
pò tí
  • the first of an eight-part essay, explaining the essence of the title in one or two sentences;interpret the theme
破题 [pò tí]
  • [interpret the theme] 唐宋时应举诗赋和经义的起首处,须用几句话点破标题要义。八股文的第一股,用一两句话说破文题的要义

破题[pò tí]
  1. 登台演戏我还是破题儿第一遭。

    This is the first time ( that ) I 've acted on the stage .

  2. SEE生态奖的破题之望

    The Breakthrough of SEE Award

  3. 中国绿色GDP核算破题

    China starts to execute the Green GDP calculation

  4. 翻译几道破题显示个什么!

    The translation is several to reveal a manifestation what !

  5. 而破题的关键在于法律选择。

    The key to the difficulties is the legal choice .

  6. 布局成为此次破题的关键。

    The layout become the key to overcome the difficulty .

  7. 破题:有人认为音乐对于社会很重要。

    Topic : some people think music plays an important role in society .

  8. 迫切需要理论界去研究、去破题。

    An urgent need for theoretical circles to study , to the essay .

  9. 我干这样的差使确实也是破题儿第一遭。

    It 's certainly the first time I 've had an assignment of that kind .

  10. 社区卫生北京破题

    Beijing to Develop Community Health Service

  11. 专家破题:中小企业融资难症结何在

    Expert talked about SME financing problem

  12. 成品油定价改革破题

    Dominoes to Oil Pricing Reform

  13. 但作为农村牧区医疗保障制度,还只是刚刚破题。

    However , as a medical security system in the rural and pastoral areas , it is only the beginning .

  14. 从交通破题,为交通提速,重庆交通建设步入了发展快车道。

    To solve the traffic problem and to gain speed of transportation , Chongqing is on an express lane of traffic construction .

  15. 既然是破题儿第一遭,人们自然期望主办国能够树立好榜样,确立高标准。

    Since it is the first yog , everyone would expect the host to set a good example and a high standard .

  16. 这最后一笔完全是忧郁之感,是柯帕乌在他们有友谊之后破题儿第一次说到,但是情况已经改变了他。

    The last touch was one of pure gloom , the first Cowperwood had ever introduced into their relationship but conditions had changed him .

  17. 第一章立足于破题,力图将准司法这个非学术性的概念通过学术性的逻辑思路进行分析。

    The first chapter is to " interpret the title ", and to analyze the non-academic concept of " quasi-judicial " in an academic logical path .

  18. 实现农村科学发展的破题之作&学习十七届三中全会《决定》的体会

    A New Thinking Way of the Implementation of Scientific Development in Rural Areas & Learning f the " Decision " in the Third Plenum of the 17th CPCC

  19. 总的来说,文章的破题很有问题,结构也写得不好,每个段落里总有那么点奇怪的地方。语言相当一般,没有任何闪光的句子。

    To sum up , I agree with one side of this statement , yet the speaker overstates the comparative significance of individual concerns in terms of education .

  20. 本部分开篇破题,直接提出本文的立场:活法理论是法律社会学的方法。埃利希反对当时的实用主义法律研究方法,认为法律不同于裁判规范。

    At the beginning of this part , the author brings forward the standpoint in the whole text that the living law theory is the method of legal sociology .

  21. 那只威风凛凛的猫在一场战斗中屈居下风,这是破题第一遭。就是公债大王赵伯韬,有名的大户多头?威风凛凛的大个子?

    It was the first encounter in which that regal cat came off second best . Chao Po-tao the stock-king , the famous big bull , a big , imposing-looking man ?

  22. “大卫生”成为此次机构改革的先行领域,背后是被寄希望新医改由此破题。

    As the pathfinder field of this round of government reshuffle , the reform of the Health administration is derived from the public hope for a breakthrough of new medicine reform .

  23. 进行公务用车改革,早已成为各界人士普遍共识,但如何改革却始终难以破题。

    Car system reform has already become the common understanding of the people from all walks of life . But how to reform is always hard to " breaking title " .

  24. 翻译几道破题显示个什么!还真有一帮苍蝇围着你,你的虚荣心得到满足了吧!我和你一起实习过,你该知道我是谁了吧?

    Translation revealed several succinctly stated what ! Really a bunch of flies around you , you satisfy the vanity ! I join you in practice , you know who I am right ?

  25. 唯财务治理与公司治理的安排有关,因此第一章从公司治理破题,进而探讨财务治理的重要性与责任,并引出审计委员会的作用;

    Since financial governance and corporate governance are closely related , the first chapter introduces the corporate governance and the importance and responsibilities of financial governance , then lead to the effect of audit committees .

  26. 但繁荣的资源型经济也使得山西经济发展面临着诸如资源日渐枯竭、产业结构单一、资源浪费严重、生态环境恶劣、安全生产形势严峻等一系列问题,山西经济的可持续发展亟待全面破题。

    Shanxi resource-based industry expansion causes a series of problems , such as resource exhausting , single industrial structure , wasteful use of resource , abominable ecological environment and sever situation of safety in production . These all threaten the economic development of Shanxi .