
shǒu jǐn
  • hand-tight;closefisted;tightfisted;lack of money
手紧 [shǒu jǐn]
  • (1) [closefisted]∶指不随便花钱或给人财物

  • 此人手紧,但并不缺钱

  • (2) [lack of money]∶指缺钱用

  • 花钱无计划,到月底就手紧了

  • (3) [hand-tight]∶单独用手所能达到的紧度的

  • 用手紧的螺母

手紧[shǒu jǐn]
  1. 前面加上cheap则表示某人“手紧”的本性,与他后天形成的缺点无关。

    Cheap was added early on to refer to a person ’ s tight-fisted nature rather than any of his other perceived inadequacies .

  2. 这把我的手紧紧拉着的小小歌手。

    In this small singer holding onto my hand .

  3. 我全身都绷紧了,手紧紧握住枪。

    My hole being went tense and I tightened my grip on the gun .

  4. 在财政上一点手紧。

    Being a little tight on finances .

  5. 她的手紧紧地抓住我的手套,她说她没有任何的理由剪掉这些花。

    With her hands clutching at my sleeves , she told me that by no means should they be cut .

  6. 弗洛伦斯独自一人留下时,她头低垂在一只手上,另一只手紧压着激烈跳动的心,思潮汹涌,愁绪万千。

    Florence left alone , laid her head upon her hand , and pressing the other over her swelling heart , held free communication with her sorrows .

  7. 应用流体力学理论,通过手紧位置螺纹通道流体能量损失的求解和手紧位置处的密封实验,研究了螺纹脂的密封能力。

    Applying fluid mechanics theory , sealing ability of thread compound is researched by calculating the energy loss of thread passage at hand tight position and the sealing experiment at hand tight position .

  8. 默西尔离去后,克莱因起身走到一个壁炉台前。他低着头,两只手紧插在外套两边的口袋里,无所事事地望着一块放在煤烟熏黑的炉栅架上的新干柴,沉思起来。

    After Mercier left , Klein walked over to a fireplace mantel and stared idly at a new log on the soot-coated grate , head bent , hands shoved in the side pockets of his coat .

  9. 我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。

    I fumbled in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes , which had escapedtheir search . I found one and because of my shaking hands , I could barely get it to my lips .

  10. 我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题。

    I became terribly nervous . I fumbled in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes , which had escaped their search . I found one and because of my shaking hands , I could barely get it to my lips .

  11. 他在1991年发行专辑《危险》,采用了单色调,黑色或者白色,但是被批评说暴力场面太多。专辑里有杰克逊砸车窗,用手紧紧握住自己胯部的场景。

    His 1991 's release , " Dangerous , " only produced one top-ranking single - " Black or White " - and that song earned criticism for its violent ending , in which Jackson was seen smashing car windows and clutching his crotch .