
  1. 第一轮中,卡典为冉爵士祈祷。

    On the first round , Kardaine inspires ser ran .

  2. 祝典为纪念某一事件,敬神或圣人的定期的宗教节日。

    A periodic religious festival commemorating an event or honoring a God or saint .

  3. 以罗典为代表,为清中湘学发展的第三阶段。

    As a representative , the period of Luo Dian is the third stage .

  4. 本论文以道教原典为基础,从宗教美学,文艺美学以及个人宗教实践的审美过程等方面来考察明清时期道教美学思想的发展及其特点。

    This article researched the development and character of Daoism aesthetics in Ming and Qing period from different aspects of religion aesthetics , literature aesthetics as well as the aesthetic process of personal religion practices .

  5. 我国现行刑法典为打击涉黑犯罪提供了明确的法律依据,然而,尚属首次反黑立法之法还存在许多不够完善的地方,这给理论研究和司法实践提出了诸多新的问题。

    By Rule 294 of new Criminal Law becomes the fundation of combating with underworld crime , because of which as our country the first law against underworld society still exists a lot of short back and new Characteristics Emerge .

  6. 典为我国之固有法制度,源远流长,几经变易,在习惯法、国家法与西方法律体系的互动中,最终形成了我们今日民法中的典权法律制度。

    The pawnage , the unique traditional institution of our country , with very long history , became into being " the legal institution of pawning right " in the modern civil law , under the interaction between tradition , statutes and western legal system .

  7. 语典分为原生态类、化用类。

    And language allusion is composed of ecology class and transformation class .

  8. 我国是大陆法系国家,以法典化为主要的立法特点。

    China applies the continental legal system , with law codes as the basis of legislation .

  9. 除了在传统上将民法典视为法律规范和学术作品之外,民法典还具有政治和政策的属性。

    Civil code is not only the statute and academic works , but also has political and policy properties .

  10. 房地产设典的权利为房屋所有权。

    Estate sets the right of allusion to be building droit .

  11. 求你使我所怕的羞辱远离我,因你的典章本为美。

    Take away the shame which is my fear ; for your decisions are good .

  12. 认为刑法典之所以称为典,是因为其具有经典、稳定、庄重的意思,从而成为人们行为指引的最重要参照。

    That is known as the Code of Penal Code , because of its classic , stable and solemn meaning . The guidelines thus become the most important acts of reference .

  13. 预防巴西坚果中黄典霉毒素污染的措施-黄典霉毒素为致癌物;

    Measures for the the prevention of aflatoxin contamination of Brazil nuts-aflatoxins are carcinogenic ;

  14. 考察礼典制度不同阶段的不同特征,我们发现传《诗》系统的演变其实就是以不同阶段的礼典特征为标志的。

    Investigating different characteristics in different historical periods of etiquette system , we find the development of the research of The Book of Sogs syste is taking etiquette characteristic in different historical stages as sign .