
diǎn zhì
  • mortgage;pawn
  • mortgage;pawn
典质 [diǎn zhì]
  • [mortgage] 典押。以物为抵押换钱,可在限期内赎回

  1. 搪塞典质借债、长久租赁、搪塞长久单据,跟搪塞债券皆是长久欠债的一些例子。

    Mortgages payable , long-term leases , long-term notes payable , and bond payable are a few examples of long-term liabilities .

  2. 代表公司借进款项,以及质押、按揭、典质公司的任何财产。

    To borrow money on behalf of the Company , and to pledge , mortgage or hypothecate any of the property of the Company .

  3. 回家变卖典质,父亲还了亏空;又借了钱办了丧事。

    After arriving home in Yangzhou , father paid off debts by selling or pawning things . He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses .

  4. 我们对融资和法令风险做分析,融资分析根据典质品质量,而不是企业的质量或您的信用评分。

    While we analyze both financial and legal risk before making any loan , financing is based on the quality of the collateral , not the quality of the business or your credit score .