointed out that the situation of human causes of alienation , that society is not perfect cause people is not sound .

  28. 人的异化是对人与世界三重基本矛盾(人与自然、他人和自我)的割裂,是对人的本真的类本性的背离,是历史在特定阶段必经的历史过程。

    Alienation of human is the separation of the three basic contradictions between human and the world and the deviation of human nature .

  29. 弗洛姆洞察到了西方现代资本主义社会人的异化情况,指出人的爱也已经异化。

    Fromm insight into the people of Western capitalist society of modern alienation , pointing out that the love of man has alienated .

  30. 第二章对岩井俊二影片表现出来的悲观特征进行了探讨,包括生与死、孤独和人的异化等三个问题;

    The second chapter is to discuss the pessimistic feature of his films , including life and death , loneliness and alienation among people .