
  • 网络Classical group
  1. 复典型群的E-群、扩展群及强实形式

    E-groups , Extended Groups and Strong Real Forms of Complex Classical Groups

  2. 典型群上的一类Fourier乘子

    Some Fourier multiplier on classical groups

  3. 典型群上富里埃级数Riesz球平均的一致收敛性

    Uniform Convergence for Riesz Spherical Means of Fourier Series on Classical Groups

  4. 有限交换环上典型群的Sylow子群

    Sylow Subgroups of Classical Groups over Finite Commutative Rings

  5. 本文应用李群理论,对紧单李群G,给出了旗流形G/T的上同调环自同态的完全分类,并对典型群计算了相应自同态的Lefschetz数。

    In this paper , the cohomology endomorphisms of flag manifold G / T of compact simple Lie group G is completely classified , and the Lefschetz number of these endomorphisms are computed .

  6. 整数环上一些典型群的二元生成

    Two-Element Generation of Certain Classical Groups Over the Ring of Integer Numbers

  7. 典型群的特殊子群的BN-对及其不变式

    BN-Pairs and Invariants of Special Subgroups of Classical Groups

  8. 环上典型群的相关研究

    The Study Related to Classical Groups Over Rings

  9. 有限域上典型群的BN-对及有限T-群的分类

    BN-pairs of Classical Groups and the Classification of the Finite T-Groups over Finite Fields

  10. 关于典型群与齐次空间的K-同调

    K-homology of homogeneous spaces and classical groups

  11. 研究迷向子群的结构是有限域上典型群几何中的一个重要问题。

    To study the structure of isotropy subgroups is an important problem in geometry of classical groups over finite fields .

  12. 本文对几个典型群签名方案进行了效率分析。

    In this paper , the efficiencies of several representative group signature schemes were fully analyzed and then compared with each other .

  13. 本研究以义位为分析单位,选取动作义位作为典型群,整合结构语义学和认知语义学的相关意义理论,分析动作义位自身的特点以及与其相匹配的语义分析式。

    The present research , with a definite sememe as its analyzing unit , integrates the meaning theories in both structuralist semantics and cognitive linguistics to analyze the characteristics of action sememes and their corresponding definition modes in dictionaries .

  14. 该文在分析典型群决策过程的基础上,分析和提出了战略决策研讨与模拟环境SDS2002中的群决策方法管理平台的服务机制,并给出了基于Exchange2000Server的实现方案。

    On the basis of analysis of typical process of group decision , the designation frame of the management platform in Hall of Workshop for Metasynthesis Engineering is provided and the implementation based on Exchange 2000 Server is presented .

  15. 在国内,万哲先与他的学生和合作者们利用线性空间的办法,讨论了在有限域上的典型群作用下,由各个轨道或相同维数和秩的子空间生成的几何格。

    , his students and cooperators construct geometric lattice by means of linear spaces , and discuss the geometric lattice that generated by various orbits or subspaces with the same dimension or rank under the action of classical groups over finite field .

  16. 典型代数群的(B,B)&双陪集

    ( B , B ) & Double Cosets for Classical Algebraic Groups

  17. 本文主要研究的内容如下:1.研究两种典型的群智能算法:粒子群优化算法(PSO)和蚁群优化算法(ACO)。

    The main content of this article is as follow : 1 . Research on two typical swarm intelligence algorithms : particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) and ant colony optimization algorithm ( ACO ) .

  18. 世界典型城市群发展经验及对我国的启示

    The Development Experience of World Typical Urban Agglomerations and the Revelations for China

  19. 新疆伽师强震群与其他典型强震群对比研究

    Contrastive study on Jiashi strong earthquake swarm in Xinjiang and other typical strong earthquake swarms

  20. 其次,对国内外典型港口群发展现状及趋势进行分析。

    Then , the essay will analyze the current situation and trend of the development of typical port groups home and abroad .

  21. 本文基于复杂楼宇群设计中的网络通信系统的基本特征,分析了一类典型楼宇群网络拓扑结构模型特点,进而给出满足现代网络布局的新型综合布线的拓扑结构模型。

    In view of the basic characteristics of the Network Communication System in complex buildings , the feature of one kind of typical building group topological model are analyzed .

  22. 方法采取典型整群抽样方法抽取样本,由经培训合格的调查员入户调查,对每户的户主或最熟悉家庭情况者进行询问调查。

    Methods The stratified randomly cluster sampling was applied by well-trained investigators , and the inquired subject was either householder or the family member who is familiar with the family things .

  23. 分子点群的确定与典型分子点群显示系统设计

    The System Design for the Ascertainment of Molecular Point Groups and Showing of Typical Molecular Figure

  24. 同时,不同区域企业生产窖池的典型微生物菌群的数量变化有差异;

    Meanwhile , there was certain difference in quantity change of typical microorganism population in pits for liquor-making enterprises in different regions .

  25. 太湖流域典型中小湖群水资源利用及动态变化的遥感调查与分析

    Remote Sensing Investigation and Analysis for Water Resources Utilization and Its Dynamic Change of Representing Mid-or Small Lake Groups in Taihu Drainage Area

  26. 根据10个区域典型小城镇群1998~2004年用水量的实地调查,采用二次平均法统计得出不同规模小城镇人均综合用水量水平。

    Based on the actual investigation data of water consumption during 1998 ~ 2004 of typical towns in 10 regions , Quadratic Average Method is applied to calculate the average water consumption level at different scales .

  27. 通过对几种典型的城镇群空间组织模式的借鉴,进行实证的比较研究,提出浙中城镇群多核心轴带都市区的空间发展模式构想。

    After the reference of many representative space pattern of city agglomeration , along with the comparative study on demonstrations , a plan is put forward in this article about the space development pattern of mid-Zhejiang city agglomeration of ' polycentric axial metropolis ' .

  28. 一种新型不典型预激症候群副束部位的体表等电位图诊断法

    Body Surface Isopotential Mapping A Method of Diagnosing Bypass of a new Atypical Preexcitation Syndrome

  29. 方法采用典型调查与整群抽样相结合的方法,对996名儿童及其家长进行问卷调查。

    Methods A cluster sampling and canonical research were adopted to investigated 996 children and their parents with a questionnaire .

  30. 喀喇沁旗亲王府位于锡伯河上游的王爷府镇,依山傍水,气势恢宏,殿宇森严,布局精巧,建筑壮观,结构严谨,是典型的清代建筑群。

    Harqin Palace lies in the town of Wang Ye Fu at the upper reaches of Xibe River , which is magnificent and well-structured with mountains and rivers around , guarded temples , sophisticated layout and spectacular architecture .