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diǎn gù
  • allusion;literary quotation;classical allusion
典故 [diǎn gù]
  • [literary quotation;classical allusion] 诗文等作品中引用的古书中的故事或有出处的词句

  • 引用典故

典故[diǎn gù]
  1. 她的诗随处可见晦涩的文学典故。

    Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion .

  2. 你知道这个典故的出处吗?

    Do you know the original source of this allusion ?

  3. 他的新剧《阿卡迪亚》和他写过的任何作品一样,错综复杂、构思精巧并且富含典故。

    His new play , Arcadia , is as intricate , elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written .

  4. 不要滥用成语典故。

    We should not use proverbs and allusions indiscriminately .

  5. 这个典故用以形容“离成功只有一步之遥,但最终失败告终”的意思。

    This idiom means to fail to succeed for lack of final effort .

  6. “大卫打败了歌利亚”(DaviddefeatsGoliath,《圣经》典故,以弱胜强的典型&译注)这个众所周知的故事看来在高科技产业里又重演了。

    The proverbial story of " David defeats Goliath " played out in the high tech industry .

  7. ..这里是VOA特别英语词语典故节目。

    Now , the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES .

  8. 这里是VOA特别英语词语典故节目。

    Now , the VOA Special English program , WORDS AND THEIR STORIES . ( MUSIC )

  9. 现在是VOA特别英语词语典故节目。

    Words and Their Stories : Money , Part 3 Now , the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES .

  10. 这里是VOA慢速英语词语典故节目。

    Words and Their Stories : Nuts and Bolts Now , the VOA Special English program , WORDS AND THEIR STORIES .

  11. 本期VOA慢速英语词语典故MarilynChristiano供稿。

    This VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES was written by Marilyn Christiano . Maurice Joyce was the narrator . I 'm Warren Scheer .

  12. 英剧《神探夏洛克》的编剧暗示称,BBC出品的《神探夏洛克》圣诞特辑引用了一个秘密典故,只有说汉语的人才能懂。此举旨在向广大亚洲影迷致敬。

    The BBC 's Christmas special of Sherlockis to contain a secret reference viewers will have to speak Chinese to understand , the show 's writer has hinted , in a nod to the show 's huge Asian fanbase .

  13. 本文以文化语言学为理论基础,对现行汉语国际教育教材和HSK考试中所出现的熟语进行分析,从文化来源角度将高频使用的熟语分为日常生活、历史典故、宗教信仰以及地域环境四类。

    The idioms in the text books of TCFL and HSK are mainly analyzed . From a perspective of cultural origin , these high-frequently used idioms are divided into four categories of daily life , historical stories , religious belief and terrains .

  14. 为了顺利的呈现出魅力,你需要这种sprezzatura的文艺复兴的特性,这个词语的典故是Castiglione在一本书,廷臣之书。

    In order to pull glamour off , you need this Renaissance quality of sprezzatura , which is a term coined by Castiglione in his book , " The Book Of The Courtier .

  15. 其次,从使用典故的作用这个方面来分析李贺用典的艺术。

    Secondly it analyses allusion skill in Ii He 's poems .

  16. 在成语典故方面表现为,不同的成语典故反映不同的历史文化。

    In allusion , different allusions reveal different history and culture .

  17. 典故是形成诗歌深婉典雅风格的基础之一。

    Poetry is a deep story-wan elegant style of the foundation .

  18. 《汉语大词典》漏收典故研究

    Researches on the Literary Quotations Left out In Great Chinese Dictionary

  19. 解读赵国成语典故的文化内涵

    Interpretation about the Cultural Connotation of the Idioms from Zhao State

  20. 此典故正史上没有记载,应为杜撰。

    This allusion is not recorded history , should be coined .

  21. 希腊罗马神话典故成语和英语学习

    Allusive Idioms from Greek and Roman Mythology and English Study

  22. 典故意象是别一种意义上的比喻意象。

    The image of allusion is a figurative image of another kind .

  23. 该理论为典故翻译提供了一个崭新的视角。

    This theory provides a new perspective to study the allusion translation .

  24. 解释这个词来源的典故有二十个。

    There are 20 stories explaining where @ Yankee @ came from .

  25. 巧借古韵作新题&新闻标题中古诗词、成语和典故的运用手法

    Making News Headlines by Using Chinese Classic Poems , Proses and Allusions

  26. 典故的翻译,可以采用释义、加注、异化法。

    We can use paraphrases , notes and alienation to handle allusion .

  27. 有典故早些时候音乐,尤其是从巴洛克时期。

    There are allusions to earlier music , particularly from the baroque .

  28. 典故作为语言的精华和人类智慧的结晶,是中国传统文化丰富多采的一部分。

    Allusion is quintessence of Chinese language and crystallization of human wisdom .

  29. 因此他对典故的改造程度要比别人深。

    Thus the transformation of his story more than others .

  30. 他们认识到了英文典故与文化背景知识之间的关系。

    They realized the relationship between EAS and the cultural background knowledge .