
  • 网络Paradigm shift
  1. 这篇文章描述了导致这种教育典范转移的事件,及这个指南是如何被实现的。

    This article describes the events leading to this educational paradigm shift and how the tutorial was implemented .

  2. 人文学科和社会科学的典范转移:历史学家的观点

    On Paradigm Transformation of Humanities and Social Science : Historian 's Viewpoint

  3. 为抓住信息产业典范转移所带来的时代机遇,在新一轮的国际竞争中处于更为有利的地位,各国都纷纷制定了立足本国国情的信息产业发展战略。

    In order to seize the opportunity brought about by the model transfer of information technology and maintain a more advantageous position , every country has set strategic plan for information industry development according to its national conditions .