
diǎn yù zhǎng
  • prison warden
  1. 典狱长对狱中一位囚犯深感同情,因为每逢周末的探访日,大多数囚犯都有家人或朋友来访,但是可怜的乔治总是孤伶伶地坐在自己的囚室中。

    The warden because every weekend on Visitor 's Day , most of the prisoners had family members and friends coming , but poor George always sat alone in his cell .

  2. 典狱长在C区设立了安全隔离

    The warden 's setting up a secure perimeter in " C " Block .

  3. 在谷歌(Google)搜索里输入“370000”,后面会自动出现“in1966”。安迪在1966年拿着典狱长贪污的37万美元逃出了监狱。

    Type ' 370000 ' into a Google search and the site auto-completes it with ' in 1966 . ' Andy escapes in 1966 with $ 370000 of the warden 's ill-gotten gains .

  4. 在谷歌(Google)搜索里输入370000,后面会自动出现in1966。安迪在1966年拿着典狱长贪污的37万美元逃出了监狱。

    Type ' 370,000 ' into a Google search and the site auto-completes it with ' in 1966 . ' Andy escapes in 1966 with $ 370,000 of the warden 's ill-gotten gains .

  5. 扮演残忍成性的典狱长诺顿(Norton)的冈顿说,彩排时,我们会闹着玩儿,兴奋地互相对视,很高兴我们都参演了这部电影。

    During rehearsal , ' We were joking around and looking at each other in joyful wonder that we all ended up in this movie , ' said Mr. Gunton , who played the sadistic Warden Norton .

  6. 你打了典狱长,你觉得值吗?

    When you popped the warden , was it worth it ?

  7. 你在典狱长办公室干的那活?

    That thing you 're doing at the pope 's office ?

  8. 因为管这监狱的不是典狱长,是我。

    Because the warden don 't run this prison . I do .

  9. 典狱长请英国人坐在一张圈椅里。

    The inspector begged the Englishman to seat himself in an armchair .

  10. 典狱长和他只要15分钟就完事。

    The warden will be done with him in15 minutes .

  11. 规章制度从前曾允许监狱的典狱长惩罚不守规矩的犯人。

    Regulations formerly permitted prison wardens to correct unruly inmates .

  12. 今天我们不谈这个,典狱长。

    That is a conversation for another day , warden .

  13. 典狱长说他在里面没有朋友。

    Warden says he doesn 't have any friends on the inside .

  14. 典狱长是比利时人,大部分守卫是荷兰人。

    The governor is Belgian , most of the guards are Dutch .

  15. 如果我告诉你,典狱长才是害死我老婆的元凶,你会怎么说?

    Why say that I told you that My wife is a murderer ?

  16. 我不再是你的典狱长

    Helen : Well I 'm not your jailer anymore

  17. 1921年,刘易斯.劳斯当上了纽约州新新监狱的典狱长。

    In 1921 , Lewis Lawes became the warden at Sing Sing Prison .

  18. 那时我们换了一个典狱长,名叫山姆·诺顿。

    We had another warden by then , a man named Samuel Norton .

  19. 巴士底狱被攻陷典狱长被杀害

    Bastille prison has been stormed , the governor murdered

  20. 你应该告诉典狱长烧伤的真相。

    You 've got to tell the Pope the truth about that burn .

  21. 典狱长,里面味道很难闻。

    Something smells awful in here , Warden .

  22. 你的,典狱长说。

    ' Yours , ' said the gaoler .

  23. 多年来,六个典狱长,据我所知。

    Six wardens have been through here in my tenure , and I 've learned .

  24. 典狱长马上开了一张支票。

    The Warden wrote a check .

  25. 当刘易斯.劳斯当上典狱长时,凯瑟琳.劳斯已经是一位有三个孩子的年轻母亲了。

    Catherine Lawes was a young mother with three small children when her hundred became the warden .

  26. 监狱全体狱警与典狱长之间中断了理解和沟通,导致了现在这种不愉快的形势。

    A breakdown in communications between staff and the prison governor led to the present unhappy situation .

  27. 他对典狱长快活地挥手告别,就急忙赶路上柯帕乌家里去。

    Waving the sheriff a pleasant farewell , he hurried on his way to cowperwood 's house .

  28. 去年夏天,一群太过幸运的游客竟在这里偶遇了冷血典狱长本人。

    Last summer , a group of tourists was lucky enough to bump into the coldhearted disciplinarian himself .

  29. 铁栅门在典狱长手下关上了,幽灵们从此在他眼里永远消失。

    It closed under the gaoler 's hand ; and the apparitions vanished from his sight for ever .

  30. 就这样,他在典狱长布鲁斯·詹金斯陪同下,走马观花地观察了一下监狱。

    And so , in step with Warden Bruce Jenkins , he was making a hasty inspection of the prison .