
shǒu kào
  • handcuffs;shackle;manacle
手铐 [shǒu kào]
  • [handcuffs;manacles] 锁住犯人双手的刑具

手铐[shǒu kào]
  1. 他戴着手铐被带了过来,交到了我手里。

    He was led in in handcuffs and delivered over to me .

  2. 他戴着手铐被送进了监狱。

    He was led away to jail in handcuffs .

  3. 他打开了比利的手铐。

    He unbolted the shackles on Billy 's hands .

  4. 其中有个人大声抗议,美国人就把他铐上塑料手铐带走了。

    One of them protests loudly , and the Americans cart him away in plastic handcuffs

  5. 他把她的胳膊扭到背后,在她手腕上拷上一副手铐。

    He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists

  6. 两名被手铐铐在一起的囚犯试图逃跑时分别往电灯杆两边跑,结果没逃掉。

    Two prisoners bungled an escape bid after running either side of a lamp-post while handcuffed .

  7. 他戴着手铐被带入法庭。

    He was brought into the court in handcuffs .

  8. 警察给疑犯戴上了手铐。

    A policeman put handcuffs on the suspect .

  9. 警察喀嚓一声把手铐铐到了他的双腕。

    A policeman snapped handcuffs around his wrists .

  10. 一个朋友看见可怜的约翰戴着手铐,感到很震惊,问道:“约翰,你为什么被捕了?我以为你和你妻子离婚了就没什么麻烦了。”

    A shocked friend , on seeing poor John hand-cuffed , asked , " John , why are you under arrest ? I thought your troubles were over when you divorced your wife . "

  11. 1954年,奥利以笔名波丽娜·雷阿日(PaulineRéage)发表了《O的故事》(StoryofO),这是一部以施虐受虐为主题的小说,充满皮鞭、手铐和锁链。

    Aury wrote " Story of O " ( 1954 ) , a sadomasochistic novel replete with whips , cuffs and chains , under the pseudonym Pauline R é age .

  12. 自从ISIS建立了哈里发政权来表明自己是全球穆斯林教徒的合法统治者,他们就已经给自己戴上了手铐。

    Once ISIS claimed to be the legitimate leaders of all Muslims worldwide by declaring the caliphate they tied their own hands .

  13. 脚镣;手铐vt.束缚;加枷锁例句互联网发明是为了丰富我们的生活,连接你和我,为提高工作效率,而非束缚我们的枷锁.迷信是人们思想的一大桎梏。

    Internet is invented to enrich our life , and to improve the efficiency of our rather than shackle us with a chain . Superstition is a great shackle on men 's minds .

  14. 美国说唱歌手维兹·卡利法(WizKhalifa),本名卡梅伦·吉布里尔·托马兹(CameronJibrilThomaz),8月份时因为在加州的洛杉矶机场拒绝从悬浮滑板上下来,被海关官员铐上了手铐。

    USrapper Wiz Khalifa , whose real name is Cameron Jibril Thomaz , was handcuffed by customs officials in August after refusing to get off his hoverboard at Los Angeles Airport in California .

  15. 你上去试试看能不能开手铐。

    Go up top and see if you can unlock him .

  16. 把手铐拿掉好让他看报。

    Take the cuffs off , so he can read it .

  17. 我早应该拘捕他,让他帮上手铐。

    I should have arrested him and put him in cuffs .

  18. 你总是在别人家庭聚餐的时候把人带走铐上手铐吗?

    You always jerk people out of family dinners in handcuffs ?

  19. 这种情况通常被称为黄金手铐困境。

    This is often referred to as the golden handcuffs dilemma .

  20. 给他扣上手铐拖他回来。

    Throw cuffs on the bastard and drag his ass here .

  21. 大人,政府规定要戴电子手铐。

    Your honor , the government asks for an electronic bracelet .

  22. 他脸朝下躺着,双手被手铐铐在背后。

    He lay face down , his hands cuffed behind him .

  23. 你都随身携带手铐的吗?

    Do you always carry handcuffs ? Down , girl . -

  24. 犯人戴着(一副)手铐。

    The prisoner wore ( a pair of ) handcuffs .

  25. 警察在犯罪现场给嫌疑分子戴上了手铐。

    The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime .

  26. 他们给他上了手铐送去康复了。

    They 're shackling him and taking him to recovery .

  27. 你不能阻止我,把手铐打开。

    And you 're not gonna stop me , so uncuff me .

  28. 卡尔森给这个人锁上了手铐。

    Carleson locked the manacles around the man 's wrists .

  29. 但是情况有变,打开手铐。

    But then something happened that made it , shoot right out .

  30. 他第三次挣脱了手铐。

    A third time he freed himself of his manacles .